General Discussion

General Discussion246 games 100% winrate

246 games 100% winrate in General Discussion

    they just disable sharing to 3rd party (or w.e it is) in settings when they are about to lose, and keep it on when they win


      he plays against his own bots.

      @rambosalad: no. That is not what he is doing. this is the second time you are wrong about that. It is like you didn't even see the 440 k/d he has with invoker.

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        sandboxie player


          damn you found my smurf

          Hakuna Matata

            Concede is right. You can't do the disable and enable thing because dotabuff captures all the previous matches too when you enable it again. Do this: go to this player's profile and look at any match. Copy the match ID, go to the dota client and open the watch tab, now go to the recent games tab and filter with match ID. Download the replay of his game. See the other team just walking straight down the mid lane again and again. The latest match right now is 546874156.


              sounds fun


                a box full of sand


                  Looks like his first 5 or so games were legit, give him some credit.



                    still not answered. how.
                    "he plays against his own bots. "
                    "sandboxie player"
                    "a box full of sand"

                    How you can matched with 1 specific player among millions of other players ?


                      He gets 9 bots puts them all in an under populated server and abuses the game
                      If the server has people in it he just has a bot dc and restart the search

                      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                        Best player bar none in South Africa!


                          In the other words, he hacks servers and manages to play ONLY with bots?


                            fucker qeues bots on SA server and stacks with friends


                              ^ dat avatar.


                                No no no no....

                                He has 5 pc's sitting there he remotes into or is sitting there. Notice he does "captains draft" all games.

                                He has a pack of "friends" that he commonly plays with but is not there all the time! (He is boosting their MMR rating)

                                Selects a low queue server like south africa.

                                Must queue with 5 people for highest % of matching with the same "anonymous" players. (probably makes new accounts all the time to achieve this)

                                Notice he doesn't do "ranked match" so hes assisting smurf accounts.

                                1 big thing, use is this page:

                                You can input settings from the console command to "fit your connection needs" to only connect to a range of servers subnetted for one big server, you can see who you're connecting to before you hit "accept match" and what IP it is, ping etc. etc.

                                I do not have time to set up something like this but I really suggest they do not enable the console for this any longer as it is a loophole to many odd exploits like this.


                                  P.S. he's probably not 5 stacking, he is charging people a fee to get guaranteed wins with this account. Notice it's all unranked matches. So this puts them in the highest possible chances of getting high MMR once those smurf accounts finally commit to queuing some ranked matches after they've paid this sandy asshole a fee.

                                  Really smart, but I mean that seems like a very complicated/boring way to make money and can't exactly pay the bills in whole. So he probably does this on other games too to find exploits to make a digital living of sorts. What a sad life indeed.


                                    must be fun
                                    no life lvl 9000


                                      so the question is, where do u go to buy/sell shady services like these?

                                      one and half gun

                                        his rating will be 3k or 4k, its not based on wins/losses like some gullible idiots believe


                                          ^He doesn't play ranked, and that doesn't make what he is doing any less of an exploit.

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