General Discussion

General DiscussionMuted again for 1 week!

Muted again for 1 week! in General Discussion

    the worst thing about censorship is ******!

    King of Low Prio

      most invoker players are arrogant fucks who deserve to be muted. Running away at max movement speed and landing those CLUTCH tornado emp............

      King of Low Prio



          Lol i dont even play invoker!

          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            Yeah yeah.


              I am muted forever

              Quick maffs

                Playing wex invoker ? you deserve it


                  >Don't give up!
                  >Don't give up!

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    >Let's smoke gank.


                      Learn to use chatwheel.

                      a) Do not soloque, if you do:

                      Do not argue with retards. Do not pick supports. If team fails and you have a carry, you can at least try to lasthit:

                      Ask yourself:

                      "What would Burning do?"

                      Proceed with lasthits, hope that you do not get trapped in your base, try to get your items. Win game.

                      b)Que with mates

                      aa) Be five: No one rly to blame ingame.

                      bb) Be not with 5: Cover at least Pos 1,2 and 5. If the offlaner feeds, you can at least try to correct this on the other lanes. A feeding midlaner cannot be compensated.

                      Most important:

                      You can't win every game, if you do not abuse some shit (aka lvl 1 rosh and disc if it does not work). Losing is part of the game.


                        >Do not pick supports.
                        You can fuck yourself with such mentality.


                          "do not pick supports. "


                            Its for soloque. Sry but supporting random dudes has just too much frustrationpotential. Back then we had a 5 stack and i was pos 5. No problem with pos 5 for me, if i have team. But supporting some random russian dude? No ty.


                              C) don't listen to 9v1 he is a moron.


                                ^^ Better than a carry who will not get farm because your retarded teammates didn't pick a support/are taking last hits if they do, you'd better pick a snowballer hero who can farm other heroes early into the game. That's what your logic implies would be better.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Aha. Darkness with 1 support in top played (like me) suggests others to play more support. Your lina is no support, since you go full farm. OP asked how to avoid getting muted. Playing pos 5 is the most frustrating shit in the game, because your job is to enable others to do their job (thats why it is called support). So avoid the most frustrating role. Take pos 1,2,3,4. Only support mates you know. I do not play support in soloque.

                                  You can make a perfect supportgame, and some dickhead can fuck it up. I remember a game, where me and a mate supported 3 random dudes and made the midlane timber (russian) snowball 8-0 after 10 min. He then came top to gank. Dived 2 stunners to t2, died. Made instantbuyback, tped top again and did the same shit again...

                                  I went once to support an antimage who went manaboots and dagon...

                                  Why support morons like them?




                                  As a carry/mid/offlaner you can have bad luck and sucky lane supports, but you can still try to do something usefull by avoiding your team and farm. Even a full stomp can be some "kind" of fun, because you can try to get as many lasthits as possible. If you manage to get 3-4/cs in a game that has gone full retard, its still kind of success. As a support you will just be the leader of the feedingboard and have some fucking trash cis players blame you for feeding...

                                  No ty.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    I was muted as well for a week by some russians. I had a mute before for 2 days and then I played 6 games and in the last game 4 russians were constantly flaming and spamming their "Well Played" shit. I called them in one situation russian retards and explained that we should have gone into our woods and take out some enemy who was obviously lurking around.

                                    Mute for a fucking week right after the game. Obviously the system is just shitty.

                                    I have learned one thing, don't talk to these retards. Even if you try to explain to them what they did wrong they will consider it as flame and blame even though you genuinely just try to tell them what they did wrong from your perspective so they can reflect on it. Don't reference their nationality, it will give the system just a reason to ban you for racism.

                                    The thing I hate most is that you can't even take a look on why you have been muted. What is the point of getting muted if you don't know why you have been muted? In my case I knew exactly what I was muted for because it was the only sentence that I wrote after my previous mute.

                                    Fuck this shit, the only thing you can do is not talk down to anyone. If you are angry with someone just don't say anything - it will give them just some reason to report you. Generally just don't talk to russians or serbians, in their culture they perceive insulting your mom as a whore for something uncontroversial but they will get together and report you if you tell them that they are russian retards.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      I tend to only use the chat wheel unless I have to say something like "my bad" or "sorry". Except during drafting, I tell them I don't want a captain who wont listen to anyone, and that I'm open to all suggestions.

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        the system is working perfect if people like u are getting muted


                                          People who can barely drop a single sentence on an issue. Sampson your contribution to this discussion is 0


                                            never been muted, never met anyone muted in my past 2000 games...


                                              same with zenoth, i think in sea not much players who got muted.


                                                In EU at 5k+ mmr 80% of people i meet are muted(including me).

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  %90 of the pros are muted atm because the system is sensitive as fuck. If you screw up a gank and be kinda mad about it you may just end up saying "fuck" in the chat. This is not a flame, just a way of showing self-frustration. But this still gets you muted because it's a "flame word". That's how mute system is working right now.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    I trash talk all the time and never get muted. Need to up my game

                                                    Low Expectations

                                                      @Sam for me its more like meet russians on Eu west that Caps all russian words in chat. 168h mute next game

                                                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                        lol, How is that orchid invoker build?

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                          Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                            chatwheel invoker! lul


                                                              Hmmm, I lost big time over the past two weeks and haven't thrown out the verbal diarrhea, or been muted for 168h.

                                                              You must be a champ.

                                                              And to 9V1 don't play support? what a load of crap.


                                                                lol at these whiners saying he deserves it for playing invoker while your most played heroes are ember and slark

                                                                King of Low Prio


                                                                  yes that night of hell in which everything went wrong I constantly told off my teammates and there was mute

                                                                  people acting like 'I DID NOTHING WRONG' are delusional


                                                                    @ Sampson,

                                                                    Yeah IDK those games were terribad we played :( You told them off real good like you warned me. I think out of all the games my centaur offlane was shit, going 1/9 was super bad. I prefer safe lane centaur or a 2/1/2 combo going offlane with centaur. I didn't feed offlane so much that game but late game when I thought I'd init, except you, everyone would tuck tail and run, then we got roflstomped 2v5. No one had any testicular fortitude those games.

                                                                    Yeah I finally one 1 after that disappointment streak with the horrible WK game I had.

                                                                    Sat/sun i went about 50/50 on Sat, then sunday I hit 2 in a row wins.

                                                                    That first game, I thought you were going to go drow, so I picked a VS thinking the aura would be good, but you went ember, then forced safe lane. I think you only got to mid one game out of 4 because people wouldn't let you have it, so forced to safe lane. Not cool.

                                                                    EDIT: Yes you trash talked them but were constructive about it. I agree that SIR probably deserved it in some form or fashion. You don't just get muted because, theres always a reason man. You either were having a serious case of turrets to your team, and called them shit ass fuck cum guzzling gutter sluts dick head ass eating inbred sister fuckers, or you have an annoying voice. One of the two.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      I do not play support in soloque, thats all. I do support my own known mates, but srsly. In 3.6-4.1 K (my tier) the skill between players in terms of reading the game and decisionmaking is huge. I do not support random dudes.

                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                        So you don't support random dudes, but you expect them to support you?


                                                                          @ 9v1


                                                                          Real lucky getting supports like that in your mass spectre play recently. Still a selfish way to play but whatever.


                                                                            I do not expect anything in soloque. If my mates do not madfeed everything is allready cool. And I am not lucky with supports Caveman, thats actually my buddy I am playing with: VII - TGF. He plays mainly support, me mainly carry. With 1 Babysitter carrying is a hell lot easier.

                                                                            If we get our old 5 stack together I will shift to pos 5 again. Our old midlaner is missing out, so our "carry" has shifted to mid, me to carry, and we got another supportplayer in.

                                                                            The carryrole is the least fav role for my buddies, and I like to play it most. My buddies think its boring to farm the whole early-earlymid. I like farming, so whats the deal.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              Being muted can actually help you improve your play, especially if you're the kind of person you focus too much on feedin' teammates and less on your own play.

                                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!