General Discussion

General Discussion10 Hero Challenge Thread!

10 Hero Challenge Thread! in General Discussion


    Seems to be relatively ok, although I'm dreading Alch and Visage

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      Anyone that rolls Visage, Meepo or Chen has my deepest condolences.


        So far I got:




          close enough


            I gave up on mines after having more carries then supports ;P

            Miku Plays

              im Hats

              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                really it was all that I cared about.

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                  MELODY Y U DO DIS I CANT DO IT

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                  Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                    Sampson and satie would be proud.

                    Donald Duck

                      Got Meepo, rolled, got Chen. Ty Volvo.

                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                        I wish I had chen :(

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Finally done, damn Broodmother and SF were hard. I had all the other ones in one game but these suckers took 3 games each.


                            Don't go Mek on Visage, he isn't a Mek carrier regardless of what retarded pubbers say. Get medallion, atos, hex, forcestaff, aghanims, etc.


                              On N-Gage league i played many games with Visage and medallion worked nicely, but on pub mostly the meka still seemed a better choice. :D

                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                He's a 4 role support that benefits from additional armor. Dont listen to that Aui fan boy Wink.... fuckin greedy ass support... Medallion +1, play your role. He's not a 3. Hex is very unlikely unless you play like me and KS 24/7


                                  wtf are you people complaining about visage, this hero is like a free win for you...


                                    greed = win
                                    visage is meant for aggressive, greedy lineups. if you cant go greedy on a hero that literally spams dagons, then you already lost.

                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                      Aggresive is the opposite of greedy. If you are a greedy lineup, you just farm and play passively. But if you are an aggresive lineup, you just don't let the others farm and you farm "heroes" instead.


                                        ^thats what i call greedy, i consider passively sitting in the jungle for 40 minutes not greedy because youre playing defensively


                                          I rerolled into Visage :(. Should have stuck with my 1 game experience voker.


                                            ^dude just do the bb code

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                                              Bounty Hunter- Check - Took two tries but got it down, no real problem.
                                              Slark- Check - First time playing him, tons of fun, but a real glass cannon.
                                              Crystal Maiden - Check - EZ win EZ lyfe
                                              Faceless Void - Check - First time playing him, only chronosphered my team once, I consider that an accomplishment.
                                              Shadow Shaman - Check - My boy, got it done on my first try.
                                              Razor - Check - Glad I got a win with him, usually I tend to suck with Razor.
                                              Wraith King - Check - Someone told me Wraith King takes skill, lmao, OK. Pub Stomp'd.
                                              Abbadon - Check - Again another easy pub stomper.

                                              All I have left are:

                                              Elder Titan - Going on my fourth try, hate this hero I feel useless almost all the time.
                                              Miriana - Can't get my skillshot to hit the back side of the barn.


                                                So how had has this messed with your record? I was 52.96 when I started now around the 51%

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                                                    Pugna was a pain in the ass for me.

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                                                    Sexy Vicious

                                                      I had to reroll my Tusk, Ember, and Troll Warlord.

                                                      I got Clockwork, Treant, and Chen. Chen is really cool but micromanaging is too hard for me. maybe they will give us more heroes


                                                        Goddamn Meepo. I did it.

                                                        My global KDA with Meepo is like 0.03


                                                          I don't see why you guys complain about Meepo, Visage or Chen. The micro really isn't that hard and in Visage/Meepo's case you can just select all units and just right click your way to victory.


                                                            I can agree 'bout Visage, but not 'bout Meepo. This guy is weak. Extremelly weak. His powers is multi farming, almost global presense, unlimited ensnare and decent AoE nuke. Problem is, that without micro you can't make use of these powers. And given equal xp lvl (which is goddamn terrible level of Meepo player aka my level) almost any hero can kill you in one-on-one fight if enemy player is smart enough.

                                                            I somehow managed to win my last game due to The Space (yep) created by my teammates, which allowed me to go all three lanes and jungle simultaneously for like 5 minutes.


                                                              Sam: Aggresive is the opposite of greedy. If you are a greedy lineup, you just farm and play passively. But if you are an aggresive lineup, you just don't let the others farm and you farm "heroes" instead.

                                                              Wink: ^thats what i call greedy, i consider passively sitting in the jungle for 40 minutes not greedy because youre playing defensively

                                                              Greedy: "greedy for money and power"; "grew richer and greedier" - People who are greedy are a little too interested in having something. Usually, that something is money.

                                                              "Greedier draft will be stronger IF they can secure farm safely without losing too much. However their lanes are more likely but not guaranteed to be weaker. They are called greedier because they are wanting more gold."

                                                              Sorry, I had to cause I LOL'd.


                                                                Question if you re-roll will you lose the heroes you already won with? I don't feel like playing Elder Titan or Miriana and rather test my luck.


                                                                  You will not. It is even in a tooltip.


                                                                    I can play Mirana for you, just add on steam $5.


                                                                      re-rolled got Disruptor and Dark Seer those I can work with.


                                                                        Almost done! With the remaining heroes I've won games before, should be easy!


                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          Did it! Man, Banshee is such an easy mode...

                                                                          Mikkei Combine


                                                                            I just finished mine.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              i did complete mine but i wonder if i re-roll the heroes.. my 300 points that i gained will be reduct or reset back to 0 without reduct my level.

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!