General Discussion

General DiscussionLow MMR. WHY?

Low MMR. WHY? in General Discussion

    6k lol player

    where did you buy your account? 17 tmm games with and against bots and shit is level 13, these account sellers are becoming quite good


      Pick Abaddon. There's a reason his win rate is so high, when you play him in the 2k bracket you will find out why.

      Also rush soul ring on your omniknight

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        ok seems like its this guy who is selling the fresh lvl 13 accounts without real games

        seems like wave paid 40 USD for one


          More like wave is the one selling them...? He is known to be a very good player, if not one who abuses the system for artificial winrates... I mean he still would be mid 5k at least without all that abuse. ..


            if u look at his unrecorded games its kinda sad, he did this thing for several weeks, probably got about 10 fresh lvl 13 accounts out of it.

            basically what he does is have 10 accounts queue against each other in tmm on russian server and let games last several hours so the account he is boosting gets shitloads of battle points. also, he always go 128-0 with furion on his main account for some reason. i guess this is to make sure that neither himself or his bots get an abandon. so he has some automated macro that automatically moves the furion to kill the bots every now and then.

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              most recent account he has been powerleveling to 13 is this one

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                i dont think its wave selling them, he isnt smart enough to set up a business like this. most likely bought it off the guy for 40 USD

                interesting thing about wave though, is that he loses his first 4 calibration games against 3k mmr players and still manage to get 6k in the end. the system is indeed broken and the extremely high HD/TD/KDA u get with tinker when u win a game might be the reason.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  seems like the russian fella is powerleveling some account right now, all his bots are online


                    Power leveling to 13 is the new Chinese gold farming? :D


                      I rly dont get it. Whats the point of buying a 6k acc, if you belong into potatobracket? If Juice in the playdotaforum can get from 2.9k into 4 k with losing only 3 games alongside winning 50 games, the same should work vice versa. So basically you buy an acc with 6k, lose like 200 matches in a row, and are again in 2k...






                        you do not get matched with 1k dudes. Why would mm do that? I just checked it several times. The maxgap between players i saw in my games was like 400, and that was a stack. There is no need to take such huge gaps in players ingame, because there are enough players arround 2-3 k.


                          yea except in this case its a russian doing it

                          the proces seems relatively simple:

                          acquire 8 alt accounts that you can keep using

                          start the new account that you want to powerlevel

                          queue with your main account, the account you are powerleveling and your 8 alt accounts into TMM on south african or russian server (you should have a very good chance of getting all your accounts matched, if not try again)

                          since its captains mode, pick some random heroes for every account BUT make sure to pick furion for ur main account

                          tp to enemy fountain with furion

                          kill the 5 lvl 1 alt accounts that are standing there a couple of times till you have enough gold to buy 6 dps items for your furion

                          make sure u stand close enough with furion when they respawn and have auto attack enabled on furion

                          go afk

                          furion will keep killing the alt accounts as they respawn

                          when you return 1 or 2 hours later, the game will have hundreds of kills and lasted long enough for the account you are boosting to get insane amounts of battle points (even though its 0-0-0 in the fountain, or 0-0-128 if its on the opposite team of the furion)

                          do this for about 15 tmm matches and you got urself a lvl 13 account with no real games, ready for calibration and worth 40 USD on sites like epicnpc

                          this is how it looks on the powerlevelers account:


                          and this is how it looks on the account he powerleveled, which is also the account that wave bought and is now playing on:


                 9 hour TMM game on russian server with the powerleveler and wave's account involved, wonder how many battle points that gave

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            You can brag about your 6k mmr while playing with 3k mmr players in non-ranked. But your winrate might suck :P

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Thanks for the responses. I wish that one dude who said I went 22-17 in my first two pages of ranked (those weren't all ranked, got put in low priority for no reason at one point) had rolled over to page 3 cause my page 3 was a good run. Yea, maybe I belong in the 2k bracket. I didn't start at 2k by the way. After calibration I was in the mid 1K. I didn't think I was that bad. Maybe I am bad I dunno. I feel like im not though. I don't complain at my teammates, I play support when I need to and when I use my main carry who is Juggernaut I win about %55 of the time. And a lot of the losses I got with Jugg were from when I first started cause I just thought he looked cool so I played with him all noobed out.

                              One thing I don't do well though, mainly cause I fear I will walk into a death trap or my team wont help is gank. I want to so bad, but I end up just standing in the jungle like a fool for 45 seconds waiting to pounce and the opportunity rarely arises. Then I hear "Your middle tower is under attack", and that makes me feel even dumber. So really I try to play a safe game. I try not to die in stupid ways, I don't take too many risks. I believe this process will keep me winning more than I am losing, but the climb will be slow.

                              I certainly would like to become a more dominant player. I think I have a good feel for the game, and one guy said my storm spirit build was whack. I thought bloodstone was almost necessary on SS. It seems once I get it I start racking up kills. I can ulty all over the map once I get it and regen my mana almost instantly especially if the stone has a lot of charges.

                              I build my storm as such...


                              start with tango, heal salve, magic stick

                              up stick to wand

                              boots, mana ring, regen ring for ring of pers.

                              finish arcane boots, then I disassemble boots when I get the items to finish bloodstone

                              I do this every game.

                              Is this wrong?


                                i didn't pay shit, i knew the guy and joined him but lvl 13 accounts go for $5 and not $40


                                  zenoth i did ask you to specify the abuse/exploit/cheat and youre still avoiding it, i understand you're envious and butthurt that i got 5950 lol!


                                    so that russian guy spent 20 hours in tmm leveling your account for free?

                                    sorry but i seriously doubt that


                                      i bought for the battle exp booster myself and are you trying to bait me into revealing my account name which is swedish? nice try lol!


                                        OP: you have to play this game aggressively, not defensively... You might lose your next 20 games playing like a russian retard diving towers whithout any reason, but it worth it, couse you can learn the limits of your heroes and then play aggressive while still being safe enough. But you have to try it and practice it. Dont be a pussy, its hard to learn at first, I still play soo passive most of the times, but its a mistake and whenever I play aggressive more I win a lot more... Also my aggressive-playing friends have a lot lot higher mmr and winrate than my other friends who have similar clicking skills but play passive.


                                          I am only aggressive really with jug, maybe that is why he is my best. So true about the Russians though. They seem to just charge forward with no regard for outcome or repercussion. Then get pissed when I don't tower dive or chase all the way across the map, meanwhile while they are chasing the entire opposing team is hunting him down and pounce on him like hungry lions. Then I hear through the mike..VAT DA VUCK! NO VUNN HELPS, VUCKIN NOOBS!


                                            Trust me bro, wherever you're ranked you 95% probably belong there.

                                            This is main account -
                                            It was ranked 4.4k solo and 4.9k party.

                                            However, this account was the first account I ever made so I had some shitty stats on it and left it to try and get a more impressive looking account. Once I reached my peaks in MMR (4.4k - 4.9k) I started playing some higher level dota but tried to stop playing to focus on RL stuff. When I occasionally played I was rusty and so my MMR dropped to about 4.1k-4.5k. At which point I decided to play on this account again as it has all my other games on it. I believe this account was probably around 2800-3k mark yet after my calibration games I am sitting pretty on 4.2k solo 4k party. My WR here was 47% when I returned and now just under 49% compared to my almost stable 53% on my old account yet both MMRs are almost the same now. Why? Because I'm the same player.

                                            The truth is, I stomped many of my calibration games playing to troll on purpose too. Check these calibration Invoker games out, I went radiance and maxed ghost walk just to troll and get kills yet look -

                                            If you notice I lost the last game because the opponents actually bought detection, calibration was working. I was rapidly rising through the system and eventually my trolling potato play couldn't keep up with the MMR I was sat in.

                                            Sure you can power through the MMR by abusing one hero but you will return to the bracket you belong in. The truth can be a bitch but sadly you just have to be a better player. The best thing I can recommend is playing with better people and listen to every god damn word they say even if you think it's wrong at the time. I play regularly with Vaeldiithia (posted above) and I'm one of the aggressive players she talked about. I'd say 80% of the games we lose are because she didn't do what I said, or she listened to someone else on the team. When we play aggressive in sync we win like 80% of the games. Often there have been times where she's even said mid game that she made a mistake in not listening to me and within 10 seconds of me making a call and her not listening she realises why I said what I said. The truth is right now I have a better game sense than her and a quick way to learn that is to listen to better people. When they make a call, ask them why, look on the map, look at whats going on as to why they made that call. If you see the same situation developing in the future, make the same call.

                                            You will of course eventually get matched up with serious spoons like in these games;
                                   (sorry Vael)
                                   (AA and CM were good, bb and storm just get fucking up on heroes they really shouldnt fuck up on)
                                            but for the most part you should be able to advance or move to the bracket you belong to. I fully expect in about a week or so both my MMRs on this will be in the 4.4-4.6k range where they will stabilize, just like on my old account. I also except my WR to get to about 51-52% if I don't only play ranked. Again, just like my old account.

                                            At the end of the day you can't change who you are but you can improve the person that you are. If you want, add me. I can play on your server and watch your play and help you. If my lag is too much we can always talk and I can watch your games or something.

                                            One final point, if you really care about your MMR then don't play when you're not in the right frame of mind. Look at my recent games, I lost 4 in a row yesterday because I was talking to a girl on the phone and angry at the same time. Yes my scores weren't bad but they weren't great either. I took a break, got some fresh air, came back a bit later and then won 6 in a row. Don't risk it if you're not on form.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Op my point was you are winning more games than you are losing, just keep it up, it's the only way to get out of the bracket. You're doing fine and what you're supposed to. I don't think a 3k+ player runs all over 2k bracket like people are saying, you should win but you aren't going to win every game. Try to win 2 out of 3 and that's a good run.


                                                @ Wookie, 2/3 is running all over the bracket imo. Given that on average you should have a 50% chance of winning a game, to constantly be performing 16.67% above that is phenomenal. If you were 52% on average then you're moving out at a normal pace.

                                                But honestly, like I said in previous post, you'll play where you belong. If you improve you'll move up. If you don't, you won't.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Guiri, its not about playing agresive all the time, its about knowing what to do, if you say to OP to play agresive all the time he is going to feed. That its why i think its pretty hard to actually teach someone how to play dota, because EVERY situation is different from another.

                                                  @Let the Wookie win

                                                  I am a 3,5 scrub and i can tell you that its really easy to run all over 2k bracket, and i am telling you this because i play with some friends that are 2k and if you pick a mid hero ( TA and Storm are probably the easiest for this job ) its pretty easy to win the game alone.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Yeah I know cus I've done that too but somehow we still lose games sometimes when teams feed that bad. Saying just go on a win streak even in that bracket is extremely hard. It's hard to win more than 2/3 or 3/5.

                                                    Ples Mercy

                                                      jesus this thread still lives?


                                                        I got placed in 2K, but I why I think this was the wrong place for me was because I easily stomped to 2.4K in a day and a half, and now since I just play with my friends I don't do Solo Q anymore.

                                                        So what I am saying, if these 2K tier games aren't easy stomps, maybe it is where you belong.


                                                          Your kda on most heroes is really low. 600 games is nothing


                                                            I never played a 2K game, but even the 3.7-4.1 K where i play is completly potato sometimes (including my own plays).

                                                            Accepting that you suck dick is the first step to stop sucking.

                                                            If you think you are allready gud, you don't have space to improve. And on 2k you are not even close to potatobracket. I have a rl friend playing on 2.9 K, and I sometimes watch his games just for the luls. Its just amazing how bad everyone in this bracket is.

                                                            Nearly the same goes for my own replays. If I watch a Topplayer playing a certain hero, play the hero myself afterwards and check my replay, I can just see how badly I suck. And for a player that is 1k above a certain bracket, this bracket is easy to stomp.

                                                            Every 4k player can stomp his way through 2k bracket with a 70-90% winratio, if he picks the midlaner. Same goes for a 5k player and 3k bracket. 1000 MMR points difference is huge. Its a 40 Winstreak. Try to win 40 games in a row, im curious.

                                                            And abusing a certain hero, that is broken, won't make you a better player. One day icefrog will nerf him, and you will just lose your mmr gain in no time. Like es was so op, and some ppl just started to pick him every game, or when cent was introduced (the ulti was a stun on first introduction). Same goes for abusing combos. After tree came in, it was clearly impossible to beat a tree/weaver lane. if you wanted to abuse more, add abbadon. That was just unbeatable for pubs. Same goes for CK/Wisp or Kotl/Lancer (both thank god nerfed).

                                                            Vroksnak wrote a guide about abusing the system for high winratio (lvl 1 rosh with ursa wisp). There are always ways to "beat" the system, and put yourself in a higher bracket than your actual skill. But this won't make you a better player.

                                                            That has nothing to do with skill. Thats just abusing a flaw.

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