General Discussion

General DiscussionGuide to winning solo ranked games at any skill level

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Guide to winning solo ranked games at any skill level in General Discussion


      i tried being positive but i still lost. 0/10

      King of Low Prio

        ^ yup you got muted for being too nice


          i got muted bcuz i wasnt behaving in all-chat but im unmuted as of now

          King of Low Prio


            clearly you are not still being a dick......

            Ples Mercy

              I do not approve


                100% agree. I feel like having a calm head will win you 1 out of 10 games, regardless of skill.

                Not only that, but playing with people who bitch people out are just not as fun to play with in general. Calling them bad means either they're worse than you (very possible) or they're having a bad game (happens to everyone) or you're delusional (worst of all 3).


                  im sorry to say that but psychologicaly speaking its atrocious bullshit.

                  u wont win more games if ur nice to ppl unlesss u play with depressed little girls that need attention and friendly talk to get confident and play well.

                  thing is when u " flame " someone, it means he alrdy did the wrong thing.
                  Which means that he's clueless about whats happening and what he has to do for his team to win the game, and he's gonna have a bad impact on the game anyway (or at least not a good one).

                  The only impact being nice with ppl doing shit is gonna be him not doing worst on purpose.
                  Its not gonna make him play better, but not tickling his ego will make him stay "stable" at least and then u just have to deal with it and try to win anyway.

                  But yeah being not negative will have an impact on ur team morals and keep them stable.
                  At least for the clueless one that dont get whats happening and what impact the wrong plays will have on the game.

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Pick TREANT = WIN


                      err quick question
                      why the fuck is this guy
                      in 2k mmr....


                        cant see why cant he have 2k mmr


                          he has over 3.4k games played


                            and the video u posted, they just lost control cuz they tought game was already won, typical mistake. those players are supposed to have experience and such thing shouldnt happend.

                            they went 1by1 vs bat and get picked off, if they kept control they'd do it step by step and would have won 1 0 0 %
                            but they lost patience/didnt care yolo freewin.

                            this is the kind of stuff i hate the most. ive lost games with megacreeps because of cluelesss inexperiented ppl that couldnt imagine we'd lose that even tho I spammed the shit out of them trying to explain that we were gonna lose cuz of their global cluelessness.

                            I agree for the most of the "guide" but u give way too much impact on being positive, even if its a + its a small one

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              i get muted for telling people that flame me that they probably shouldn't flame me if they want me to help them more so than i already am


                                Thanks for the guide SlashStrike. If it leads to even one Dotabuff "pro" overthinking his behaviour, it was worth writing it.
                                Most are beyond reasoning, though ;-)


                                  I've learned this from my own mistake
                                  Everytime i focus on my feeding teammate, i sometimes wrongly fill the wrong skill or feed unintentionally

                                  I usually insult people when i already gave up on my game, 2 rax down or mega creeps when there is no chance we are going to win.


                                    First Blood!

                                    1. GG FF
                                    2. Uninstall DOTA Scrub
                                    3. Report

                                    Hi OP, Which one is best reaction for teammate first blood?


                                      4. It's not your fault.


                                        @RM LORDY
                                        Enemy's Terrorblade got FB by killing my NS. After that I killed him, his lane partner, mid hero, more TB, someone on the bot, blah-blah up to beyond godlike streak. Then I feed their team six times in a row (resulting in successful push or kills, but still) but our Razor was already balling out of control by that moment.

                                        tl;dr FB doesn't means shit. Use this as your reaction.

                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                        Quick maffs

                                          Pretty good the guide, i need to show this to some friends

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            "Oh my god, this Luna is not going BKB!"
                                            "Luna, why are you not getting a BKB?"
                                            "Luna, I think a BKB would be good for you here."

                                            Essentially, all three mean the same, but the effect they have on not only the Luna but your team is colossally differing.

                                            Option 1 is the worst - by not addressing the Luna directly, you are implying that person cannot be reasoned with. This is not only insulting to that player, hurting their confidence and having the aforementioned effects on their performance, but it gives everyone on your team the impression that the situation can no longer be helped and that all that is left to do is complain and whine.

                                            Option 2 is less bad, however it is still very bad compared to option 3. I have a feeling most people think this to be the right option, or at least go for this one most often. Not only does this create doubt as I mentioned above, it immediately puts your ally on the defensive as they feel pressured to explain their decision. Even if they had realized themselves that the decision was bad, the chance of them replying positively to such a question is close to non-existent. Now you have created a rift in your team, between you and that player. They may not consciously decide to do anything about it, but sub-consciously you can bet split-second decisions will be influenced by what you have said. Why should I help/save/listen/follow the guy that is criticizing me? Such a thought coming up in the Luna is not unlikely at all. Furthermore, the rest of your team may take either side which magnifies the problems.

                                            Option 3 is ideal. It doesn't matter whether the enemies have 3 disables each that are all negated by BKB and you think Luna must be below 2000 MMR for not realizing that, and in fact it doesn't even matter whether she follows your advice or not (however, when you put it this way it is a lot more likely that she will), as long as you have tried to convince her."

                                            BULLSHIT. What is this matchmaking's duty? Yes, balancing your games. I EXPECT a guy that is in the same game with me have the same game knowledge as me. He should know what he should be doing. If he doesn't then he simply shouldn't play the hero.

                                            Edit: Also option 2 is way better in most situations so you will actually know why is he not doing what he should be doing. If he answers in a very retarded way you will also get to learn him being retarded so you will behave him like one. Solo queue = no teamwork. You can't trust anyone.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              Welcome to life, where not everything meets your expectations.
                                              What are you doing if your father does not buy the latest iPhone model for your birthday?
                                              "Mother! That... husband of yours did buy me an iPhone 4s?! When I put "iPhone" on the list, I EXPECT him to get me the newest shit!!1"

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah
                                                But they are at the same game knowledge as you. Look at your Axe games.

                                                "Oh my god, this Axe is not going Vanguard!"
                                                "Axe, why are you not getting a Vanguard?"
                                                "Axe, I think a Vanguard would be good for you here."


                                                  full of bullshit. when I played with you, you started trashtalking in voice chat for the whole laning phase.


                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                    @soultrap You gotta be kidding me. So you think all those loses were caused because I didn't get a Vanguard?


                                                      @Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah
                                                      Exactly. Maybe one of your teammates posting match history somewhere in internet right now and talking crap about Axe's items choice.

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        Wow okay. You seem to be clearly retarded. Sorry.


                                                          Who would build vanguard on any hero, really..


                                                            Take it from an Axe player Soultrap. Vanguard is not a necessity and is almost a situational item now even for me.

                                                            There are some games where you can see me getting it but that is simply based on who I am up against etc.



                                                              finland throws games harder than eg


                                                                Why mek is not popular item on axe :/

                                                                vanguard | meka
                                                                Price: 2175 | 2434
                                                                +5 HP regen/second | 3 HP/sec regeneration aura
                                                                80% to block 40 damage | +5 All Attributes +5 Armor
                                                                +250 Hit Points | Gives 2 bonus armor and heals 250

                                                                and mek can be built by both ranged and meele + one of the 5 most cost efficient item in dota

                                                                I know i'm not an axe player, but why? :(
                                                                even 2 mek is more useful than 1 vanguard & 1 mek

                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                  "even 2 mek is more useful than 1 vanguard & 1 mek"

                                                                  Well that's a lie.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    forgot to add: 1 person build vanguard and the second person build mek on the same team

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      Sam is technically right.

                                                                      But Sam should also know full well that in the world there are only a handful of players who can play at a similar level to him, most of them competitive players themselves. So it isn't too surprising that he gets players who are a lot worse than him.

                                                                      Out of curiosity, how long would you justify waiting for a game where everyone is at most 500 points below you?


                                                                        Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah loves to build Heavens Halberd on Axe, which is bad, because you want to get hits to proc Helix more often.

                                                                        While OA*_Havoc Badger dislikes Blade Mail an Axe.

                                                                        All I want to say is that different players have different playstyles and different items preferences. And if somebody refuses to build BKB on Luna, you have to accept it. Because maybe... just maybe... we all sometimes build suboptimal items.


                                                                          just shut the fuck up, seriously


                                                                            Except that evasion does not prevent Helix from activating, so you are wrong. In fact, evasion is a good choice for Axe, with the active being saved for enemies he can't tank when his bonus 40 armour is down such as the likes of Lifestealer.

                                                                            Blade Mail isn't necessarily the best item for Axe either, especially since he is looking to setup kills and give free stampede. He doesn't soak up much damage during call either.

                                                                            All of these are situational and depends on the playstyle as well. No shit, everyone build suboptimal items. But as long as they can justify it and make it work, it's fine. But most don't.


                                                                              Its not clearly bullshit. You wont win 100% if you are nice, but if you win just 2 games out of 20 or 50 it will positively affect your rating and win%... It worked me sometimes, winning some games when teammates started flaming me / someone else on something not even that big (like fb), or when they were already rude against others and just being nice to them changed their attitude and they started being nicer, the flamed person didnt gave up, we won.

                                                                              Noone said anyone would start playing better if you are nice. But they wont start playing worse. When you start flaming, the other person will intentionally or just couse of thinking about it / reading / answering play worse, so your chances to win are lower. Its actually a working strategy to make your enemy rage, start flaming someone you think the enemy team could start raging on, if you kill someone 2-3 times in lane, the game is not won yet. If you talk the entiry enemy team into thinkin hes a feeder noob, and they start to flame him, hes gonna give up, you won the game... But if you are on that "feeder's" team, and instead of flaming, tell him it wasnt his fault, that lane was hard, he was ganked and dived, anyone would have died there, just go to the jungle / gank my lane then we go together and kill them, you still have a chance. The feeder is probably already frustrated, if you can calm him down, you have a chance, if not, you lost, couse hes gonna go back to that lane and will continue dying... You can even say it was his fault, if it was... but do it at the end of the game, when you/enemy are attacking the ancient... so no chance hes getting delusional how pro he is. but while hes your teammate, you want him to play well... So you wont throw your next game couse still feeling bad about the last one...

                                                                              Its not every game, but there are those games, and the guide is about those games... But you have to try every time, so you will do it when needed. And also less stressful to lose when noone yells at you...

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                This guy is really good on axe.
                                                                                Anyone knows whats the use of eul on axe? just to eul yourself and blink out like puck does?


                                                                                  this is a very good blog/guide, which is why i prefer minimal communication inside the game

                                                                                  you dont need to lick anyone's balls, but it's plenty enough to communicate via pings and things like ''get t1 bot'' or ''go rosh''

                                                                                  you have to realize that even when you get retards flaming them won't make them play better so you're actually shooting yourself in the foot if you go and whine the whole game


                                                                                    "please report axe"


                                                                                      well just tried this, it worked despite us being 2 rax down but to be fair i was hardcore ratting so will rate later Kappa


                                                                                        "...evasion does not prevent Helix from activating..."
                                                                                        Thank you, I didn't know that.
                                                                                        Still disarm from Heaven's Halberd is a bit wasted on Axe.


                                                                                          [color=Khaki]Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah loves to build Heavens Halberd on Axe, which is bad, because you want to get hits to proc Helix more often.[/color]

                                                                                          Helix is triggered by a hit received not by hits from one hero. You don't want a carry with high damage to be getting free hits off. Late game helix means nothing. If you blink in and call you are going to have other team mates and creeps attacking you, why not elimate the biggest source of this damage? It makes perfect sense to make halberd on axe in the same way I make sheepstick and forcestaff and below in short is why...

                                                                                          ... once you hit the stage where you no longer have your "Axe" advantage you can still be useful to the team by disabling. Do you think a late game carry really cares how much regen/hitpoints/armor you have or how many helix hits you get? Realistically no. So disable him/her and let your helix procs come from low sources of damage.

                                                                                          [color=Khaki]While OA*_Havoc Badger dislikes Blade Mail an Axe.[/color]

                                                                                          I don't dislike the item I dislike the way it is used. Most use blademail right after beserkers call which increases your armor that means reduced damage to you which in turn is reduced damage to the hero through the effect of blademail.

                                                                                          Again, this is just one of those things where people hate axe and certain items because they have never learnt to use them effectively. Not all games are run by shadow blades and dagons, some games actually require you to access where and when a hero or item is good as an option.

                                                                                          [color=Khaki]All I want to say is that different players have different playstyles and different items preferences. And if somebody refuses to build BKB on Luna, you have to accept it. Because maybe... just maybe... we all sometimes build suboptimal items.[/color]

                                                                                          BKB on Luna is 100% a recommended item and a must buy for 80% of your games. However...that is not always the case and sometimes simply by good positioning you can actually avoid the damage that you would build BKB against. Arguably not for the feint of heart but I have built forcestaff and such on Luna as she is quick enough to juke around or blink/forcestaff out of stuff.

                                                                                          100% recommend BKB but it is not always required in the same way blink dagger is good on initiators, while better, some feel comfortable enough playing without it (not all cases as some people are genuinely thick). When I play with people I get asked by them what to pick or what to build next. I always tell them to do what they are most confident and comfortable with as this will for the most part ensure at least a semi-competent style of gameplay.

                                                                                          @Yfay Eul's axe does give you time to catch your opponent or euls - blink if you are in trouble. The additional mana regen is helpful as well. Also, I don't think this is good plays just Asian DotA with long games, midas's, loads of farm and sitting in a group most of the time. Solo axe never works only party queue axe works.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                            I'm sorry, you actually know when and what items to build. And I like your line: "I always tell them to do what they are most confident and comfortable with...". Hope there will be more players like you around.


                                                                                                Xan must give me tips :D best 2 games ever.

                                                                                                Once people leave their comfort zone they tend to feed and fail. Unless they have an innate desire to excel and push out of their comfort it is better to keep them there (hence the forced 50% on most accounts).


                                                                                                  Was joking ofc. Just happened to draft axe recently, cant remember the last time i played the hero.

                                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                                    Can you guys stop talking about axe ?


                                                                                                      this is total kindergarden level education.
                                                                                                      in kindergarten, i was taught to be nice to other little kids.
                                                                                                      i guess most dota2 player didn't successfully graduated from kindergarten.


                                                                                                        this thread reminded me of this