General Discussion

General Discussionchance on attack items

chance on attack items in General Discussion

    If I have Daedalus + MKB + Mjollnir + Basher + Sange&Yasha, what are exact chances of each item to proc?


      If you read on the items you'll see the chance (%) to proc..



        More than 100% is impossible I believe.


          sadly, no chance u will get that items.


            ^Which of them?


              all of them in same hero


                Why not?


                  Erm... There is independent chance roll for each effect. They aren't affect each other in any way.


                    because u will need bkb.


                      I can stun, minibash, crit, lightning and slow - all in one attack?

                      There is one more slot reserved just for BKB. Happy now? =)

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Oh yesh you can, yesh you can~


                          Are you sure?


                            Like ~85%


                              85%? =)


                                its 84% dont troll that guy pls


                                  84-85% is not enough, I want more reliable answer. =)


                                    You always should have some field to retreat. However in original mechanics (and by original I mean WC3's one) there is no limitations for such things. You can get multiple criticals, stuns and triggered effects at the same time. With "Orb of slow" spell proccing on top of it.


                                      Warcraft 3 is a different game, I'm asking about DOTA 2.


                                        DOTA 2 took most of that "different game"s mechanics to not become too much different from DotA 1.


                                          lol at this thread


                                            may the god with u

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                                              You can do them all at once. As a PA I have crit-bash-lightninged someone.


                                                Got it. Thank you all.


                                                  To the smart ass who talks about wc3, stun in wc3 is described as action of unit, that slows the unit speed to 100 ( that is lowest ammount ) and disables every order you make to your hero.

                                                  On topic, i think can you get all of it, but probably has some order, but i am not so familiar with dota 2 engine and mechanics


                                                    I believe the order of purchasing have something to do with the probability.
                                                    or you can put them on the ground and pick them up one by one by some specific order.

                                                    rule of thumb. put the effect your most like to proc as the first one. so that it doesn't got diluted much.


                                                      only 1 get proc each attack. so
                                                      suppose the order is Daedalus + MKB + Mjollnir + Basher + Sange&Yasha,

                                                      probility of Daedalus will be 25%, if not daedalus
                                                      p(MKB) = 0.35*(1-0.25) = 0.2625
                                                      p(Mjollnir) = 0.25*(1-0.25-0.2625)=0.121875
                                                      p(Basher) = 0.25*(1-0.25-0.2625-0.121875)=0.09140625
                                                      p(S&Y) = 0.16*(1-0.25-0.2625-0.121875-0.09140625)=0.043875

                                                      chance you got nothing proc is 1- 0.25-0.2625 -0.121875-0.09140625-0.043875=0.23034375

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                      Manny Mammoth

                                                        0% if you are me
                                                        150% if you are enemy


                                                          I was playing as spirit breaker once and had crystalys shadowblade and mjolnir, i hit this rubick and crit aswell as the lighting and my bash proced all 3 at the same time, he exploded rofl.


                                                            To very smart person with great manners, who happen to not have a clue about WC3:

                                                            Where did that come from? Stun if one of several statuses of WC3's core. There are stun, pause and hex statuses, that are obvious. There are Illusion, summon, metamorphosis statuses too. You can't affect these statuses in any way without changing the game itself.

                                                            Also, minimal movement speed in WC3 is zero. 100 is just a default one, that could be changed in game constants for map. On the other hand - 522 is maximal movement speed allowed by engine, you can't go over it and still make game consider this a "movement" (you still can go over it, by moving a unit through rapidly repeating trigger, but MS parameter of the unit won't go over 522 any way)

                                                            And just for your information: Autoattacking doesn't considered as an "order" by the game engine. So if you set unit's ms to zero and create an event, that will stop him on any order, unit will be able to autoattack just fine.


                                                              Zero ms can be minimal, but with the limitation of wc3 , the 100 is the lowest which can be "seen" by the game itself. And yea, 522 is max ( bs can't get this new buff in wc3)

                                                              There is huge difference between autoatacking and atacking in wc3 due to the mechanics behind the action of atacking. There was huge thread on pd, which was like arguing over this ( and it had aroud 20 pages ).

                                                              But anyway, sorry if i offended with my attitude, a haven't been my self for the past few days

                                                              Manny Mammoth

                                                                Thats only with UAM , the items you listed can all proc at once if you are lucky.

                                                                We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!