General Discussion

General DiscussionGOODBYE DOTA

GOODBYE DOTA in General Discussion

    somehow manage to get people who can only play a few heroes...3-16 as sand king really


      pick hero that doesnt need team to win or a hero who create space to your team.


        i can create a ton of space as puck and qop and kill the opposition repeatedly. I cant however just magically make my team care about the outcome when they cry from minute one I start off 4-1 vs that so called 4.2k rated storm who plays storm all the time, maybe i could gank a little more but i mean i want to kill mid as well


          I heard that towers and killing ancients win games. Flop would know since hes a master rat dota player. Why don't you just rat it up and give the big FU to everyone else for a bit? Do a dirty rat for a bit it'll make you feel better.


            creating space not always have to kill enemies, there are alot of way to creating space. block enemy jungle, shut down carries, babysitting your carries etc.

            and yea like what caveman said, tower and ancient is the thing you should looking for. not killing.

            Create a momentum by pushing their towers, say to your team to push tower, buy earlier mekans, drum and micon then just push their towers slowly.

            one tower give your team 1k gold advantage, and gold advantage so much better then exp advantage, try using that to win.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi
            King of Low Prio

              You have no idea how to play dota, the us servers will be better off without you.....


                lik dis if u win mid evrytim ;___;


                  Sick of your constant bitching anyways so I am going to take the time to respond without wasting too much of my life having to watch a replay.

         Item progression sucks please don't play naix ever again. (Boots and HP = best build)
         Please sit down and read it.

         Item progression sucks (BKB core) don't play PA ever again. (HELM + DESO = toplel)
         Scrub bracket dunno how you could have won 3 core vs 0 core
         Sigh (more maxed dagon puck) and protect your god damn jungle.
         48 mins....dagon. Kills mean dick if you can only blink in to finish a windrunner and have no sheep for the crazy over fed drow and razor.

                  Alation, please just stop posting. Everyone has bad games but yours are lost as much by you as they are by the team mates who you claim to be better than. Playing greedy and getting kills and then saying well I got dagon and got loads of kills therefore I am better than everyone else in my bracket and must make a post about it.

                  It sucks that you lost, I lose constantly with heroes that I am actually good with (not just dagon stacking) but this is the nature of the game and the sooner you get over it the sooner you will start to analyse your own game play and have a sliver of a chance of improving.

                  TL;DR You'd better fucking read it cause I am sick of your shit.

                  Quick maffs




                    On some of your games you didnt even had the biggest HD or GPM


                      sampson is still mad that hes too hard to carry


                        ^ havoc badger 'This hero is so versatile that there are almost no items that go wrong with him so this list will be long.'
                        such read much wow


                          havoc, did you actually look at their heroes you retard? bkb doesnt stop ursa from killing me in a few hits, they have 3 right clickers and a wisp. ur retarded if you think i need bkb for that game.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            how is it my fault that their stack wanted carry omniknight? and puck is a core dumbass


                              Yet somehow you still managed to get it wrong.


                                and no i wont keep posting, stop acting like you are good even when most of us have your mmr with way less than 4.5k fuckin games


                         Look at all the heroes you picked off. All the supports and squishies you killed. Feel proud?

                                  ...because the one guy you didn't focus because he wasn't the "easy" kill was the guy who lost you that game. You have zero game sense when it comes to what it takes to win a game and you constantly bitch and moan about people while you are one of the larger reasons that your games are lost.

                                  If you have a good start and a gold advantage then get those big items up to help your team also get a similar roll going don't just use that gold to get dagon to get more kills to get dagon to get more kills to get ethereal to get more kills etc etc.

                                  At least sampson went halberd in an attempt to stop the out of control juggernaut which you somehow (as the "carry" of the game and the one with the most farm) failed to kill more than 3 times. You should have gone for sheep stick over the ethereal.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    this kid will never learn and will continue to farm the 2k bracket


                                      sampson its pretty obvious you wont ever get out of 3k at the rate you are going lmao. act like you are so good yet are stuck in 3k. what a nub get carried dude.

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        Internet fight. Round 1... Fight.


                                          dagon everywhere


                                            ^^^do I get a set for buying a ticket to this?

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              So I've spent some minutes to read thru the comments, and I gotto say.

                                              WHAT TEHE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ALATION? XDDDDDDDDDD


                                       it actually exists ^___^


                                                  most of the people here including sampson are actually jealous of me tbh. they wanna be me but know they cant


                                                    havoc is so childish lol


                                             - 54 Mins PA. 30K gold, 7 deaths. That's easily enough gold for Bfury, BKB, Abyssal, Phase Boots and HotD, maybe even full satanic. You seem to have done the hard bit of getting a PA farmed up and through the early game, and failed on the easy bit of 6 slotting her correctly and watching everyone melt? I honestly don't get why you went Deso when you could have completed Abyssal for the same damage gain. You have BFury which ignores Armor anyway and with a big crit PA can melt through people standing nearby. Veng, IO, and Bloodseeker are easy food for you, but Slark has Abyssal and probably just disables you right away because you have no BKB?!?!


                                                        Havoc has valid points, he isn't even trying to act like he's good nor does whether or not he is good have any relation to the validity of his points.

                                                        Those were games you could have performed better.


                                                          go lycan ez lane, ignore team , rush vlads/necro 3 and push push push. Works at least for 5k


                                                            So this is a waaaaaaaaaa Dota doesn't say im as good as i think i am so i quit thread?

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              ask anyone on these forums that have my on their list, no matter how many games I throw I am still 4k -_-

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                ^U are the biggest tryharder i have ever played with.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  ^coming from the guy who calculates his teammates MM on whether or not he plays ranked, counter picks etc. :D

                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    wut ? I am not even a picker, i ramdon, like man

                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                      'I scurred to play OD unless I have Sampson on my team to secure the win'

                                                                      -direct quote from Dorkly

                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                        Seems legit

                                                                        Whats your problem with od ? weak hero really hard to play .......



                                                                          aiaiai caramba
                                                                          3-1 record with dorkly
                                                                          dorkly confirmed for best player

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            ^ I KNOW right

                                                                            Sampson winrate with melody = 46 %

                                                                            With satellizer = 50 %

                                                                            Dorkly = 62.5 %

                                                                            Math never fails

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              hard? No. Comp dependent? Yes.

                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                Melody stopped picking CM/Visage = 10% winrate inc

                                                                                Quick maffs

                                                                                  This was my logic in my first OD games

                                                                                  " Do they have 2 or less than 2 int heroes ? If yes pick OD "

                                                                                  It did work man

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    no the trick is to play on SA servers


                                                                                    SA top team heheheheheheh

                                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                                      I only play EU you scrub

                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        You're on a 1 game losing streak. Why are you complaining?

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          even worse

                                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                                            @Alation dude you have 50% wr (well almost), youre sitting at 4k and yet youre complaining? GOD. i am sitting at 45 wr and i am in 2k mmr. Do you even have the idea how trashy my games are? And yet do you see me complaining? man the fuck up and play better. If you cant handle it take a break or play another game.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              just so everyone is clear this kid is nowhere near 4k

                                                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                                                btw satellizer dont you get bored to stomp SA with your stack ?


                                                                                                  my stack died long ago

                                                                                                  nowadays I just invite anybody on my friend list

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio


                                                                                                    tryharding 24 / 7

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!