General Discussion

General DiscussionBogiDotO giving free rares if...

BogiDotO giving free rares if... in General Discussion
Donald Duck

    Mh, I have several divine series but not a single one rampage.

    Loving amateur league for its drops


      I'm in, but I hope you will lose less than 6. It's so frustrating to lose :).


        Well, I'm not sure you have this many rares but I'm in anyway


          Pahaha im on the jerk list. Ive been a naughty boy.


            15/5 is pretty good, gl

            im in


              Support TB > Carry TB




                Guiri > Bogi


                  @PanthersFuzzy, cant beat that (well maybe only with echo slam heroic)

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Can i still get in?

                    But ... just win this bet and give me a rare anyway, not couse you lose more than six :p

                    Autism is great

                      strong rating drop broseph


                        MADS Who said must be 15/5? I can be 14/6 also


                          oh, didnt read the post clearly "more than 6 games"

                          w/e 14/6 ok

                          still down for some rares.... (:


                            ez rares

                            Donald Duck

                              He's keeping the winning streak now...


                                i am in


                                  giff rare


                                    9-2 boys


                                      i'm in .


                                        10-4. Actually pretty close, didn't think you'd do this well so kudos. you need to go 6-2 to win your end ;)

                                        Donald Duck



                                            Guiri 6-2 really? I need 14 wins out of 20 not 16. 14/20 wins = 70% So, I need to win in my 5 next matches 3 games.


                                              yeah my maths sucks.


                                                I guess its actually 14-6, but im half asleep so not sure if i can still count :D gj!


                                                  Its 13-7 actually I lost, too many account buyers and leavers to get 70% winrate at 20 games


                                                    Lol, I like that you're using one hero for this challenge. Makes it more interesting. Good luck on your remaining matches.

                                                    *Losing sucks*

                                                    EDIT: Aw, you lost the challenge?

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      Nice, free rares for the poor

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        wait, what.... Bogi lost, but terroblade = OP carry. Im not complaining about getting rares, but i am legitimately sad that you lost.


                                                          3 games probably I lost cus of picks and 4 cus of abandoned 4v5 games and account buyers who goes like 0-11 invoker like my last game so I don`t really feel like I deserve to give anyone here any items.If I played poorly sure I ll gave all,thats why I challenged myself but I really played very well and 70% of my win games was actually like 1v9 you can check all games. 130 comments in 1 day for this stupid post,greedy bastards never post anything on this forum and when smth is free will sell their assess for 1 virtual thing `item` sad story.
                                                          If someone that much wanna rares and is that his life I gonna give him(That can be only ppl I know from forum,can add me) other cunts who post here first time on forum just to get fucking item I wont give them a shit. Thats it booys. If someone think this is unfair you can go fuckyourselfs.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            Mastadoom Who are you? First time see you on this forum,you wont take a shit.


                                                              added. giff rares plz :3


                                                                Good Bogi, take it as a man! :-)

                                                                I couldn't care less of items. Have way too many of them anyway. Also I'm tradebanned so you cant giff me))



                                                                  Guy who think vanguard is a bad item on Spectre really dont deserve even a common item, sry wink.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    Your plays weren't optimized though - a couple of those losses you could have won by building to split push instead of man fighting.

                                                                    The overall GPM is pretty lackluster too, but I suppose its fine sub 5k.


                                                                      Zenoth tell me plz which game could I won,please. I think I could probably won just 1 out of that 7 losses if i played better, I think nobody could win those games even Matrice best tb player with 6400mmr ( with all respect ). You cant outcarry and outpush games where ppl leave on purpose or are playing like account buyers like 2000 mmr skill lvl with 0 game sense and knowlege. Or ppl just pick 4 melle heroes after you pick tb and no currier. In 40% of my total games i was buying flying currier or currier+ flying. Gems and stuff also.


                                                                        Well your overall farming efficiency and illusion movement is very sub-optimal, even the games you won you didn't come close to 8/9 cs/min. Also a split pushing build is more independent of shitty teammates - I probably could have won at least a couple of those games, and matrice possibly more.

                                                                        I suppose you were using the matrice jungling build with triple wraiths - that makes your last hit total even more lackluster.

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                          No man you are wrong,nobody could win go watch replay and see what was happening in those games.Its true Matrice and probably you are better with micro farming illusions than me but that wont change those games cus you wont be able to farm,or split push or taking towers. If you had like 10% more farm or 15% wont change a game in those ones.


                                                                            If you create such a thread to get attention and make some people monitor your games, check the possible outcomes and dont back out if not that one happend what you've expected.

                                                                            No offense, but for these kind of stuffs do people think that you're a joke.

                                                                            Donald Duck

                                                                              Sad for u bogi, that was a good run!


                                                                                im in


                                                                                  waiting for my rare


                                                                                    Something i find interesting about all the games you lost with no exception is, that you did almost 0 tower damage and in lots of games lowest hero damage too. So wtf were you doing exactly? If your team's useless then push and dont feed with them or?

                                                                                    Still descent winrate, you did better then i expected.


                                                                                      russian bogi delete steam, stop embarrassing yourself


                                                                                        Hurricane Hurricane
                                                                                        You think I wouldnt push if I could,really? Those games were impossible to push or to deal dmg.. I had 0 space for anything.
                                                                                        BraToS go killyourself.


                                                                                          giff my rare !


                                                                                            whrs my rares?


                                                                                              lel. bogi crying because he sucks at using easy hero? how do you even lose with tb in 4k MMR. jeez. simple press of W and A click tower wins you game.

                                                                                              funny how you claim to give everyone rare and then after losing your own bet and then say you would only give to people you know. what a loser. Rofl.

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                Bogi is the biggest piece if shit in dotabuff


                                                                                                  Z Z Z Z Z Z Said smurf guy 23 games 40% win rate ok.

                                                                                                  *ESP* Wink same like your mother last night right? ;/

                                                                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                                                                    where is that 60% winrate on tb though?