General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you win with hard carries on soloq?

how do you win with hard carries on soloq? in General Discussion
Hex Sigma

    usually until I farm my core items so I can help my team its gg

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      depends on team, mmr bracket, and the hard carry you pick.


        Now as Concede has posted a pretty accurate solution, I suggest none need to repeat him and write the same thing once again.)


          Yes read what concede has.

          If you are in 2.8k to 3.5k (like me) try this thread:

          I went 75% with lycan last night 3/4 games win. Can't help if someone feeds ursa opp. team first blood and team averages 30 seconds a death though. I was 1K 1D 1A @ minute 15, but we had 30 deaths at that point. Mirana even proceeded to sell all items and feed other team couriers. Not much you can do when 1 guy hands them the win.

          Hex Sigma

            I found that the best way to win with a hard carry is playing with a stack

            on topic: mostly useless teams
            mmr : trench aka 2.4k
            hard carry : idk(let's say alche or morph)


              If you go ALCH take mid and do this (honest you will steam roll them)

              LVL 1 acid spray

              Starting gear: Sages mask, soul ring recipe, 2 clarities

              Stay in mid and every x:51~x:52 minute mark go to the ancient camp and use your acid spray

              Build your soul ring

              @ 10 Min mark you should have at least 4 to 5 ancient stacks (at least) so you are absorbing XP from ancients and mid if you stand correct.

              After lvl 6/7 you can ditch the soul ring since you can use your ULT and regen your mana/hp quickly. Remember to get health items since his ult is nerfed for HP.

              You can rinse/repeat this and stack a ton of gold.

              Game example of this from me:


              Just watch what I do in that gameid: 537812881 It was my 2nd run trying it out and seemed pretty effective. Disregard my item build I'm still toying with it due to ult nerf on HP. You'll see me stack a fuck ton of ancient creeps in the camp and starve the mid hero out at the same time.


                Pick carry and practice. It does depend on your mmr, team and the carry etc. but mostley on yourself. I guess burning could win in trashtier with antimage, so in theory everybody can. If its possible for 1, its possible for everyone. Just practice. I had 9% winratio on antimage after the first 11 games and got it up to 45%. Still not impressing, but it means, that I won 60% of the last 20 games with Antimage. Every Hardcarry has a different point where he comes full online and some gaps you need to take.

                Some carries are part of the current meta, others are simply "too hard" for the current meta. Antimage for example is not part of the meta. Its still possible.

                Watch a pro playing the certain carry you want to learn. For my part watching black and burning playing antimage helped alot.

                For antimage its getting your Battlefury in under 15 min. This should be possible with 5-7 creeps per minutes and 0 death. I start with 8 tangos, stoutshield and a salve. So I can endure massive harrassment. If lane goes easy I go naked boots or no boots into bf. If lane is hard I go PMS, Roh, ring of regen (upgrade to vlads later), into full boots. BF comes later online, but that is sometimes the only realistic sollution.

                Lifestealer for example is completly different. Go racecarbuilt: Phase, Drums, S&Y, Armlet to take early fights. Basically after drums you are ready to go. Thats why LS is so popular in the current meta. He does need nearly no stuff and still excells very hard.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  Yes do something you're comfortable with. Preferably where you can get guaranteed cash. Alch is that guy and is a HC and can carry in trash brackets. AM is tough though as he is squishy I think. Tough for trash bracket to get a BF in under 15 min i believe with him.


                    Games are decided in 25-30 mins in this current meta (at least my games) so i dont make rush items in generally (bf, radi etc).Still if you see that your team can handle 4v5, you can make them (you can't rely on like 20 minutes on your solo teammates i guess).Pick heroes which can go jungle at level 8 and have good lane presence.My favourite is terrorblade these days. (He is fine at both i think)


                      @caveman i've yet to try that...

                      do you stand just below the cliff, like near the tower on the left side towards top rune after you acid spray?
                      or do you have to pull and then go back?

                      Dire Wolf

                        Don't build midas.
                        Don't build super farming items like battlefury on void and PA. AM is probably the only carry I still get battlefury on.
                        Better yet pick carries that are hard but also have mid game utility like Luna, Sven, Alch, Chaos Knight, Viper etc. There are tons of carry options that are considered hard carries yet can contribute a lot even before they're well farmed because they have disables or other good abilities.

                        Carries I'd stay away from are Void, Medusa, Sniper, AM, PA.


                          Really? @wookie

                          PA makes great use of bfury and isn't a difficult hero to farm. Her early-mid game is still viable, people underestimate the quick attack speed boost she gets after she blinks.

                          Supports will stand by their tower at level 5 with like 60% hp thinking they're safe.
                          I'll hit them once or dagger to see what they do, but I'll pretend I'm going back and then jump on them again as they walk towards me.

                          Midas is generally useless but I love it on heroes like Doom/Alch who get the most out of creeping imo.
                          Sometimes I can whip out 6 slots in 25 minutes? Idk never made mental note.

                          I agree with Luna/Viper, sven not so much due to his shitty mana pool and melee attack, though they did buff his armor so I wonder how his harass will be in-lane...

                          I also disagree with Void, though he is a bit more difficult to farm than let's say PA because he's more vulnerable early game. The no-miss/no-evasion in Chronosphere, plus the 1000 movement speed gain, plus the CD decrease, plus being able to move in copied Chronos (rubick), I think he now becomes somewhat more viable than before.

                          As for sniper, I'm always going to defend sniper. Why does everyone hate sniper ):


                            Dont pick AM and void or dusa because you are useless for alot of time
                            Pick carries that can do something early: luna,gyro,pa etc

                            Also sven is really good in an aggro trilane. The armor buff is amazing


                              @ Craven Moorhead

                              I can stand below the cliff. This enables max dmg since they are walking more through the pool of acid and ensures you quicker ancient deaths/gold/xp/happy times.


                              I am still toying around with item's but I ended up getting HoM under 6 minutes as long as the courier wasn't being hogged.....

                              I haven't had much luck with HoM and Battlefury on alch though. I feel he is too squishy now and needs more health hence why I grabbed a satanic for the reaver health, and damage. I'm trying to figure out how to make him a viable carry instead of the ghetto support that all the classy people are doing.

                              @ Raspharus

                              Listen to darkness he/she knows. DO NOT pick AM/VOID/DUSA. Those needs a ton of farm.

                              (DISCLAIMER: Especially medusa holy crap you are useless the first freaking half hour of the game! Hardest carry ever! Piss poor farm potential! UNLESS YOU ARE RADIANT, then watch a youtube video on stacking ancients LVL 1 but if on dire DO NOT DO IT. Here is the video if you want to attempt that: ) Only time I play medusa is then.

                              Run my alch build you will not be disappointed. Will perfect and try and get over 1k gpm on him this week.

                              Hex Sigma

                                heh I remeber that my best game with antimage was somwthing like this

                                I was in a stack of 4
                                we were losing badly
                                my team was 4v5 the entire match
                                I farmed for 40 mins straight
                                they took mid raxes and proceeded to the ancient
                                my team hold the game like crap(then I realized what it does mean to rely on your team)
                                I got out of the jungle at 40 mins
                                boom first teamwipe
                                resumed farming
                                they tried to win again and again but it was futile in 10 mins it was gg

                                the moral of the story is never let an anti mage farm unintrerupted

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  PAs on my team- brown boots into battlefury into HoTD. 30 minutes 0-5-2 typically.

                                  PAs on enemy team- phase into drums into bkb. 30 minutes 10-0-5.

                                  volvo plz


                                    i don't...
                                    supports fuck with me and i make sure we lose the game ^^
                                    better chances at winning if they leave me alone instead :p


                                      Leave Medusa alone. She needs like 17~20 min of farm to come online in team fights and has incredible lane harassment tool. Other thing is that you need to have good map awareness and make right priorities. Ah, and team not retarded enought to take farm from you.

                                      If it's 2,5k MMR we are talking about - do pick sniper. Go mid, farm Shadow Blade, skip Shrapnel entirely. Go ganking as soon as you get it. Sniper is a pub stomper against unskilled opponents.


                                        u dont :DDDDD

                                        look @ my last game i lastpick void as a carry while having somewhat decent picks in my team

                                        then i find out that disruptor and nyx offlane duo stack

                                        and im against mirana lich solo

                                        russians in my team were completely ignoring the fact i was facing imposible to lane heroes so i wen't to jungle for remaining of game while my team mid fed 2 kills a minute

                                        we did quite nice comeback midgame but then after couple throws we lost in nice fashion

                                        tip of the day never pick melee hero in a pub , never pick carry in a pub

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                          i'm not a pro (actually i am a noob but played too much dota 2), but in one game i was able to be a hard carry. i guess it was luck that i was able to do this since i prefer to be a support player. i was forced to pick a hard carry this game for none of the preceding picks were good enough to really carry.

                                          the game is:
                                          (here my team was able to give me the space i needed)

                                          in my humble noob experience a hard carry must do the following:
                                          1. farm fast enough to be able to come to fights when really needed
                                          2. don't complain and focus on what you are suppose to do. (the other 4 are there to buy you time by dying or whatnot)
                                          3. do not die on simple ganks and do not blame it on not having any wards on the map. (expect to be ganked left and right) if you dodge most of it, the ganks will stop and you will be able to farm. (you can only die on team fights or on 3-5man ganks)
                                          4. be on team fights which you think your team will win. (if not then why go there at all, remember the others are cannon fodder but not you)

                                          in the end... be sure to be able to take on at least 1v3 and still win. a hard carry is capable of winning the game one handed if you are able to do what you are suppose to do.

                                          Hex Sigma

                                            afaik tiny has some good ganking potential. Did you gank with him or did you just farm all game?


                                              I don't like picking carries in the solo queue because you just cant trust supports to buy support items. I played a game with troll and the Venge on my team refused to buy any support items and rushed an S&Y while insisting in the chat that warding was not his job. I took the Yasha recipe from the courier and hid it in the trees as punishment

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                              Vanity  ツ

                                                I would recommend watching extremely good hard carry players if you want to win games by playing it. Personally I'd suggest watching Liquid TC, who often plays as the safelane farmer when he solo queues. Try to copy what he does, and learn from his decisions and movements.

                                                Yesterday I met a guy called taki, who seems to pick hard carries, regardless of whether his team mates are bad or not. So it is possible to win a good amount of games when playing the 1st position, you just have to practice and focus.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  @motley only reason is cuz u had space to farm look@ the game i was talking about

                                                  if u have no team there is no way u can play carry


                                                    With a bad team you still can effectively play mid-friendly carries like SF, Sniper, Lanaya, Mirana, etc. Though all of them aren't too "hard".

                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                      @lordy sry to break it for you but sny does not have a recipe. Just saying
                                                      @schnablefant thnx for the suggestion will do


                                                        ^ oh yes you're right. It was for the Yasha to finish it off


                                                          play terrorblade, fast pusher + a great early-mid game carry that deals alot of dmg

                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                            yea that's what i wanted to ask... what carries do you guys recommend for a starter(in playing carry not generally). I thought of morphling as IMO he is extremely op if you manage to farm that ethereal blade.


                                                              I think Clinkz is best carry for "starters".

                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                NO! pls God no! anything but invis heroes.


                                                                  Easier carries

                                                                  Luna (Nukepower, Flashfarmability, ranged)
                                                                  Wraithking (Harder to feed, stun, can go jungle early)
                                                                  Ursa (Easy Rosh, can start in jungle, in low lvl games nobody checks jungle)
                                                                  Slark (Easiest stomphero; nowdays played on pos 1)
                                                                  Clinkz (Easy lasthits with arrow, invi=immortality on low lvl)
                                                                  Naix (Lifesteal, magicimmunity)
                                                                  Terrorblade (Splitpush, op damage)
                                                                  Cancerlance (Builtin invi, splitpush, nuke)
                                                                  Sven (stun, armor, ms, flashfarmability)

                                                                  The list could go longer. That does not mean that the above heros are "easy" but they are easiert than the following:

                                                                  Hard to play

                                                                  Void (Chrono can fuckup everything, bad laning, bad gankpotenatial)
                                                                  Medusa (Needs shitload of farm, low gankpotential)
                                                                  AM (Squishy, needs alot of farm, low gankpotential, needs alot of xp cause you need to know when spells are casted, what their manacost is etc.)

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    @ RM Lordy

                                                                    You did what I wanted to do so many times. I will have to hide a supports "Carry" items in the woods as punishment. Well played!

                                                                    Hex Sigma

                                                                      reviving a dead thread :)

                                                                      just stumbled upon morphling. I really wanna learn how to play this hero but first i have some questions

                                                                      1. I heard that he has been nerfed badly. Is this hero still viable as a carry?(in pubs ofc). And how is he now compared to pre nerf?
                                                                      2. how do i morph properly? I mean I know that i need to morph str when i am in a bad situation but how much and when do i need o morph agility?
                                                                      3. his ultimate seems kind of weird. I mean its cool that you can swap with the ilussiln but is that all?
                                                                      4. why is linken considered core on him? he is not that squishy mid to late

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                        pick a carry who can fight early on
                                                                        naix is awesome

                                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                        Hex Sigma

                                                                          @sano i tend to have more if a farming playstyle on naix. That means i am following the usual build(midas, treads/phase, armlet, basher, daedalus, mjolnir or deso, ac, abyssal maybe heart)

                                                                          what about morphling?


                                                                            morphling's even worse, doesn't get online till 2 major items (linkens + eb, skadi + yasha/bkb, etc.)

                                                                            the best hard carry this version is terrorblade, because his early game surpasses all those of other hard carries by a huge margin, and he is still a huge threat later on.

                                                                            Hex Sigma

                                                                              thnx for the suggestion ill try tb


                                                                                raspharus i think the actual problem is ur attitude. i'll make this one last post because you show some genuine effort to improve, and you can accept what i say or reject it, but it won't matter to me

                                                                                like i just gave you a suggestion and you say "ok i'll try tb"

                                                                                i could've given you a million other suggestions, but that one was just a litmus test. i could've advised you to pick invoker instead (another broken hero right now) but it will have the same result.

                                                                                here's the thing: everyone above 5k mmr (and most people above 4.5k) knows tb is pretty op right now. the point is that you can win solo q games with almost any hero (even shit tier heroes like medusa) if you are good enough. the difference is that heroes like terrorblade are much easier to win with simply because of the game mechanics + tb being strong at all stages of the game. i could list all the OP heroes and you can grind them over and over in pubs for higher MMR, but that should not be your goal

                                                                                your goal should be to improve your game knowledge/mechanics in general. getting higher MMR is secondary. many nadota players i know have grinded from ~4.7k to 5.5k or even 6k, picking certain heroes over and over. does that mean they are much just as good as the pros? ofc not. in fact many of them who have grinded there are not even better than me (a 4.6-4.8k player) and if you asked them to play the heroes who are not broken right now but just "decent" such as qop/puck/sf they would fall right back down to where I am. I'm not trying to sound bitter (in fact I'm amused so many people are selling out their souls just for a higher rating that nobody will truly acknowledge/give 2 fucks about) but simply elaborating the fact that getting better is a long process.

                                                                                from what i'm picking up on your posts/your mindset, you're thinking "maybe if i just do [insert one-dimensional claim], i won't be stuck at 2.5k mmr." the reason you are stuck at 2.5k mmr is because you are doing the same things over and over every game, and not visualizing that you could be doing something differently. if you truly think you deserve higher rating, then something is off. it could be due to bad clicking skills, bad map awareness, the need to change the way you think about the game, etc.

                                                                                a while back i asked my friend (he didn't calibrate his mmr, but i'm guessing he's around 5.0/5.1k) to spectate a game. i did decently in my lane but made some bad item choices and didn't help out my failing trilane. basically i was typing in steam chat about how bad my team was, how shitty they were, etc. typical flaming/whining. this sounds familiar, right? everyone has these games - you do well in lane and the other lanes fail, and then you whine about how bad the team is. he told me "you know, maybe the problem is ur attitude" and i think this is literally one of the simplest yet best pieces of advice out there. your goal is to improve YOURSELF not your teammates. if they are really that annoying just mute them. in fact when i suspect someone is about to go full retard in my games by flaming even when he's like 0-9, i just mute the player. it's as simple as that.

                                                                                my terrorblade suggestion will help you grind mmr, but ultimately it will not make you a better player. practicing the necessary skills will make you better. (or even better yet, practice those skills with terrorblade - you not only get to play a strong hero, but you can improve simultaneously) those skills will translate into you playing other carries at a higher level as well.

                                                                                until you are dominating the majority of your games, farming a shit ton so you can 1v5 the other team (in case your team fails, which i acknowledge will happen), and outplaying them by a good margin, you're not going to raise your mmr by much, if at all. i know that sounds unfair but that is just how the system works. the sooner you accept that (or the sooner you find another method, whether it's using mmr exploits i.e. cheating, stacking with friends, etc.) the less frustrated you will be.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                Hex Sigma

                                                                                  thnx for the wall of text but i think you got me a little wrong. I dont want to go up in mmr by exploiting. If i wouldve want to do that i wouldve just picked op heroes constantly(well not op but lets say stompers like LC blood propht etc.)

                                                                                  i dont want to grind mmr using meta exploits. Also i have many friends that use this method to win easily(one of them for example picks only jugg/ursa and he has like 3.4 k mmr). The reason why i opened this thread is because IMO winng with a hard carry in soloq is challenging not because the role is difficult but because by the time you get online the base is crumbling.

                                                                                  and regarding improving sure i do want to improve. If youll check my history you will see that some weeks ago i was playing.mainly support. Now i have switched to carry as i want to learn this role too. But here comes the big question... should i learn all roles before returning to ranked play? or should i stick with the roles that i already know and to master them?


                                                                                    cant lose as sniper


                                                                                      you do not need to learn all the roles, but you should learn the concepts behind them. the reason you don't run uphill without vision applies to every role, for example



                                                                                        man.blood is OP? what is wrong with you?
                                                                                        LC is OP? seriously what have you been taking?
                                                                                        DP is OP? hot damn!


                                                                                          Well, if you want to learn, look at how the hard carries played in all the past games where you weren't one. If you lost and the opponent had a hard carry, watch the replay to understand how and why he won.

                                                                                          Although most of the time you will realize a large part is determined by how much space his team happens to create. Otherwise the most important points are basically prioritizing the following: Avoid Deaths > Maximize Farm > Join Fights. Do not farm if it will put you at risk, do not join a fight unless you are not missing out on farm or run the risk of losing a base tower.

                                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                                            @fever not that they are not balanced but they can get out of control easy if you feed em. And i was refering to NP not krobelus :)

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              they contribute nothing to the match.NOTHING.except NP who is countered by high mobility ass-to-mouth heroes like storm spirit.

                                                                                              Hex Sigma

                                                                                                if you're talking about the competitive secene the yes. If it's about pubs then no.


                                                                                                  I wouldn't play Alchemist unless you can get a tri-safe lane. Rush a Hand of Midas --> AC --> Basher --> Health.

                                                                                                  I've tried experimenting with farming ancients on him, but it's really hard to do it effectively if you're trying to play mid as well. You're better off letting a good hero contest last hits/denies than trying to do both things poorly.

                                                                                                  If you use Acid Spray correctly, you can get a 15 minute Radiance and stay competitive in terms of levels. Have someone ward the entrance so you don't get surprise ganked.


                                                                                                    How do you win?

                                                                                                    Play aggressive and punish people for weak laning. Really, it's so easy to do with heroes that contribute at least something early. Heroes like:

                                                                                                    -Ember Spirit
                                                                                                    -Troll Warlord (+ nice pushing)
                                                                                                    -Terrorblade (+ nice pushing)
                                                                                                    -Lifestealer (in lane, jungle is a waste)


                                                                                                      if you know what you're doing hard carries work fine in most games since teams are too stupid to actually put legit pressure, so if you have good map awareness and stuffs you can probably get 30 mins of uncontested farm before you actually have to fight.

                                                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                                      Hex Sigma

                                                                                                        well its either 40 mins of farming wich results in a nice ownage or my team yelling at me to go suicide wih em(they call it teamfighting)
                                                                                                        take for example my jugg match. I couldnt get any farm for the first mins(dazzle was stealing and autoatt). After i got my bf and maelstrom i could contribute much better to the fights but sadly the enemy team was too far ahead..

                                                                                                        I started thinking that if i dont get any farm on the laning phase i should switch to jungling(while the laning phase hasnt ended yet)

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!