General Discussion

General DiscussionHow viable is this Strategy costing 400 gold?

How viable is this Strategy costing 400 gold? in General Discussion

    So I randomed Sand King and thought, "SCREW YOU NP! I HATE YOUR CHICKEN SHIT RAT DOTA" I proceeded to buy 2 sets of sentry wards and completely blocked off all the Radiant's spawn camp.

    Nature's prophet was level 2 for a very very long time lol.
    Here was the match:

    In what scenarios should I not attempt this?
    What other heroes can I do this to?

    Doom sounds good
    Naix might lane
    Axe might lane
    LD might lane
    LC might lane
    Enchantress might just go to my jungle.
    Enigma: I tried this on Enigma and he went to my jungle and destroyed tower too.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      when the enemy has the brains to not let a sk go to their jungle at 0 min and ward the whole thing


        that prophet just stupid, he can go cliff or just farming in lane but still nice try


          That Prophet can just go offlane. That's also much funnier and challenging. JUNGLING IS BORING.)


            prophet can also do ancient

            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              Doing this under 5k MMR is actually a huge mistake. Most people only jungle because it's easy as fuck and there is 0 challenge. If you ward their camps, they will have to get out of the jungle and be useful by ganking the lanes. Normally they wouldn't and make the game a complete 4v5 for their team. And by the time they got out of the jungle, you have already won the game.

              Dire Wolf

                Yeah I agree just go gank him. Although warding the pull camp is amazing because no one knows how to deward it, myself included, and it royally fucks up tri lanes.


                  i thought furion is on your team



                    Not sure about enemy junglers, but if you get in your team any "ancients farmer", worth spending 200 gold to stop him.

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