General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the best supports that can deal with snowbally heroes?

What are the best supports that can deal with snowbally heroes? in General Discussion

    Like... Slark for example, of course. The Australian fish from the depths of the Ocean. Would Disruptor be good against Slark? If I remember Disruptor doesn't have a very long CD for his ult, so yeah, if Slookie wants to be a nuisance, popping the Disruptor ult should do a good job right? Assuming you kill him in that duration. I don't know if he can jump out of the kinetic field, but then again, he used that spell to catch someone.

    Is Disruptor one of those good heroes for this job? Who else?


    King of Low Prio

      alot of supports forget to buy ghost sept and end up being food late game. But basically any support who has alot of lockdown like shadow shaman


        So the extra amp'd magic damage that you take with the ghost scepter is not something you should worry about in the late game?

        King of Low Prio

          carries scale into late game with with physical dmg not so much magical dmg. Taking like 100 more magic damage to prevent 2k physical dmg can turn the tides of a team fight


            I think Treant Protector is a good counter to almost any snowball heroes.


              Ancient Apparation / Lich / Treant / Disruptor

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                Lion, SS, AA.

                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                  Can you micro? Visage familiars if controlled right can give you about 4 seconds of lead time, if coupled with grave chill or just tp you can usually juke well.


                    I think visage is a very good hero to counter snowball heroes. Number 1, he can steal the attack speed. Number 2, His second skill in a team fight usually fills up instantly, deals 400 max damage and has a 4second cooldown making it spammable. Number 3, he is naturally "tanky" having about 67% full stack magic resist and +20 armor. And lastly his familars deal insane amounts of damage and with good micro can perform amazing AOE stuns.

                    ~ I've been playing alot of SOLO Q Visage support :P


                      Force staff/blink/eul/ghost or preferably at least 2 of them, can save your ass in most circumstances.

                      Quick maffs

                        Disruptor is pretty good i think


                          Pudge support is pretty good for snowball heroes. Normally by 30 minutes you can have a blink/forcestaff and can hook/dismember their most vital player in a big fight, not to mention the fear that a pudge brings to the other team in the midgame.

                          Pudge support new meta


                            Bane and SS, but both of them require your team mates to not be dumb asses, there is nothing worse then using banes ult on a lone carry and then watching as your team runs away instead of takeing a free kill. wind(runner)ranger scales well too but she needs a little farm.


                              I feel it's important to mention that Slark's accent definitely isn't Australian.

                              Also +1 to Bane.

                              Low Expectations

                                If you want a snowball hero I guess Tuskar should be your choice


                                  Lich, He has a snowball on his hand.


                                    disablers doesnt work on high mmr games. axe, disruptor, aa are good counters for slark.


                                      fyi, timbersaw counters slark pretty good. All your skills deal aoe pure damage. This means that even if he ulties with low hp, you can deal significant damage enough to kill him. Obviously if you dont do your job and he snowballs out of control then gg for you.

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        You don't let them snowball. So any support that can gank or secure farm for your carry. There's not like a specific one.


                                          I would say depending on the hero. Omniknight for the slow aura/repel/ult for phys resist.

                                          Or you could go armor reduct. and do dazzle, if the other guy is high armor that is snowballing out of control.

                                          AA if they have high health regen/mana regen. AA has been a big game changer lately in a lot of my games for worse for me, or for better for the other team :(


                                            o ya

                                            treant's livin armor is annoyin AF

                                            AA's touch early game + blast with aghs is always annoyin too

                                            bane.... seriously i hate playing against bane when i have to go bkb

                                            disruptor's glimpse as a support is just ridiculously amazing... idk why people commonly go 4-1-4, i prefer 1-4-1.
                                            the insane range + 15 sec CD compared to 60
                                            and in the early game phase people are more on the aggressive and tend to underestimate/are unaware of glimpse's opness

                                            there was this one game where i was sure that fukin disruptor warded at and behind my tower at several points in the radiant offlane
                                            id be between my t1 and t2 tower and WHOOP back to the front of t1 i go.
                                            also making people waste TPs early on is really really annoying and defeats morale like no other...
                                            he'd sit in fog near the tower with obs vision and wait for a tp, then he'd just walk out and glimpse.

                                            imo slark is a support's worst nightmare sometimes :/ with a short inbuilt debuff skill you either have to wait for the purple shit to show before you do anything (which means it's sorta a guessing game)... bad for people with like .2-.35 cast animation for spells

                                            short animation/instant is always good... u can make the first move
                                            however long animation against him is good too so u can fake cast to bait out death pact

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I level up glimpse long before maxing kinetic field but I do level the nuke first. Like 4/4/1.


                                                On solo ranked i have almost perfect winratio on visage as support and is most likely one of the best around.