General Discussion

General Discussion@ support players

@ support players in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    If you dont buy sentries.

    you are worse than a carry missing every last hit.

    If you dont buy smoke.

    you are worse than a carry missing ever last hit.

    If you dont rotate out of lane.

    You are worse than a carry missing every last hit.

    If you do not place aggressive wards when you have a advantage.

    you are worse than a carry missing every last hit.

    IMO playing support is the hardest role in dota BUT when you do not even know the basic shit about supporting DO NOT PICK IT. I would rather have 5 carries than a shitty support who cant find the smoke



      fuck off
      some faggots don't deserve supports like this


        I'm going to assume you've never played with an Spectre or AM that missed every last hit, but fair points.


          i've literally seen supports who just sat in lane trying to deny creeps and then complained about the so-called support life in pubs


            also, today i saw an ogre magi not buying wards/sentries vs a weaver cause he said he didnt have any last hits


              +1 to sampson!
              i usually just flame them to death and then attach a report...


                - rotate out of lane to get your carry zoned or killed
                - place agresive wards when the whole action is in your jungle
                - don't pick support, pick one more carry

                I don't know, some points are quite situational...

                King of Low Prio

                  carries get killed by offlaner usually only if support fucked up and did not properly zone out the offlane. IF the offlaner is higher lv than the carry it means that the supports completely fucked up at their job.

                  'If you do not place aggressive wards when you have a advantage.'

                  if all the action is happening inside your jungle YOU ARE NOT AHEAD

                  buying sentries is not situational
                  buying smoke is not situational
                  rotating out of lane is not situational
                  these are the basic things that you should be doing EVERY GAME as a support. If any of those 3 are not done EVERY game it means you are a pathetic support. I am sorry if I offended anyone but this is the reality of it.

                  King of Low Prio

                    In no way am I saying 'GG ITS ALWAYS SUPPORTS FAULT' but I have noticed a large trend of people who are fucking awful at Dota using playing support as a excuse to fuck up


                      I also notice that somehow the creep wave gets to enemy tower quite often.


                        OP +1

                        When you have a support saving for a aghas first item or a cm saving for shadow blade first item over sentries, wards, dust, smoke. You know you're gonna lose.

                        Supports are the most item independent heroes. You don't need gold, you don't need last hits. You need levels yes, but you get enough just pulling creep waves (if you know how). Warding rune early, warding rosh, warding their jungle if your team is being offensive, warding your own if you're defensive. Rotate ONLY when you know your hard carry is able to handle himself, which most of time is always.

                        Behind every great carry is a great support.

                        Quick maffs

                          Then go ahead and teach everyone how to play support by doing so, are you good at playing support sampson ?

                          If i am the last one to pick and my fucking entire team picked a fucking carry i NEED to play support and i am terrible with it, people expect to everyone to know how to play support and they NEVER play it.

                          I see everyone instapicking a carry and expecting the last guy to know how to support.

                          and its pretty funny when you say to everyone in your fucking team that you are terrible with support and still they make you play support, now, should you blame the guy who TOLD you that he is bad at a role for not doing his role ? that its stupid.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Buying sentries is always a must for support at the start of the game to prevent neutral camp blocks. You need to pull lanes or you are sucking your carries xp.


                              Your carry gets a free lane or something?


                                itt: sampson complaining about melody


                                  Your carry gets to go vs an offlaner, if you zone out the offlaner or even get a few ganks off him then its all good.
                                  CM, Jakiro, Veno, easy zoning out.

                                  King of Low Prio


                                    I have trained melody to buy sentries so no this one isnt about him atm......


                                    you zone out the offlaner and only take exp from pull camps. If it is a trilane one of the supports will prob need to take SOME of the lane exp

                                    Quick maffs

                                      "itt: sampson complaining about melody"

                                      Again ? poor melody

                                      btw sampson i still remenber your fucking support spirit breaker ..... sigh ...

                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                        itt: sampson complaining about davai dorkly and hatsune miku

                                        Quick maffs

                                          nah satellizer ,wish i had time to play with this fgt so he learns how to play.

                                          King of Low Prio


                                            wrong again Ive been solo queing :)


                                              so its another mm complaining thread

                                              abandon thread guys, nothing to see here

                                              also, why are you playing solo


                                                Aaaaaaa! You're talking about trilanes!!! You could specify that in first post.

                                                If it's just you as support and some carry vs offlane bristleback, weaver, windrunner etc, it might not be such a good idea to go pulling.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                  If you lose, you lose:))


                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  Ples Mercy

                                                    What exacly made you make this thread?

                                                    Miku Plays

                                                      sampson, why always sentries ? isnt that situational?

                                                      Ples Mercy

                                                        no always buy sentries. and dust. Also a gem. bcuz reasons.

                                                        King of Low Prio


                                                          no I am not only talking about trilanes. Do you know what zoning out a player means? My main role I play when I actually play competitively is offlane and I can tell you from experience that if you do not learn how to zone someone out effectively you will always lose your lane. People tend to confuse winning their lane against a offlaner as 'stopping them from farming'. The goal of the offlane is to soak exp and your job as a support is to stop the offlaner from getting alot of exp.

                                                          King of Low Prio


                                                            no matter the situation buying sentries is always a good idea, even if their is no stealth on the other team there are always wards(I lied some shit support players forget those too)


                                                            it was a comment some support player made that we should commend him for playing support and the only thing he actually did was buy one set of wards at the start of the game


                                                              Must of been this game:

                                                              @ Hasune Miku

                                                              Dewarding is crucial. Ever play on Radiant Side, and you see your carry farming ancients radiant side then all of a sudden they're fucked by a gank? Someone didn't deward! Needs to happen!

                                                              If you aren't dewarding, then the other team has a clear advantage because they see you going through your jungle, through rivers or in their jungle. The element of surprise is lost. Staring at the minimap is underrated.



                                                                how can you even play so many CM games in a row?!?! I get so bored playing the same hero over and over.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  @-hg- Cpt. Caveman

                                                                  ooo gawd I want to pretend that game never happened

                                                                  I told them to do a aggro trilane or else TB till get fat........................needless to say TB got fat.......


                                                                    sentries and smoke are not situational...
                                                                    basics people, fucking basics

                                                                    Anthem Blue Cross


                                                                      as long I'm winning, it's fine with me, but yeah, kinda boring sometimes..


                                                                        Unless you're playing an extremely defensive tri vs their aggro tri :/

                                                                        and the second you leave your carry, he/she's dead.

                                                                        but yes I agree that people assume being a support role automatically makes you more useful + pro


                                                                          Some people panic as a support and default to doing nothing if things are going bad. When playing a support you should always be thinking about that "next" move.

                                                                          Did you just kill your lane? Use the gold to get some wards/smoke etc. and go gank another then come back to your lane when the opponent returns.

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Tried to pull, when i realize abaddon almost DIED to a warlock and enigma lvl 1


                                                                            Tried to gank mid, he gets killed ( yes guys A FUCKING abaddon ..... )


                                                                              I agree with everything that Sampson said, but I never buy smokes as a support. I think effective use of this item requires unreachable level of coordination for people who play their first game together in solo queue. If main reason for using smoke is to avoid enemy wards, then (in pubs) it is better just to deward them.

                                                                              Worst part of support's life is when your carry trolls your items: "Look at your items! Wand, Arcane Boots and Mek! Dude, you don't even have AgS and BKB! What were you doing all this time?"


                                                                                You can't stop offlaner from getting xp if the creep waves reach the enemy tower every time when you do not pull. And that's carry's fault, not support's. There might be few competent supports in pubs, but competent carry players that can actually hold the creep wave in the area next to his tower are much fewer.


                                                                                  You like it or not, but Drow Ranger is a support hero. How many wards/sentries/smokes you bought when played Drow Ranger? I think you deserve bad supports, because you are bad support.


                                                                                    Opinion noted


                                                                                      always buy sentries

                                                                                      when you gave up on the game already and place it on fountain


                                                                                        When you win the game carries always take a prize,when you loose the game carries always blame supports......
                                                                                        Like Soultrap say:
                                                                                        I agree with everything that Sampson said, but I never buy smokes as a support. I think effective use of this item requires unreachable level of coordination for people who play their first game together in solo queue. If main reason for using smoke is to avoid enemy wards, then (in pubs) it is better just to deward them.

                                                                                        Coordination in pub (AP) with 5 solo or 2 party members ??? No way.Roaming with supp in first 10min?? Your carry is dead in next 2min if it is dual or trilane against,the best way for babysitting right clickers-carries it is to stay with them,pull-denie-ward area around,destroy enemy tear one tower and than change line and start roaming....
                                                                                        You are talking about 2 different things here,how to play properly support (pro scene),and how to play support in pub,when Puppey after 20min in game have brown boots 2 sets of wards and wand it is ok,but when you have that items in pub match after the same time,20min,they laugh at you and crying for more wards,gem etc.....
                                                                                        Generally it is not very grateful role in pub games,but i'm stil playing supports in many games,sad thing is,after all you can do like support your carry buy everything except BKB and die in 5sec when team fight start,then you ask your self,wtf i'm doing,i will play carry from now one.......

                                                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                          I can say with near 100% certainty that this thread isn't about me lol. He wrote it after a pub game pretty sure, I got a pm like

                                                                                          "plz carry mel, i cant play mirana"

                                                                                          or something

                                                                                          Shinzou wo sasageyo

                                                                                            Coming from someone who instalock carry every game. Are you good in support yourself? I know many are forced to pick support because retards like you that pick carry as soon as the game was loaded. Can you show a few games that you did good as a support? Oh wait you never support. Watching how other people play and doing it yourself are 2 different things you know?

                                                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                              And besides when I play with Sampson, sentries are on cooldown.



                                                                                                Why would you even roam if you leave your carry vs a duo or tri?
                                                                                                And what kind of MMR are you playing at where people cry at supports for having no items? If you're really that low you might as well just carry the game yourself with PL or dark seer.
                                                                                                If you die in 5 sec without bkb in teamfights, if you're veno thats fine, if you're cm, you're way too close to the teamfight, if you're AA you shouldnt even be near the teamfight

                                                                                                Also how hard could it possibly be to type "got smoke" in chat, stand next to your other support teammate and rotate? Especially in ranked games where people actually want to win. The simplest thing to do if you are a support and no one is talking is to take the team leadership and ping wherever needed.

                                                                                                Ping for incoming ganks, warding, sentries, smokes, you are pretty much another pair of eyes for your carry to ensure he is safe to farm. Priority is your carry, not always rotating.

                                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                                  The worst thing is supports buying stat items etc gauntlets circlets as starting items and just getting obs and courier over both supports. Its painful to see T_T

                                                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                                                    Smoke is a waste in pubs. Takes 5 minutes to get everyone to group up for it and someone inevitably fucks it up but right clicking a creep or popping an ability as you run through the jungle.