General Discussion

General Discussionthose lopsided games - just me or no?

those lopsided games - just me or no? in General Discussion

    i find that generally the best person vs the worst person (in lane), when already having a lane advantage, would tend to win more often than not.

    i.e. 4300 against 3400, the 4300 is in a safe tri vs the 3400 offlane.

    ofc mmr isn't shown prior so we'd have no way of knowing unless the person stated so truthfully at the beginning.

    i find these types of games difficult to win and end up falling short

    there's no doubt that i can make "better plays" but how and where?

    im generally always prepared to have an early game tp, but lately it seems mia calls, pings, "enemy has rune" / etc and even ward vision won't prevent certain people from overextending past t1 towers, making my tp quite null

    i feel like im goin delusional and maybe my level of play is just going downhill without my realizing it. idek


      Point me to the game in question. Also consider that if you are not going forward you are going back....there is no standing still.


        At the start a teamamte picked Disruptor, called mid. One of my teammates offers to pick another mid hero for him and support with Disruptor instead, but he adamantly refuses.

        Oh well. I tell the team to chill out since Disruptor actually can work out decently in mid and contribute with a fast agha.

        Cue Disruptor going 0-5 against Invoker by 10 minutes, with my teammates being "yeah right Disruptor mid". For the first time I thought I had an account buyer on my team.

        But I'm TB picking scum, so it all worked out fine, and he thanked me for carrying the game and wondered why he lost the lane so badly as he had previous made it work before. Well, until the end-game screen, that is.

        (4690 Disruptor laned against a 5806 Invoker mid)

        Games like this happen. Up to 4.5k though, the spread isn't very big unless you have stacks, and it doesn't really matter that much. You are just as likely to win from having your team's high-rated player snowballing off their low-rated player as vice versa, but we as humans generally remember the negative experiences more often. This is part of the game, just don't think about it too much and focus improving your own plays in general.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          almost every pub is a stomp because there are so many factors involved in making games even, but 99% of games are: Highest MMR player picks a stomp hero and goes mid/carry. The enemy team is worse than him and so he fucks them up. He snowballs and wins the game. He then says 'ez' in all chat and goes up ~25 mmr to repeat the process.


            Yeah there are lopsided games like that:


            I mean... Riki was babysat safe lane, my Razor dc'ed for 10 minutes, other team wouldn't pause, ES kept overextending in our hard lane and died like 6 times before razor came back to riki. Riki balled out of control, I didn't get blade mail or gank in time before he hit 6 because he hit it before me in the safe lane killing ES multiple times.

            Shit happens man, was not very pleased with this MMR matchup as they were avg 3.5k while my team was around 2.5K so a big spread. The Razor had a 47% win rate while the rubick had 53%, and a 1K difference.

            Shit happens man, I knew it was over when A. 3 out of the 5 people randomed mid heros and didn't change, and B. Razor dc'ed multiple times and no one would pause. Fuck it whatever.

            Dire Wolf

              Most matches are lopsided because of how a gold advantage snowballs in dota. You have a slight advantage, win a team fight, not only do you gain gold, other team loses gold. Now your advantage increases exponentially.

              The only games that usually aren't lopsided are ones where a real early team can't quite rax and the late game team ends up winning, or where one team has rat pushers like naga or lycan and they come back late.


                I had an unfortunate experience recently. I wish reporting someone prevented you from being on their team. It would prevent this:

                Match 612130757

                First ranked game the other team had a douchebag invoker, doing annoying stuff like pausing with ancient at 5% hp. Next game what do you know, he ends up on my team (along with another player from his team last game).

                He's muted, proceeds to spam "Well Played" all game. The other team lets us pause at the beginning for a teammate to reconnect. Our douchebag clinkz decides the other team doesn't deserve pauses and unpauses immediately when they pause.

                He then follows me for 5-10min, and only attacks to try and steal cs from me. Then he sells everything, buys 22+ sentries, feeds himself to pudge, and plants a sentry forest in our fountain.

                tl;dr = Sometimes games are lopsided bc muted assholes decide to ruin it. I just write it off an move on to the next one.


                  its just frustratin cause sometimes i can't even tell if i deserve to win or lose anymore lol

                  i dont like winning easily but i dont like losing easily either

                  @cpt. cave

                  speaking of ES, i had this one miss his stun entirely and ended up blocking our own ally preventin FB .__.

                  and lately ive been playin w/ my friend again who's back from the hospital and well he uh.... is pretty bad in terms of mechanics/knowledge but decent in execution. still find it hard to win when he goes 0-6 midas dazzle tho

                  Dire Wolf

                    You don't like easy wins? I love short easy wins. As long as it's an actual stomp, not vs bots where half their team dcs or stays in fountain.


                      @ (>^-^)> <(^-^<)

                      Yeah midas dazzle is.............. ummmm yeah well whatever. I've tried it since I drew first blood and got double kill which worked, but otherwise, no bad idea.

                      Check out my friend and his "carry keeper of the light" if you want to get into stupid builds

                      check the top 2......... keeper builds.......... urghhhh

                      @ Mark

                      I <3 ez wins who wants everything to be hard. i wish everyone had the same mentality of mine and when we're ahead by 20 kills in 20 minutes to just push mid and end the game. Makes no sense to jungle or farm lanes so dumb, and sometimes ends up buttfucking the game and throwing it.



                        i feel like i might be exaggerating when i say most of my losses lately are due to having 1 or 2 ppl feeding/dying excessively within the first 3-5 minutes, generally 0-3 to 0-7

                        and then the lanes slowly get wiped out by whoever got the xp/gold off of whoever fed

                        should I train on csing better? build different item choices?

                        i try to farm as much as possible w/o getting too carried away and leaving the team behind
                        but i'm stumped on what to do when I deduce a situation to be highly unlikely winnable.

                        i.e. enemy team is lvl 11/11/13/12/17

                        ally team is lvl 9/9/11/16/11

                        wards are down/dewarded, a lane is already being farmed, the enemies out level you, a lane is being pushed against you and 2-3 people are missing from the map.
                        let's say you're mid lane 2-1-2 (fairly reasonable)... what would you do? continue to farm/stack efficiently while you feel helpless? (or maybe i just dunno what to do). or try and stay near your team knowing that the likelihood of a kill is close to zero :/


                          i dont like those roflstomps, i like it when both teams are putting in equal contribution

                          which is why i sorta dislike this new push meta :/ im not saying im good with the pusher-type heroes or anything, but when i do win just by aiming towers/rax it just doesn't give me the same satisfaction for some reason lol (unless it's drow... i love ratting with drow)

                          im wishing for dotabuff to add some more statistics for users i.e. hero damage taken, tower damage taken, X amount of gold spent on obs/sents/etc, it'd be sweet if it could even depict which team has the "advantage" based off of hero vs hero advantage and disadvantage %. i.e. 4 carries 1 support vs 2 carries 2 support 1 tank

                          obviously generally a hard matchup (i think)

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!