General Discussion

General DiscussionYour daily dose of entertaintment

Your daily dose of entertaintment in General Discussion

    I mean, If I can make arteezy not want to play anymore I think thats a talent within itself. Not to mention I called GG and we did lose, so it looks like I was right and arteezy was wrong haha.

    Bu yorum düzenlendi

      fucking scrub

      King of Low Prio

        being called the worst player he has ever seen and laughed at by thousands of people on stream for his horrible gameplay AND attitude. How does it feel?


          I enjoy the title "worst player" Cause I'm obviously going for that. I have to thank you guys as well for making threads about me and making me infamous on the dotabuff forums as well as arteezys stream. But of course he meant worst player as in attitude, gameplay wasnt much that game cause it was just arteezy doing his own thing which happened to be losing. So I flamed him and I didnt get mad he did.

          King of Low Prio

            they where flaming your gameplay

            'Worst treant I have ever qued into'

            is kinda calling you out on being bad at the easiest hero in the game...


              congrats hael, you become a treding topic.


                A pointless trending topic considering there's already a 1 mmr account out there.

                King of Low Prio

                  he is basically the Honey Bo Bo of the dotabuff forums


                    They werent flaming my gameplay haha, Unless you meant the chat but they even flame arteezys gameplay. Plus the game was pretty much already ruined to the point where I couldn't do anything but scout with guise and stack camps.

                    I said GG cause the game was done for because of the lack of objective driven enthusiasm. Only arteezy could of turned it around but even he was playing like a retard. Regardless if hes a good player, its a pub and its some egotistical Canuck that sometimes takes off more than he can chew. Remember sampson this is a bought account right? So his loss not mine haha.

                    At least Flop congrats me and who the fuck is Honey bo bo?

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    King of Low Prio

                      I almost feel bad for Hael because he actually believes what he is saying....




                          Dont get too lost in different spectrums of thinking sampson. Just because I'm not you doesn't mean I'm stupid, ignorant, naive, troll, liar, whatever. Just cause you hang around with all your dotabuff buddies, you spend a lot of time on dota, and you talk to the same people that think like you while agreeing with you, doesnt make you right.

                          You try to be callous and facetious about peoples posts or concerns about dota matchmaking or what have you, well this is my way of doing it.

                          King of Low Prio

                            I clearly play dota all day long -_-

                            You make it seem like everyone on dotabuff loves me(which is hardly the case). The thing is even the people who hate me still agree with me when it comes to you and your braindead account buying ways

                            King of Low Prio

                              Hael Logic

                              'MM is broken because when I buy accounts I feed, so obviously the 6k MM account I bought does not represent my skill level.'


                                Wrong, I don't think everyone loves you, I know you are annoying as a child. But you do on purpose with some weird insignificant cynical banter. No one directly agrees with you about me on here. I'm just stamped as an "account buyer" and then everyone else follows the bandwagon. Has nothing to do with anyones points in this place. An account buyer tried to put me on the spot about buying an account. When Ive stated before I did not buy the account. So there is nothing else i can tell you.


                                  Man let this man be the way he is. He bought an acc, and will go down in MMR really quick. For the next 30 games he will ruin other ppl games. Thats not nice, but I do not think that he will buy another account. Since it is a huge waste of money.

                                  He can't handle facts, he does not even appreciate help by good coaches, and flames one of the best solo midders on this planet.

                                  You do not need a degree to install and play dota. He seems to lack the IQ to play this game with more success. For sure he does not want to face the facts. So let it be.

                                  Maybe he is only 13 years old?
                                  Maybe he is some poor ass burgerflipper and can barley write and read?
                                  Or he has just autism or another disability?

                                  Still very kind act of charity by zenoth to help him. Jesus would be proud of you.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    See sampson^ you didn't even have to say anything to this guy

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      yup you are right people did not make up their own mind on how delusional you are, they all just blindly follow everything I say like sheep.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        The word of Sampson is the word of God


                                          I didnt say they blindly follow. But once they hear word on the street that I bought an account (regardless if true or not) thats the cool thing to do to (try to) insult me. Its kind of like if this was a fps forums and i was known for hacking and if everyone heard, i would just hear over and over that im a hacker (regardless if its true or not)


                                            The word of Sampson is a word of a NA Dota scrub and is worth the same as word of every other scrub. Deal with it.


                                              Too many verbal diarrhea posts (verbosity if you are fancy).


                                                My favorite part is that people think that I ruined my reputation over Twitch and Dotabuff when those are the lowest branches of the Dota Community.

                                                Everyone thinks that I'm going to never be taken seriously on dotabuff forums like this cubicle of a forum is the holy grail of Dota discussion. I do not live to have a high reputation of a Dota forums that has 80% kawaii anime forum users and I sure as hell dont care about a stream site where 80% of them are just "kappa" spammers.

                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  You are right Hael

                                                  Guys I will clear up the confusion I made

                                                  Hael was living in Europe until a tragic breakup with his gf made him want to start a new life in the US. Once he moved to the US he said 'Since I started a new life here I will change up my all my favorite heroes and start playing support since US servers are extremely hard and he didnt think I could keep up with US dota talent.' He even went as far to completely change how he organised his items in his inventory when he moved to the US because his old item configuration reminded him of his ex gf.

                                                  Sorry for the causing a confusion guys

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    If you have a bad reputation among the people in the lowest branches...

                                                    Oh man, this is priceless. Just keep posting HǣL


                                                      I lost my girlfriend from a bombing during the European war of 2013 so I moved to the States to get away from it all, but her memory still haunts me. All I do now is drink whiskey and yell at people in Dota because I am angry at the world.


                                                        That doesn't make any sense Zano. Thats like me getting worked up cause a kid with down syndrome isn't fond of me.


                                                          It makes perfect sense, this is about a bad reputation for being bad, not for attitude. If the kid with down syndrome can tell you are horrible at doing something, then what can you expect of yourself?


                                                            Thats a huge misconception. I'm bad for my attitude, but we all know as humans on a group level people dont admit someone being decent at something or good if they are a shit human being. I'm seen as an account buyer or troll in games and because I do that, I must be bad. But I dont think ive played with anyone here.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              you where legit caught on stream playing like a complete mongoloid, nobody on this forums want to play with a known account buyer (no matter how hard you try to add me)

                                                              Jorges Sanz

                                                                why feed the troll


                                                                  Hael, the whole world knows you're TERRIBLE at dota, can you just quit already, you are literally the reason why people think this game has a toxic community.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    But Wink I've seen you play and players like you are the reason I didn't want to continue being in ESP. Those inhouses were fucking trash and a waste of time. Even on bad days i'm better than you. I was mostly playing the way I did cause well, I wasn't playing. I didn't feel like playing. You talk about me buying accounts and what not. But even on other accounts where I abandon, rage, and throw I still have a higher mmr than the people who talk shit the most. The community wouldn't be so bad and toxic if you guys didn't love to be so belligerent and retarded. Not to mention to and antagonize and love to feed trolls. I'd love to fuck up some borderline feministic transgender freak like wink just because it would make him squirm.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      Continue being in ESP? Really? Are you implying you got in?

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        Uh yea, I was a tryout and the inhouse system made me puke so I just removed my "recruiter" and that was that. You even have one of my friends that you tried to recruit and he decided to not join with me. Why would anyone want to join when some sensitive asshole that is bad at dota is the recruiter?

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          You call inhouse shit, yet when I ask people who played with you, they say you were terrible. Obviously you think inhouse is bad for you if you get fed on like a lamb in a lion's den. Dacheat is currently an applicant, he said he enjoys inhouse.

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            ROFL once he gets caught in a lie he makes a completely new story. The fun never stops


                                                                              HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is too fucking funny. Me terrible? Half the inhouses were people fucking up and trying to have this "oh its okay sweetheart" reaction to it. Another low blow attempt at me because of bitterness. Are we a wee bit sad that I didn't join this precious community? ;( awww poor baby.


                                                                                Okay I'm done with this troll. You can have fun in your little bubble where you think you are amazing yet the ENTIRE dota 2 community agrees that you are trash.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  You guys really need to invest in a detective or something. These hogwash claims and poor shittastic forms of evidence really have you believing shit. I left that shitty community, but I was on a TO period. Because I left and I was absent they declined me to go any further on their poorly done website. That doesn't mean they declined me because I was bad or a terrible person haha. It never fails with you guys.


                                                                                    FYI I don't think I'm amazing. If anyone wants to actually you know, talk to me or play with me you know where you find me, and it sure as hell ain't on dotabuff shit forums.

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      you would think being laughed at by thousands on stream as the worst treant protector ever to be seen on RTZ's stream would put a dent in this guys ego......................................but no his delusions are going on strong


                                                                                        hael meet blackwolf

                                                                                        blackwolf, hael


                                                                                          retarded person


                                                                                            Because sampson both of these places you talk about are full of sheep. They can't honestly say anything that has any merit whatsoever. Arteezy's stream is mostly people spamming N A G A B O Y S and G G B O Y S. They aren't someone I should even take seriously. I have a feeling you don't know how sociology works. I gave more credit than I should have.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              i saw this guy on arteezy's stream, i feel bad for him because it seems like he has mental issues

                                                                                              see a therapist dude

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                Like wise for being on Arteezy's stream. Autistic Canadian fun B O Y S

                                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                                  I love how Hael knows exactly what happens in RTZ chat yet he makes fun of people being in the stream.....

                                                                                                  Hatsune Miku

                                                                                                    too EZ for Hael


                                                                                                      Same shit happens in every other dota stream. They even do that in Beyondthesummit.

                                                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!