General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do you guys go rapier?

When do you guys go rapier? in General Discussion
casual gamer

    Do you buy it on most carries when you're behind? In a 10-30 score game where they outcarry I feel like a void/potm/weaver rapier could really change a game. Core on dusa/gyro after or before 1 defensive item?

    Best carries for rapier besides gyro/dusa? DK sounds ok and so does AM after heart, but obviously it's a very risky choice and not for when the game is going your way anyway


      late game and the game is even/you're losing

      rapier on clinkz works
      kunkka, luna, ember spirit


        Best DR carry is medusa, no doubt.


          honestly rapier should be gotten more than it is
          Think of it this way, if the enemy carry is 6 slotted and you get aegis BUY A RAPIER otherwise get one on a flashfarm hero (clears creeps and you can get on before the game is unwinnable) when your behind


            you get it when you're losing. if you die and lose the rapier, whatever, you were going to lose the game anyways, but DR also gives the possibility of a comeback.

            heroes that it's more effective on are ones that are really survivable so they won't lose it, have area of effect attacks, low attack times or very high burst damage which benefits only from more damage.

            wraith king has 2 lives and 30% lifesteal, so he's pretty surivvivable like dusa is, weaver has time lapse and geminate attack is a decent DR steroid, alchemist in ult form has a reduced BAT (base attack time) so he can attack as fast as a maxed out 1.7 BAT hero with about 200 extra attack speed

            i suppose at a stretch morphling might be a decent DR carrier since his attack speed can nearly reach the limit when he's level 25 and 6 slotted, and has a slightly lower than average BAT at 1.6 seconds

            one DR crit on bounty or PA can win the game by 1 shotting someone. tusk has a higher damage crit than bounty hunter but has a longer cooldown, still, neither BH or tusk are very survivable anyways.

            AM has a low BAT so even with 1 item slot not being used for an attack speed item, he can attack as quick as, if not quicker than most 6 slotted heroes, same with alchemist when he's in ultimate form

            ursa can attack 6 times very quickly, so a DR would give you 1800 more physical burst

            clinkz has strafe, and at level 25 you will have 97 agi from starting + agi gain, 20 from 10 attribute levels, and 130 from strafe, giving you at least 247 out of a possible maximum of 400. butterfly is probably the best AS item on clinkz since mjollnir and mask of madness don't work with searing arrows, making bfly the next highest AS item in the game at 60, so you've got 307/400 possible AS and you've still got 5 item slots left

            troll can reach max attack speed with no items, and has a lower than average BAT at 1.55s in melee form, so his lowest possible attack time is 0.31s compared to 0.34 that most heroes have, which is about 10% more DPS if you aren't kited

            luna, ember, kunkka and templar (somewhat) have aoe attacks so DR gives more than 300 extra damage per attack. e.g. if you hit 5 people with tidebringer it's 1500 extra damage for that attack. kunkka and ember can also be hard to kill, ember with a maximum 1250 cast range of SOF and has remnants, tidebringer having a 1200 range from the attacked unit, plus kunkka can use blink + x marks


              When KDA > 15

              Member Fapember

                when I feel victorious or conversely when I think that can win only with a rapier


                  When im playing CM and have too much money when the game is ending

                  Jay Ashborne

                    When you feel like throwing.


                      when ur winning hard

                      or makin a comeback/last stand


                        When I am 0-12-2

                        mr dee

                          when you hate your teammate so much you AFK farm a Rapier and suicide to the enemy team. in their fountain.

                          Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                            I once played against a bloodseeker that went rapier first item, but when he had it was such early game he could kill us so quick we coudnt kill hij, so he stille won :S

                              Yorum silindi

                                Personally I avoid going rapier in team games unless we are desperate and we are almost certain to lose.
                                Dropping a rapier it's quite bad and a double edges sword.


                                  Best DR rapier holders

                                  phantom assassin: 4.5x crits + mobile blink strikes


                                    IMO only Medusa and, probably, Leoric can afford having Rapier in their regular item build. So, if you're playing one of them - you can go for it in any game.
                                    Otherwise you should buy it only if there is no other way to win the game.

                                    In theory, carry Abaddon should be an excellent Rapier holder, but he is much more useful as a lane support than as a carry.


                                      I think leoric is kind of risky, unless you are also carrying a soul ring.
                                      Sounds stupid i know, but its quite good to have an emergency mana button.
                                      No mana, no ulty --> rapier lost

                                      as for Medusa, I am not sure, bude Abaddon for example is another risky factor, you just stop attacking him --> no regen


                                        When I said "Abaddon" I meant his 5 sec invulnerability. You sure can stop attacking him, but 5 seconds is more than enough for a Rapier holder to waste your team. Also, if you are for some reason carrying with Abaddon, Armlet is a must.

                                        Even on Medusa I won't go for Rapier as less than a fourth big item if I don't outcarried terribly.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          a. When you have a slight advantage and you want to end the game fast/increase your advantage in the midgame because they have much better lategame. Might be a little risky.
                                          b. When you're slightly behind in midgame/lategame and you want to comeback.
                                          I find it amazing in heroes with multiple targets damage (Kunkka, Sven, Medusa, Gyro), although it works for every carry.


                                            I get a divine on Lycan sometimes after I know they are defeated, but only when I have the aegis.


                                              "WHEN DO YOU GUYS GO RAPIER?"
