General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf Ogre Magi Please

Nerf Ogre Magi Please in General Discussion

    Dear god, why is ogre so strong. More imbalanced than ember!


      Afraid I've got bad news, Mina...



        BRB trying this in bots


          That hero is too strong. Now with the new buff he's stronger





              to be fair, this was your windrunner


                I've always thought of Ogre as being one of those characters that is very very strong but no one really wants to play because of his "uncool" appearance. I am one of those people. But that being said, he is incredibly annoying during the laning phase and transitions into an amazing support with his buffs and chance of multicast. Overall a VERY solid hero, but I'll probably never play him. Shame.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  He's not strong at all. He's pretty much as Necrolyte: needs lvls and farm to be effective, which you won't get as a support. You have big mana problems until you get two big items (which may take a while if you're supporting). Zero harrassment potential. Zero early utility because of the tiny mana pool. On top of that, your success is luck based most of the time. Sure, you can melt supports/squishy carries if you get a 4x multicast, but what if you don't? Then you might lose the fight.
                  The only way I could see him to be played is as an EXTREMELY situational mid or in a 1v1 lane against another weak melee hero, as a core.

                  The Ice Truck Killer

                    ^doesn't need farm to be effective. Easier to farm with than most supports because of ignite. You don't really have mana problems, soul ring means you can spam your spells in a fight whilst farming creepwaves consistently with ignite. Has decent harassment potential due to having 5 armour and fireblast/ignite (don't cost a lot in the laning stage, you'd be surprised how many you can throw out). Even without multicast, you get an AOE slow + decent damage that prevents blinking out , single target stun which you can use at least 3 times in a fight and is basically impossible to dodge. I'm sure on average he gets an average of 2x multicast with level 16/aghs (if you can farm it - unlikely though) but I haven't done that maths. The only reason he isn't picked is because there are better supports that offer more/better disables with better utility like damage reduction although I do think this is unjustified as bloodlust is a free drums active for everyone on your team.


                      It would of been believable if he also went blink dagger.



                        Grace Field

                          that's what you get for tryhard picking phoenix and ember in your 4stack


                            @ KVH
                            LOL you were in the game. That was my first time playing phoenix XD

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