General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to Deal with Anger?

How to Deal with Anger? in General Discussion

    What do you normally do when you get really agitated at people in pubs? During and after the game


      During the game, meh, I deal with it.

      After the game, I stop playing dota and play some game which involves your character and hordes of zombies/monsters that need to be killed.


        Leave dota, there are so much games that are better than dota
        And people who like this game probably a sadomasochist

        Joke aside:
        Tell them to kill themselves and their family and mute them


          If anger didnt make him play better, why we should angry to him?





              Weed sounds like a good idea, but I'm 13..


                oh nvm thats pretty early lol its gonna screw around w/ ur brain

                idk man i use to get pretty pissed off playin codmw2 back in the day, just swore my fkin face off

                King of Low Prio

                  I troll my team

                  Oh Shit Waddup

                    no idea, when you figure out how to, please let me know. just had a fucking retard chaos knight freefarming build soul ring first to use it once in the whole game


                      I am lucky that I don't get angry easily, but when I do it helps to smash some shit.


                        Nuclear Throne is fantastic.


                          i don't get angry. when i see a potential flamer i instantly mute them and continue my game


                            I used to be mad, but now I'm more frustated of how much my right hand got fcked by playing video games so much.,


                              Laugh at them IRL. Good replacement for anger. Don't do this in chat If you like winning.


                                Make a feel good playlist of songs on iTunes. Pause the game and start it up in the background.
                                OR become one with your hero. Put a small object on the button you use to active your mic and pretend you are the hero and the game is for real.


                                  When I get angry I usually try to avoid writing in the chat or using the microphone, I've noticed this brings a much less disruptive feeling in the group and we might also manage to win.

                                  The key here is to understand that you cannot always win and try your best to motivate the group, if you are playing with dicks that wont listen/speak or just troll then its better to stay quiet and let them play how they want to play, sometimes you just can't change that.

                                  If I am still angry after the game I usually stop playing for 10/15 minutes. It is much less frequent if I group up because I know that everyone did its best.

                                  But as I said, those in my opinion are the best choices.

                                  EDIT: Also when you get provoked by your team mates or the opposing team and you get angry, you usually end up playing much worse, if you see a player constantly provoking or insulting it is better to mute him and move along, it simply does wonders. Don't get carried away but the trolling.

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                                  Quick maffs

                                    Punch the wall


                                      I flame my team. I just don't have patience for idiots.


                                        I tried weed when i was 16 and im 17 now..i literally felt like i was not at the tip of myself in classes and stuff, especially after i got drunk for the first time last week lol can't think straight sometimes and i have my O levels in 1 month +


                                          Firstly after game I use to think about mistakes, then I was trying to solve problems, then I was flaming & blaming, then I use to laugh instead of cry, then I was reporting everything and when I haven't reports I started commend with "REPORT NOT COMMEND: ..." , and now I just laugh or play Hitman instead and sometimes 5 stacks can solve it aswell :)


                                            Tell them what (in your oppinion) would be a good thing to achieve a victory. If they refuse and get toxic:

                                            1. Mute them

                                            2. If your teammates argue with the toxic person, tell them to mute the toxic guy, too.

                                            3. If they do not mute him and keep arguing: Mute them, too.

                                            4. If game is allready lost (aka fed hardcarry on enemy team, that none of your mates could ever stand up against): Sell items, buy couriers, feed. This way the game ends earlier.

                                            I try to act like this, but I'm always muted for 168 H. Once you reached this amount of hours, its hard to get not muted. 1-2 reports after beeing unmuted brings you instantly to 168 H again.

                                            If I'm muted and want to insult someone, I add them as friends and spam their steamprofile.

                                            If you are angry, STOP PLAYING. You will underperform and you will get more angry. This causes me lossstreaks every damn time (since I'm not good at quitting when im angry).

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              No need to thank me.


                                                Working out or jerking off (or banging your girl) works wonders after beeing angry ingame.

                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                  It's just a game. Why get mad?

                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                    how to deal with anger? post more QQ threads on


                                                      How to rage at ppl in casual ap game.. rly, teach me, I could use some healthy anger sometimes


                                                        Yeah walk away for a bit or do something else? Sirius lee has the right answer again though........

                                                        Sometimes......... you just gotta have fun with the team. I played "Hide and Seek" and bought some quelling blades yesterday since I was at home "Working" I played a game @ 11:00AM. Haven't had a russian stack on US server in months. 11:00AM is russian ameture night on US Servers. I tried to give pudge on the other team hints on where i was at so he could hook me. I kept telling him "You're cold. warmer warmer red hot hook north! somehow pudge hooked in the lane and not in the trees so IDK if North means east or what to some people.

                                                        Still need a "GG" function when games get lop sided and the other team doesn't want to crush the ancient. So annoying waiting another 20 to 30 minutes when you know you're fucked.


                                                          If this game makes you angry AND you are not a pro or playing in a tourney, then it's too big a part of your life. It's a game. That's how you deal with frustration and this game. You realize that this game has nothing to do with sustaining your life and is merely a hobby. I know you're only 13 and that shows. It's typically the insecure and/or younger crowd who rages in video games.

                                                          Don't worry, you'll see one day. You'll be at work, thinking about how much you're going to enjoy gaming when you get home that evening. You'll end up needing to do real life things instead that evening, and the game date will be pushed aside for another day. When you sit down to play, finally, you'll notice people legitimately getting upset at the very thing you are trying to do to have a good time, to blow off steam, to engage in friendly competition. It'll make you chuckle because you will finally understand that it's ludicrous to be upset at random people on the internet for anything, let alone poor cooperation in a video game.



                                                            I usually type out what I want to say to them and then delete it. It makes me feel a little bit better, and then I can go about making what I wanted to say more constructive.

                                                            Low Expectations

                                                              Valve deals with my anger, 4th weeks streak of global silence just because I made a joke about russians (and it wasnt even racist)

                                                              @WiT.HiN_T Get 2 russians both pick hard carry both go the same lane after 5 min 0/4 0/5 and flaming me (another lane) for not helping them. They procced to get 2 hand of midas continue to die by 11 min mark 1:8 1:9 continue to flame. Sorry bro but I have enough stress to deal with in real life to have to meet idiots on internet aswell

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                Find someone who usually has a positive attitude and plays often.
                                                                Play with that person and it will probably help.

                                                                The moral of the story is that the people who you play with affect your attitude during a game.
                                                                So if some dumb chumps/trolls are on your team feeding constantly and doing stupid stuff, it will probably make you mad.
                                                                Having positive players around you might help lesson the anger even if you lose, especially if you play with then often and you do not want to be mean to a somewhat new "friend".

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Just play something else or catch up on tv shows. Or read. All relaxing activities.


                                                                    1) abandon game and log onto another account

                                                                    2) keep playing till ure not angry anymore (u are probably gonna need to repeat step 1 a couple of times)

                                                                    3) proceed to play 20 games of low prio on 4 different accounts (low estimate)


                                                                      I do something else. Take a walk, watch TV or read or go to bed.

                                                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!