General Discussion

General DiscussionYEAH!! 3K MMR (look this game)

YEAH!! 3K MMR (look this game) in General Discussion

    Look it please.
    1.- I randomed weaver
    2.- I say please supports, no sven, dont pick sven, we need supports
    3.-They lastpicked sven and alchem
    3.- I said please curier at least, alchem u can be support.
    4.-Alchem said: why not u support
    5.- I randomed
    6.- All the team shhh shut up
    7.- 0-3
    9.- I still ''shhh'' and i didnt call obious MISS
    10.- 0-6
    12.- Weaver leave the game u are useless puta
    13.- BLABLABLA 0-29
    14.- Im killed 0-30 aprox
    15.- get owned puta.... fucking noob wp weaver
    16.- i get a kill
    17.- lose the game

    3K MMR my 12 years brother with 1500mmr play better (It's not a joke)


      well you randomed so you kinda deserve it hahahaha


        If you randomed, then you have the gold to get your own courier.

        that said you obviously ran into a group of terrible players.

        But guess what? No one cares, happens to everyone.

        Bu yorum düzenlendi

          such story
          much feels


            Funny thing is Alch and Sven are supports
            3k mmr you shouldn't rely on other people

            Quick maffs

              you PUTA

              Dude i played a game called s4-league, that shit was the latino paradise, CTM that its the only thing they spammed in EVERY FUCKING GAME.

              At least spamming huehuehue its more decent if you ask me.


                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  Dont play all pick, you get no supports. This is the truth.

                  Look man, I've posted on here idk how many times about the 2k~3k range on all pick because everyone wants to be a hero and kill kill kill. Not everyone can be carry. Its very rare you have no hard 5 support and win a game. At least in captains mode/draft you get:

                  1. People that understand the game more
                  2. People communicate more to the captain of what they want/can do.
                  3. A more structured pick scenario balancing out what shouldn't be picked (gee wiz now our team has 5 hard carry melee's gg) situations....
                  4. You get less alchemists trying to go a VLADS? what the hell.... is that?

                  IDK all pick is shit and I only pick it right now because I just say"im going lycan" and do a jungle lycan tower pusher. Otherwise if I am not doing my get out of low bracket jail card with lycan I do captains mode/draft.

                  King of Low Prio



                      66 luna games
                      10/10 would party with


                        buy wards and courier if no one do that.

                        that's common. if you ,as a weaver, spend all your gold buy wards and sentry and courier . and play support and only buy tranq boots and bracer.
                        let other 4 to farm. very likely you will win the game.

                        I think the problem is no warding when ns lv6 and started ganking. ns got fat and you guys gg.

                        you must think 'why weaver has to be the support?' why not ? if you want to win, sometime you have to make compromise. that's game. that's also life.

                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                        King of Low Prio

                          luna is a punk bitch hero

                          Quick maffs

                            Satellite you proud of me ?



                              much proud

                              King of Low Prio

                                the trick is to read sats luna guide and you will get 10 pages of all the items you SHOULD NOT buy

                                King of Low Prio

                                  Sheep stick
                                  Viable: Yes
                                  Recommended: No

                                  why the fuck are u buying these items


                                    yo sheep's dick is viable on every hero

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      you forgot to add it to your guide. Kinda odd because you spent 20 pages on damn near every other item

                                      We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!