General Discussion

General DiscussionAny tips on playing a good morph

Any tips on playing a good morph in General Discussion
smelly cunt

    Hi guys, as the title states, do you guys have any good tips to playing more, on how to farm more efficiently with him, etc..
    I seem to have to rely on my team to make it to mid game, is there anything I can do?
    Pros out there, share with me your insight.

    Thanks :)


      dayum gurl

      You can and should farm aggressively as morphling, you have waveform and replicate to escape. (by doing this, you're creating space for your team, since it takes a lot of effort to shut you down).


        Skill build:
        Q (Waveform)
        S (Stats)
        Q (Waveform)
        S (Stats)
        S (Stats)
        Q (Waveform)

        Buy 6 wraith bands

        Right click heroes as soon as you get this (around 7minutes)

        Win game.


          Watch EE


            lol dandgang...

            watch ee and rtz

            i left her

              Stats op on morph mannnnnn

              If you are going the mid role, i''ll level morph lv1 and morph into agil till your hp reaches about 500-/+ ( if i dual lane i'll do the same, tri maybe lv1 waveform) and get a lot of stat items. I think i went like 3 iron branches, slippers of agil and more stats. You dont really need a fast bottle unless you really want to spam wave form but you dont really need to spam due to you having the ability to morph into agil and take cs better. So i'll make a wraith band asap then a wand. After that you can go bottle to spam your wave form to farm and harass with few worries of the enemy mid killing you due to the extra stats and wand. Your ult works really well mid if you are out of regen and couldnt get the rune. All you need is a tp and you ult the enemy mid. Once you had replicate the enemy just tp back to the fountain, bottling up and replicate back to mid. Now after you built your power treads (which should be built after your bottle) you may purchase a ring of health and build that into a linkens. You can also purchase a ring of health before your bottle or when you have just brown boots. The linkens can be skipped for a yasha first but linkens help morph so much with the extra stats and mana regen for your morphing plus it increases your survivability. With linkens morph is almost unkillable. Now theres at least 2 items you can get next. The eblade or the manta. The eblade is for snowballing since you can sometimes oneshot enemy supports. The manta helps the pushing if your team is having troubles pushing. Morph is also a great split pusher so if you're farmed you can just sell treads for BoTs. Well this is all i know for morph so gl and watch rtz play, maybe skip the midas in most sits.

              i left her

                Wow holy shit i just checked my morph win rate and im like sooooooooooo shit before rank .-. Now im 4-3 in rank with morph :d


                  <3 morph, favorite hero (on my main) If you have a solid team with free farm go linkens
                  Otherwise Rushing eblade is actually amazing and undervalued because it allows you to get solo kills at the cost of sustain
                  I don't think morphling should be played without an eblade, I don't recomend midas, 2k gold isn't worth it when items are so potent on him
                  BAIT HEROES you have the best spell in the game abuse it

                  i left her

                    Eh i dislike rushing eblade due to mana cost but i mean you'll have the bottle. Anyways your choice man


                      midas works if you're rtz
                      you can afk farm the entire game, your team will always 4 man counter gank tp and let you bottle crow for 20 minutes.

                      treads -> mw -> aquila -> linkens/e-blade

                      i left her

                        Rtz bottle crows so much i feel like he needs his own courier

                        casual gamer

                          If you can, try to pick morph when your team has a hardcore turtle hero like tinker. Otherwise it's just typical agi carry shit. You can farm with him like an antimage or Xin (push into enemy territory and escape with ult) and generally be a pain in the ass but the hero doesn't really start shining until you have a few items

                          i left her

                            Oh ya the replicate is a very good ult.

                            Using it early game so you can tp back in base and replicate mid.
                            Most people replicate an ally before a fight and put it in the back so you can ult if you're in trouble.
                            Also remember you can steal enemy auras. This makes morphs replicate so strong. If the enemy has an ac, replicate them. If they have radiance, replicate them. EZZZZZ AURAS


                              watch arteezy or ee they stream morph a lot.

                              the best tip I can give you and the most common mistake I see morphs do is always get linkens.

                              linkens is great but there are some games that you will need a bkb instead of a linkens

                              and you should get your items according to the game but i guess you need some xp playing with morph to know what to get