General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for Team ^_^

Looking for Team ^_^ in General Discussion

    I was hoping if I could get invited to any teams here.
    I'm actually good at playing the support role.

    I have 3K MMR, but I think that doesn't matter.. it matters on how the gameplay is and playing as a team to win

    Add me so we can play together



      King of Low Prio

        'I have 3K MMR, but I think that doesn't matter.. it matters on how the gameplay is and playing as a team to win'

        this comment will stop alot of people from playing with you, NOT because of the number but because of your delusions


          then again, don't forget to list what servers you play on and if you have competitive experience.

          but I wish you good luck.


            I play on SEA server, I have competitive experiences.. Local tournaments. I won 2 tournaments with my old team a long time ago.. It was DotA 1
            And plenty of bet games which we also play it competitively..


              I hate SEA... they love mid so much.... once I picked tinker, this guy picks pudge right after me.. so i repicked.. guess what? he decides to go top hehehe


                Don't generalize lol, we're different


                  I also have 1500 mmr but I think that doesnt matter is same as 7000, it matters on how the gameplay is and playing as a team to win.


                    Support Pudge?


                      Polaris I think you need to realistically understand where you stand in terms of your team positioning, personal skill, and ability to play in a "competitive team".

                      "I'm actually good at playing the support role." This is, like sampson said; disillusion nonsense. I am looking at your top heroes and more frequently played and I see no indication of supporting or experience in supporting.

                      Take for instance if I was to claim I was a good mid, statistically I am not a good mid so trying to find a team that will take me as their mid player will be hard. I haven't played mid in the longest time and will only do it occasionally if required. So now ask yourself the question. Are you actually a good support? (Tide is not a support and even then 26 tide games can't really tell us anything)

                      Your MMR doesn't matter in team play but the team play of a 5 stack in 3k and a 5 stack in 5k will be astronomically different and you will just constantly be out played and undone if you don't start with where you are.

                      Every game you play is competitive not just ones that you play in captains mode. I used to be a massively good Invoker in Dota1 and was a super high ranked player when garena ladder went up for a year or so but the game has changed. In Dota2 I am a shitty invoker and am no where to be seen on any kind of ladder or ranking.

                      Experience in the past doesn't equate to skill in the present. You need to accept where you are skill wise and that you are actually low skilled, not a bad player but how you play and the decisions are what is keeping you in that bracket of skill. I would not be looking for a team at this point as even TMM is a joke and if you have a good team is easier than a ranked game.


                      Stop playing pudge, ffs the hero is shit and you are worse at it.
                      Start playing offlane. You are a shit carry, a shit support, and a shit mid, but do ok offlane. #nobrainer
                      Buy the right items where you can, we all have bought shit items and continue to do so on occasions, but all the time???


                      >Bounty Hunter
                      >Dark Seer

                      Those are your top heroes in one way or another, how could you not see that you should be doing offlane and nothing else????

                      Not meaning to be harsh but sometimes you need the reality check to snap out of your mold and start to improve.

                      Ples Mercy

                        amazing. srsly just amazing.

                        How the hell do you expect to find a decent team with such a thread?