General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the fucking point of ranked?

What's the fucking point of ranked? in General Discussion


    Put 4 4.5k players on arteezy's team and he jacks the average so high you need at least 4 5k players on the other team to balance it out. For fucks sake I couldn't even get a single 5k player on my team at 5.5k, even games on page 5 have like 3-4 players above 5k if I'm lucky. Where do you expect the system to find so many 5k players for him??


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      tho whoever has the chinese symbols name

      Im not saying your wrong, but you should understand this is a primarily english speaking site and its up to you to accustom your self to that your here by choice after all


        ^ hey it's not about accustoming to this forum. I have never written a single post in chinese. It's like you're on the streets in america and someone just calls you chinese to get your attention. If it happens to you imagine how you will feel. I dont get why copy and paste is so difficult to use.

        I dont mind name calling, but "chinese" is just so rude



          King of Low Prio

            stop giving this kid more shit to jack off to


              xD Sorry, Just had to :3


                Again, dude im not really concerned with it, but you need to understand.. it is literally a "Deal with it or stop coming here" type of situation. you willingly make your name that, its also the internet you know nobody is going to waste and i mean WASTE their time with doing that just to address you. believe it or not, the world is not here to accomadate your concerns, grow some backbone


                  "this is a primarily english speaking site and its up to you to accustom your self "

                  What is there to accustom to when I write my posts in english?

                  "Deal with it or stop coming here"

                  Seriously? I have done nothing to deserve this, there is nothing to "deal" with and I'm not going to stop coming here because some people can't address me properly in their replies.

                  "its also the internet you know nobody is going to waste and i mean WASTE their time with doing that just to address you."

                  If you think copy and paste is a waste of time I believe you would think breathing should be too.

                  Look, I didnt want to make this such a big deal. All I wanted was to be addressed properly instead by a "hey chinese" which is grossly disrespectful. I'm honestly quite shocked you took issue and defended it.


                    It is a waste of time. would you rather me call you a zipperhead? a chink? No, i doubt it, just like id rather you not just call americans "muricans" and things like that, it is hardly any kind of insult or lazyness intended when referred to as the chinese guy, stop trying to throw a pity party for your self

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      You are really ridiculous..


                        Sexually repressed anime goers


                          Account purchasers


                            Ambiguous Pedophilia supporter.


                              How come you went from farming Russia games to US West? well played after purchasing the account! You're such a sad person. :)


                                @Greatlubu Sir, you are an asshole. Plain and simple.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  its not like it is a big secret that HǣL bought his account, at first he tried to deny it then someone went sherlock holmes on his ass. I just ignore anything this scrub says now.


                                    I still play russian games. Get at me, Toggle switch dotabuff all day. 10% abandon, Still higher rating than you.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      @Zano, I havent said a word to you, Dont get involved. Its a fair point. Its an english site. if hes gonna bitch about people not calling him by his name, maybe he should put it in english letters, plain and simple.


                                        and is it so hard to copy-paste his name?

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          What's the point of dota? You're never going to be a pro player winning prize money, dota doesn't have an ending, so what's the point of playing?

                                          Oh right to have fun cus it's a game. Well ranked is just an arbitrary separation of people who wish to play more seriously to win from those who don't care. That's it.



                                            I'm just gonna reply you one last time on this. I didn't try to bitch about anything. In one sentence I stated that I didn't like what I was being called. Then you came in and tried to lecture me on how the internet works with all your ridiculousness. First it was "this is a primarily english speaking site". Then it was "you voluntarily made your name that" as though "that" is something that induces hate. Then it was some "would you rather I kill you or rape you" kind of comparison. I only tried to explain why I did what I did because you apparently don't agree with it.

                                            "@Zano, I havent said a word to you, Dont get involved." LOL this is pathetic. byebye.


                                              "Again, dude im not really concerned with it, but you need to understand.."

                                              literally the first person to even bring up his name, of course you're not really concerned about it. who is, then?


                                                Ya know... neko's wouldn't be that bad if they weren't drawn like underage girls....

                                                Doesn't Melody have a daughter?


                                                  ^ Lolicons' brains work differently from the rest of people. If the character drawn looks underage, her age is obviously 18+. If she has breasts and they are gigantic, she's obviously 14 or 15.


                                                    ^ haha, good one.


                                                      buys account... thinks he is better than jussi /smh

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                                                        this thread
                                                        beats my threads

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!