General Discussion

General DiscussionSome ideas for the site

Some ideas for the site in General Discussion

    A less than, equal or more than filter. For example: Show only the heroes I have >60% winrate with. Or >20 games played.

    The option of viewing the winrate with a combination of items. For example: Spectre has a XX% winrate with Vgd + Radiance.

    Stuns and slows by match and averages.

    Total amount of kills, deaths and assists with a hero. Average K, D, A, KDA with all heroes or maybe even selected heroes.


      No one really cares about this kind of thing to be honest and the stats are all up there around and you can piece averages together if you know basic division and addition.


        Charles Xavier, is that you? How do you know no one cares? YOU don't care. I care.

        So you suggest it's easier to open the most played tab, then open the most game impact tab, then calculate total kills, deaths and assists?

        What is the purpose of dotabuff then? It's all in the match log. Sum everything up.


          havoc is a rude idiot don't listen to him

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            Alation is mad because I give him hard facts and he doesn't want to hear it.

            All the information you need can be found in those tabs, additional features are available in the Plus section (paid area)

            Q: A less than, equal or more than filter. For example: Show only the heroes I have >60% winrate with. Or >20 games played.
            A: Already exists you just have to do a little bit of work to get it to display the way you want it to.

            Q: The option of viewing the winrate with a combination of items. For example: Spectre has a XX% winrate with Vgd + Radiance.
            A: Already exists you just have to do a little bit of work to get it to display the way you want it to.

            Q: Stuns and slows by match and averages.
            A: Dota2 API does no provide this information

            Q: Total amount of kills, deaths and assists with a hero. Average K, D, A, KDA with all heroes or maybe even selected heroes.
            A: Already exists you just have to do a little bit of work to get it to display the way you want it to.

            All of what you need is right there and I would be happy to help you ( as I have others) get specifics on certain datasets.


              happy to help after your first post 'no one really cares about this kind of thing to be honest.....if you know basica division and addition' ye dude you sound so helpful and not condescending at all!



                They both have british accents so you were probably right on the money......

                I like the ideas you posted. I like the stuns idea probably silences and slows would be nice too?

                At a minimal you could for now filter out the heros by win/loss by hitting the win % rate and sort it in that order. Thats the best you can do for now but I like your ideas.


                  First of all, i have access to plus. Now to the replies:

                  Q: A less than, equal or more than filter. For example: Show only the heroes I have >60% winrate with. Or >20 games played.
                  A: Already exists you just have to do a little bit of work to get it to display the way you want it to.

                  R: No, it doesn't exist. The best you can do is organize by winrate or games played (and in specific tabs). You can't, however, apply a filter to show your records only for heroes with 30+ games played.

                  Q: The option of viewing the winrate with a combination of items. For example: Spectre has a XX% winrate with Vgd + Radiance.
                  A: Already exists you just have to do a little bit of work to get it to display the way you want it to.

                  R: Nope. You can view Spectres winrate only item by item (56,70% with Vanguard, 73,02% with Radiance, etc).

                  Q: Stuns and slows by match and averages.
                  A: Dota2 API does no provide this information

                  R: I thought Dotabuff had access to the log you can see in the console after a match. That is surprising for me... Not much to do about it then.

                  Q: Total amount of kills, deaths and assists with a hero. Average K, D, A, KDA with all heroes or maybe even selected heroes.
                  A: Already exists you just have to do a little bit of work to get it to display the way you want it to.want it to.

                  R: Correct "a little bit" to "a LOT".


                    R: No, it doesn't exist. The best you can do is organize by winrate or games played (and in specific tabs). You can't, however, apply a filter to show your records only for heroes with 30+ games played.

                    Time: 10 seconds + 15 seconds to upload and hit "post comment"


                      R: Nope. You can view Spectres winrate only item by item (56,70% with Vanguard, 73,02% with Radiance, etc).

                      A2: It's called doing informational approximation and also stop and think about it for a you even realize how much information there would be, how many items combinations there would be? Getting this kind of information just isn't a feasible expectation.

                      Using approximation I can tell you that 29% of the games where people do vanguard they will purchase a radiance and the approximate increase that you would get from having both is about 11%.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Copy table paste into excel and add averages = 20 seconds

                        Average KDA on all heros is 2.81
                        Average win rate across all heroes is 48.52%
                        Average Success rate across all heroes is 21.39%


                          Time: 10 seconds + 15 seconds to upload and hit "post comment"

                          10 seconds + 15 seconds to add NOTHING. You did exactly what I said: organized by Matches Played.
                          Take a screenshot of your records (most kills, longest match, winning streak) tab with a filter for heroes with 30+ games played.

                          A2: It's called doing informational approximation and also stop and think about it for a you even realize how much information there would be, how many items combinations there would be? Getting this kind of information just isn't a feasible expectation.

                          You can bet your ass I know about approximations considering I'm an electrical engineer. An approximation with that amount of information would be as accurate as I approximating you like to naysay 95% of people's ideas.

                          About the big amount of combinations... that is what I'm suggesting and is what advanced filters in search engines do.


                            Sigh.....nevermind this is a joke.

                            Oh Shit Waddup

                              Marcus, while I don't think your ideas are trash I think they are unfeasible to say the least. You're thinking oh how hard could it be I only have this many games. Think about the amount of dota that gets played around the world, I remember looking at alch for example on heroes page. 172.33 years worth of gameplay in ONE MONTH. On one hero. While I know essentially nothing about coding I can hardly imagine the type of systems you would have to put in place to store these statistics, as well as the time sink putting all the algorithms together would be.

                              Manny Mammoth

                                One thing I'd love to see is something with items, like you bought butterfly x amount of times and your winrate on x hero when you get butterfly is x% etc
                                Some elaborately useless things too like total last hits got this week, total hero damage etc :4


                                  Hi everyone, thanks for the feedback. First I want to say: one of our main goals with Dotabuff is to take the "shit work" out of understanding your stats and getting better. If you feel you need to copy to excel to get the answer you need then that means Dotabuff isn't doing as good a job as it could be. We're working overtime on improving a lot of things and hope you'll be happy with what we're planning on releasing over the next month or so.

                                  There are lot of great ideas in here and I can discuss a few of them:

                                  - More granular filter options (range, multiple selection, multiple application): This is on our list for sure. We've implemented some very powerful backend systems that can do a lot more with data than before and we want to expose that power to you.

                                  - Stuns and slows by match: Stay tuned (wink).

                                  - Total K,D,A,etc. per hero: We can work this up.

                                  - Player item analysis (what works when I play Furion): added just now! We just released a new "Items" tab on each player profile that breaks down your match results based on items you had equipped when the match ends. You can filter it by date, hero, lobby, game mode, match duration, etc.

                                  The new items tab is being rolled out just like the new records are: Plus users (and about 1% of everyone else) gets access immediately, everyone else will slowly get access over the coming weeks. If you have access please let us know what you think!

                                  Oh Shit Waddup

                                    The items tab is actually really really handy, nice one DB. Exciting to see 100% win rate with AC and mjollinor on alchemist hahaha

                                    Manny Mammoth

                                      Just spent like 5 minutes looking for the items tab :^|
                                      Then i finished reading the post ;-;


                                        Each hero has a brief items area at the bottom of the page. There is a main items area as well up the top of the main forum.