General Discussion

General DiscussionSo ...

So ... in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    For people who says that bloodseeker is a terrible hero that only works against retards

    Waga 6,7 k MMR playing on EU, 11-2 in ranked with bloodseeker.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      6.7k MMR /=/ non-retard games. People in that level are actually way more retarded than people in like the 4.5-5k level because all of them think they are the best and will never do anything that is helpful to the team.

      Quick maffs

        Still, you agree with people saying that bloodseeker is a trash hero ?


          one of the best pub stars in the world stomps pubs with a hero that is countered by 135 gold and you immediately call the hero not trash?


            Hero alone isn't that bad ( with that buff to ultimate , it can be good disable vs normal bkb users who need good positions and naix ) but on the other hand, he can be easy kited and countered

            Quick maffs

              Well, i am not saying this because he is winning but because he is saying that the hero is strong (you can watch his stream ), plus if i am not mistaken there is other really skilled players playing bloodseeker ( i might be wrong )

              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                What makes him bad is that he is not good at anything. There are better heroes at laning, ganking, carrying and initiating. 135 gold counters him, but he generally won't be alone, at least not at this level. But the guy you are ganking won't be alone either. There will be TP support for sure. He needs a very good laning or his whole game will turn into shit.

                Quick maffs


                  I see, i agree with everything you are saying, i dont understand why people believe that a tp counters him because everytime i see waga ( or any other bloodseeker player ) ganking with bloodseeker he is not alone, he usually has an ally with him.

                  In his last game he tried twice to kill a puck mid and in less than a second two guys tp´ed to help puck, still he was really effective in the game and at the end his team won.

                  Plus lets be honest, waga is a really good player but i dont believe he would win this much if the hero was complete trash, at least not in this bracket.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  King of Low Prio

                    now I might sound like a dick saying this but nobody wants to read what you type Dorkly

                    Quick maffs

                      At least i dont waste my time flaming people sampson



                        hes just situational

                        great at shuttin down mobility heroes aka storm/slark/mirana/am

                        i actually prefer dagon/force/bmail build lol


                          I really don't think he's a trash hero, the only argument I've seen against him is "buy a tp and his ult is useless." By that logic Shadow Fiend, QoP and Tinker are worthless mids because they don't have reliable stuns either.

                          The thing people tend to forget is that you can count on your supports for disables you know, cause it's their job. Other than that he's a mid with a free double damage rune that doubles as a 9 second silence, an excellent passive to chase and a passive that completely heals him after a successful gank.


                            I told you
                            davai and seek blood


                              Nice to see someone building euls.

                              Dire Wolf

                                I don't know anyone who calls him trash anymore, not since the last patch.

                                Oh Shit Waddup

                                  Blood seekers so funny hen you build euls mom yasha drums and phase. Literally nothing scarier than 1000 ms


                                    There are several things at play here:

                                    1.) 5k-7k MMR players routinely have 4.7k, sometimes even 4.5k or 4.1k, players in their games.
                                    2.) He is one of the best players in the world.

                                    These two facts have a lot of interplay. Basically, let's say a hero is bad for some ironclad, real reason. He's not playing with players perfect enough to ruthlessly exploit the weakness, and even if they give it their best, he may be able to outplay them in terms of raw last hitting/positioning/awareness/map movements/etc. The best way to describe it the players in his game have 1000+ less MMR than he has. Envision being in a game where you are +1000 MMR everyone in the game. You could probably rape with any hero too.

                                    "I really don't think he's a trash hero, the only argument I've seen against him is "buy a tp and his ult is useless." By that logic Shadow Fiend, QoP and Tinker are worthless mids because they don't have reliable stuns either."

                                    The difference is that BS's ultimate is a relatively small nuke for an ultimate (150 dmg at level 1), and that's about all the damage you output other than a few last hits before an opponent TPs out. SF, on the other hand, has 900 damage in burst if he lands 3 razes. QoP can also burst right about 900 damage before you TP out (300 scream + 350 ult + call it 200 from right clicks = 850)

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Wait wait wait..........

                                      Doesn't a skull basher bash cancel the 135 gold counter???


                                        I think his silence counters the 135 gold counter as well. NOPE

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Quick maffs

                                          Vandal i have seen some of his game lately and i can tell you he is getting a lot of 5 k players usually, actually only sometimes he plays against 4 k players.

                                          In one of his bloodseeker games he was playing against some guy from empire


                                            @dorkly 5k is 1000 MMR lower than he is...


                                              @ salza....


                                              Quick maffs

                                                Still, remenber that they have to balance his games, so in total both teams have the same mmr.

                                                Dude, 5k players are still 5 k players, is not like they are stupid or anything.

                                                I am not saying that the hero is excellent or anything, but i am saying that he is way better than people believe.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Waga is probably one of the most successful players in solo queue, if you watch a bit from his stream you'll easily notice he manages to make everything work by abusing lack of coordination and superior in-game skills


                                                    how does silence counters tp? jesus



                                                      Sorry just very slow today..


                                                      Very slow today.. my bad

                                                      I was thinking about furion's tp while typing about the tp scroll

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                      Quick maffs

                                                        Is true atum, however he cant do the same with all heroes, if the hero was so bad as everyone think i am pretty sure he would not have so much sucess playing it in this games.


                                                          No it doesn't. Neither his silence nor his ulti have a ministun to cancel channeling spells/tp.
                                                          You could just bypass the tp problem by having a stunner in the lane you're ganking.

                                                          I personally play him mid, and with one level of bloodbath, (+Quelling and stout) Im usually able to stay and get good cs against most mids.
                                                          Id get one level of silence at level 2, (The purge + silence is pretty OP against most int mids I see a lot)
                                                          It purges runes on enemy, and on a hero such as puck, at any point where she overextends just a bit in lane, you silence and proceed to kill or atleast trade hits till hes forced to go regen while you regen with a few creep kills..
                                                          I usually max thirst first, since I hardly ever need even more hp from bloodbath to stay in lane. Maxing thirst means at any point after getting 6, I can smoke and gank a sidelane...

                                                          He's also really awesome midgame imo ^^ Cuz in teamfights if you get a good initiation from an ally, you'll often have the movespeed to kite anyone, even ranged heros, in b/w the teamfight..

                                                          Then again, im just a scrub, So what would I know D:

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            Actually his silence does stop furion's tp, but not a regular tp.


                                                              So a Pro tier player occasionally picks BS around 2 times a month for situational reason in All Pick.


                                                              Edit: also, there was enemy junglers the last 3 times he picked the hero.

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Furion tp is a skill not a tp


                                                                  Bloodcyka is by any means not a bad hero. His late game dmg with right items and his first spell is just insane and can kill most of preferable carries 1 vs 1. His mobility is probably best in the game and Waga is one of the few who really mastered that hero. It's not the best hero in the game, but by any means, he's not bad either if you can play it. Not mentioning how stomping can this hero be in lower mmr brackets and aparently even in highest one's.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    I like to play bs, EZ wins .but i am only 3.8k u.u.


                                                                      I know it's a skill but I just called it a tp since it's a skill that makes you tp

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        IMO nobody builds Bloodseeker right. You need to stack Agi so that you can take full advantage of the damage buff from his Q. He needs some movement speed, but Phase/Drums/Euls/MoM/S&Y isn't necessary. Something like Treads/Yasha/Butterfly/Sange/Skadi is much more efficient I think.

                                                                        Heck, even an Eblade is great on him just for the damage it provides.


                                                                          Hey guys, I wanna share my thoughts with you on Bloodseeker, I posted it here.

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            Waga turned me gay -_-


                                                                              Nice post Waga, agreed.

                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                Holy shit thanks for sharing your opinion waga

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                  Well, Waga made a totally different approach on the hero than I did. He uses him more like a high DPS tank that you need to kill because if you don't, he is gonna man you down.


                                                                                    hurra for whoever is waga :D

                                                                                    but seriously

                                                                                    what do u think of a more caster build on BS?


                                                                                      Damn we got a person in here.


                                                                                        Nice FB post Waga.


                                                                                          I dont really think euls phase drums yasha etc is ever "legit", tho I build it sometimes for fun when a game is already won.

                                                                                          But yes, as Sam says, I play the hero in a way that quickly gets 1600hp (treads drums sange generally puts you at that, unless ur lowlvl for whatever reason) and an innately high dmgoutput from bloodrage. Even without bloodrage, you can punch pretty hard if 1 or two enemies are low hp, the dmg you get is really nice.


                                                                                            I know its by no means a full guide to the hero but it's sometimes useful to just theorycraft the concept of a hero, not just follow a guide.


                                                                                              Still he is not a one-man-army. You can't deal with the opponents, even with 1600 hp if your team doesn't back you up properly. I'm not entirly sure how it works for you on 6,7k mmr but I get people with 4k mmr into my games even tho I am 5,2k. I don't know if the problem gets worse the higher you are or if you get people with 5k in your games from who you say that they suck :p

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                I usually rush Butterfly after Yasha if I'm doing well, but S&Y if the games even or I'm behind. In a sense, damage on Bloodseeker is survivability because of the heals you get from Bloodbath. If you can get a fast Butterfly you'll be hitting for 300 damage ~20 minutes into the game.


                                                                                                  @Always I think no hero will make up for teammates who don't play the game, but BS is quite good even with bad teammates.

                                                                                                  @Dacheat butter is an item I almost never pickup on him, but I think I should. It gives good survivability and some relentless dmg.

                                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                                    btw waga go stream :P


                                                                                                      tror att du överdriver lite när du säger att blood fungerar ungefär som slark bara båda heroesen saknar stun


                                                                                                        I dont mean he works the same way. I mean that he's can be countered the same way, or rather, slark can be countered the same way.

                                                                                                        Too many people say "BS is useless, just carry TP and ur fine" and neglect the idea of him actually being a legit hero.

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!