General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone please analyse my Storm Spirit game

Someone please analyse my Storm Spirit game in General Discussion

    So i just played my first real match as storm spirit after practicing against bots, and it went rather well. I want to know what i did right with the hero, what I did wrong, and what is ok at the moment but needs to get better. is the match ID

    Things I've established myself:
    Work on the last hitting, was quite hard against Sniper but I'm sure i could do better;
    Work on executing combos to get the most damage out of R -> E -> W -> E -> Q -> E combo


      its really hard to find mistakes in a game where you stomped, why dont you link us a game where you played like shit in?

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        well that was my first game, i was wondering if there was anything that i actually did wrong, in terms of like positioning, skill build etc


          Since I don't feel very well to play I'll go watch the game. Add me and I can tell things you could've done better. :-)


            I don't believe that theory. Its always better to fix a game where you stomped in cause there is always something that could of made you stomp even harder and farm in between the stomping. When you analyze a bad game, its always pointing the obvious like missing a last hit, not going on a certain kill or people out of position making a mess. Games where people play well are the ones where they ignore what they could of the done better the most. However, I cant analyze the storm spirit game for mine is actually weak.


              Well. This is a very low skill game I noticed.

              in the first 2 waves u had 1 lasthit and 2 denies. The 2 first waves should be 100% lasthit, you simply use your remnant, but you didn't even use mana the entire laning phase. I'm not interested in talking about a game like this cause you should probably get on a decent skill level before there is any reason to analyze a game.

              No offense ofc.

              kanye went to uni

                Skill 3 levels of pull earlier I think, most situations it's better (so like q-e-w-w-w). Level 1 remnant still does a decent amount of damage and usually you should max it last (but skill it first because the other spells don't do anything at level 1); the slow and disable are generally better.


                  terrible skill build.

                  going 4-1-1-1 then 4-1-4-2 is terrible. generally people get 3 points into vortex and max overload, and remnant is maxed last. 3 in vortex will guarantee remnant has time to prime, and also pulls the enemy close enough to the remnant to explode.

                  generally you go 1-3-1-1 then 1-3-4-1, sometimes people go 1-1-3-1 then 1-3-3-1 then 1-3-4-1 though or something. you should never max vortex last though. 4 points in remnant and 1 in vortex is useless because remnant won't even hit for one, and second being that your disable time is terrible, and disables are still useful even if you don't use remnant.

                  remnant's damage increase costs mana, overload does not. also each point in remnant only adds 40 magic damage. each extra point in remnant increases damage done by 0.5 seconds worth of DPS, and also guarantees remnant hits, further increasing damage, making remnant the last spell to max. if you max overload first, then vortex beats remnant for damage. if you skill vortex first, then maxing overload next is better than remnant because you do more damage, and it doesn't cost extra mana either.

                  Here's an example of Overload being better than Remnant:

                  • 2 points into Remnant and 1 in Overload, versus 1 point in Remnant and 2 in Overload

                  • 2R + 1O = 180 + 30 = 210 damage, for 80 mana

                  • 210 / 80 = 2.625 damage per mana.
                  So each point of mana spent deals 2.625 magic damage

                  • 1R + 2O = 140 + 50 = 190 damage, for 70 mana

                  • 190 / 70 = 2.714 damage per mana.
                  So each point of mana spent deals 2.714 magic damage

                  • 2.714 > 2.625, therefore maxing Overload is better than Remnant even if you only use Remnant. This doesn't even consider the extra damage you'd get for casting Ball Lightning or Electric Vortex

                  Normally when ganking you'll be using all 3 of your spells. If you put an extra point into Remnant, that's only 40 extra damage. If you put an extra point into Overload, with the exception of the first point, that's at least 60 extra damage per point in Overload, since you're casting at least 3 spells and each extra point past the first gives you 20 more damage per spell cast. More spells cast make Overload even better than Remnant.

                  Your GPM is pretty poor for someone who has 13 kills. If you're snowballing that hard I would've expected a 5k item on top of that, not just Orchid + BKB. Bloodstone, Linkens, or Scythe probably. I might watch the replay later but I assume it's because you tried to go gank with every rune you picked up and ended up just waiting in the trees instead of farming. Don't try and force kills, it's so much more reliable just to spend time farming which simultaneously split pushes, and then participating in guaranteed kills instead of wasting time not getting kills that don't give alot of gold either (compared to farming creeps + towers).

                  BKB probably was too defensive, the only reasons you'll die are the disables that go through BKB, Bane gripping you even with BKB active would have led to your death since it still drains mana, duel silences you, so you can't use your mobility to your advantage, and the other 3 magical spells you'd want to block are either headshot (the minibash), cask, or maledict, the latter two which are easily dodgable - simply ball lightning before each damage tick to prevent the damage of maledict, or if stunned by cask, zip out while it bounces, and headshot's stun being useless against you since you should be able to 100-0 sniper before he gets an attack off, or if you're man-fighting him, zipping around so he's forced to constantly waste time turning.

                  the bit about overload vs remnant i copied from a comment i made ages ago so don't think that i'm dedicated or anything.


                    Low GPM is probably more due to bad last hitting more than forcing kills, I'll admit my last hitting was pretty bad this game

                    Also regarding my skill build, I remember seeing a guide saying max overload over Q, but i couldnt remember which way around the build went so I went 4-1-1-1 because it was doing ok for me

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                      It's not your lasthitting being bad, it's you don't know how to play. You're not spending mana in lane to farm or anything.
                      You just try to lasthit by rightclicking, when you should use ur remnant to farm aswell. Sniper can't deny versus remnant if you didn't know.

                      I say it again, use ur remnant for easy lasthitting.

                      casual gamer

                        A few things:

                        Overload points > remnant points.
                        Get 3 stun by 5 or you're worthless
                        Get remnant first and cs with it in lane = fast bottle
                        Sniper shouldn't outcs you at level 1 - he has 39 base damage
                        Farming isn't just csing, but when to rotate lanes or take jungle creeps + staying safe
                        When killing someone, ball in-attack-stun-attack-nuke-attack-ball-attack. Every wasted overload is 90 damage lost

                        General advice, don't make excuses to yourself or others. Focus on moving on and improving