General Discussion

General Discussionwhats the deal with pudge?

whats the deal with pudge? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    why is pudge so popular? i see it in almost every match. Many ppl usually fail with him. I checked DB and he is #1 most played hero.


      Some players are allergic to win, so they pick pudge to make it harder for themselves to win, and therefore other players have to suffer too.


        One of the first heroes in Dota AS to have a cool skill shot.
        You have to thank Dendi for popularizing the idea of a mid Pudge.


          because hooking someone and seeing his hp disapear in 1 sec , feels amazing.. but many people think that if they make hooks they are good at dota.


            its fun to hook...


              Because he's fat and disgusting, not to mention a glutton and likes to cut stuff to pieces...the exact portrait of a good chunk of dota players :D

              Hex Sigma

                first blood! have i got jizz on me chins?


                  Yeah I had 3x pudge pickers last night for mid and all lost mid last night, let alone the game for feeding more than 1 kill per minute.

                  It is fun to hook but give it up, and should be given up for another mid if you blow donkey balls at it. I looked at 2 of the 3 people last night that played pudge on here on my games last night and for the life of me they played 5 times in career, and decided to play it in match making for ranked. Anyone that plays ranked match making and has a below 50% win rate on a character shouldn't pick it, let alone so many minimal times played. Makes the game shitty for everyone else.

                  P.S. Thought my 2nd game was over so i sat in base with chen and went out to smoke. To my dismay the other team didn't have the testicle fortitude to finish the game and made it last another 20 minutes. A 50 minute game where they could of finished it in 25 minutes but decided to farm jungle and the rest of my team fought off mega creeps and lost to them. What a pile of shit.

                  P.P.S. that goes for fucking invoker too. Not everyone is a boss invoker sorry.




                      Pudge only good as support.


                        because you're in some shitty sub 2k bracket


                          ^ BC you have a smurf account and you think you're hot shit masking your 2k sub bracket account talkin big shit.


                            you seem to have no clue what a smurf account is, i guess i struck a nerve on you sub 2k players


                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Dendi made it popular, the droves of brain damaged followed him all banking on being able to emulate him. Don't get me wrong there are some freakishly good pudge players but they are few and far between.

                              Hex Sigma

                                @6k im sry i havent been blessed to be born as a dota 2 pro like you dear sir
                                and btw i am in 2.4 k thnx for the appreciation and help pro dude <3

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                                Dire Wolf

                                  Because pudge is a huge snowballing hero. If you notice pudge never has a game where he is just solid or a good contribution to the team. He either fuckin dominates mid and ganks side lanes, snowballing to like 10-3-5 and becomes unkillable late with hearts and pipes and a ton of flesh heaps, or he blows mid, misses the hooks, doesn't shut down the mids farm or gank well and is like 2-10-7 cus he's squishy with no kills. He's not a hero that builds slowly, or has a line like 5-6-10 and contributes to wins like a normal support or tanky hero like centaur might. When players do snowball really big they feel like they're amazing even though their performance isn't really better than average, that's just what the hero does when he wins.

                                  But this isn't unique to pudge if you look at the top 11 most played heroes it's pudge, invoker, sniper, mirana, riki, bloodseeker, drow, bounty, axe, nature's and slark. I went 11 just to throw slark in there. Outside of maybe invoker, sniper and mirana, all those guys play snowball ganker styles, except nature's who is rat doto. And invoker and mirana can play that way too when they choose. People like to play gankers, makes them feel like winners when they score kills.


                                    @w' 6k LoL player

                                    Using TMM & CM to get level 13 so you can calibrate in the first 10 easiest games of your life doesn't make you a good player.

                                    Played 11 games then stopped? Did you not get the rating you wanted so you tried again?


                                    9 hour match vs bots, wow that must have been quite a lot of exp right there.

                                    That's a lot of teams oh wait nevermind they're all bots.

                                    Best NP player EU?

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      no im still playing, just haven't enabled dotabuff.

                                      only my first game was 3000 rated (starting point of a new account), every other game was on front page or second page which is 5k to 6k, feel free to add my opponents or the players in my team and find out for yourself before making clueless and baseless assumptions



                                        Really? Cause I sit on the front page and have never seen you.

                                        Unheard of and desperate to be noticed are we? Throwing around lies simply because they can't always be disproved doesn't make them any less fictitious.

                                        Not interested in unknown low skill smurfs sorry.


                                          wish people would stop repeating that only reason everyone is playing it is because of dendi. or because dendi made it popular.


                                            @ 6k lol player

                                            Yeah you struck a nerve grrrrr. Ok I must of struck a nerve since you had to post your win/loss match history. We are both unnerved. I still find it odd it doesn't show all your stats on here....


                                              after a long winspree i usually go for pudge so at least i have fun in my loses :D that explains my 20% win pudge!

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                It's called abusing the rating system which numerous people do. There are loads of these types and that is why there are loads of threads complaining about high-skilled games containing trash. It's because getting there is easy if you now how to abuse the system in such a way as to make it there.

                                                Once you get there you are very clearly above you depth and will just be another awful player struggling to keep that player score that you can use to simply inflate your ego because it's just that. Its a number that isn't representative of skill most of the time. Putting it to a scenario I would prefer someone with 2k + games with a 4-5K rating then someone with 20 games and a 6K rating. It doesn't represent skill but simply a knowledge of how to fake it.

                                                You can cheat your way through University but when it comes to actually displaying achieved competence you will be unable to perform at the acclaimed level you are required to.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  - funny looking fatty
                                                  - epic voice sentences
                                                  - he farts and has hook

                                                  Pudge doto below 50% winrate doto.


                                                    Because volvo wants to force 50%


                                                      is that directed to me?


                                                        I think people play pudge because he has Meat Hook. That's pretty much the reason. He's fun, snowbally, fat, flesh heap, blah blah, but really it's all about landing hooks.

                                                        He's fun.


                                                          Lolwat. does 6k really matter? Just look at the servers he plays in. He loses like 90% of the time in a EU west svr, goes to play US east and wins it np. If you can get 6k in China/SEA then i'll call you a pro. As a matter of fact. mmr in US east/west is thrash.


                                                            yeah LOL us east is like easy shit

                                                            look at arteezy smashing all those rating points for himself


                                                              oh lol this is funny, havoc said it all :)

                                                              i can get screens where he plays vs himself in ranked if u want ^^

                                                              ranked mmr was cool at first, but then when the abuses technique spread, well it ruined the purpose of it.
                                                              just cuz of ppl like kamigod-sama.
                                                              if they could just admit to themselves that they belongz to lowbracket they wouldnt seek exploits and everything would be fine :/ but no, ego comes before reason :(

                                                              for now its still somewhat stable but at some point it'll spread more and more until mmr wont mean anything at all anymore, and it'll be the end of the mmr

                                                              Low Expectations

                                                                I think that most good mirana players are good pudge players


                                                                  Because secretly inside of us.... we all want to be a hooker.

                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!