General Discussion

General DiscussionI need your help, Match Analyzers!

I need your help, Match Analyzers! in General Discussion
Henry Land

    p.s im not complaining here, just trying to improve myself.
    Hey guys, i recently just completed a rather weird game.
    Hope you guys could spend a few mins watching the gameplay.
    i tried my best to save the game, but i couldnt.

    1. some people are so impatient, i said i need to rc and they unpause the game.
    2. i have no idea whats going on, and how did we lose the game.
    3. im not lagging badly, just some spikes.
    4. they are stack of 5
    5. i tried my best to be a support, buy wards.

    pls gimme some advice as to what i should do and react to save the game.
    p.s im not complaining here, just trying to improve myself.


      I'm not going to analyze the game, but you should post the link to the game.

      Going out on a limb and saying you're talking about your Visage game. 9 Tower damage for the entire time is just plain bad. Taking early towers (or at all) are important, because it gives you a lot of gold and denies the other team vision/tp locations.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        ^xd common sense *************

        Henry Land


          yap, thank you for advice. really appreciate it.


            If you're talking about your Visage game, here's what I think.
            I only watched the first 10 mins, but I think that's enough in this case. Your team was terrible, and as a support there's not much you can do about it.
            Things you did wrong in the early game:
            -Single pull without stacking. You have to stack before you pull or make a double pull (pulling the hard camp near the easy one), otherwise the lane gets pushed harder than if you wouldn't have pulled.
            -Bad map awareness. Sniper got harrassed hard by enigma and you didn't even noticed.
            -Bad map awareness again. You let enigma freefarm your hard camp while you pulled. You could've zoned him out or at least contested the farm. Even blocking the camp would've been better, forcing him to stay in lane.
            -No rotation. You didnt gank mid even when he was losing the lane hard. Maybe you didnt notice, then back to the bad map awareness.
            Things your team did wrong: Everything.
            -With a huge attack range, Sniper played passive and never zoned Enigma out. That's fine if you're getting last hits, but he was pretty bad at it considering he had an uncontested lane (most of the time).
            -Zeus was a disaster. He lost a lane to a 500 hp morph. 4 last hits by 7 mins in. He could have nuked morph HARD but he did nothing. Zero rune control. Basically he just sat there and soaked xp, giving all the space morph wanted.
            -Batrider was bad too. Gave up a first blood which he could have avoided just by taking another escape route (river).
            -Doom decided to go for a midas even knowing that his team was doing badly (and if he didn't know, bad map awareness).

            It all comes to the space you (as a team) gave them to do whatever they wanted to do. Enigma never had a hard time farming the lane/jungle (despite his first death). Morph had literally free farm. All Bat did at bot was feeding Spec/NP. This space gave them a HUGE gold advantage (morph's net value was twice as much as your hard carry's by min 7).
            IMO, even if you harrassed the hell out of Enigma and ganked mid a few times, you would've lost the game anyways.

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