General Discussion

General Discussion[GUIDE] How to play suport

[GUIDE] How to play suport in General Discussion

    Hello everyone. In this guide, i will present you many tips and tricks i gather during playing wc3 for a long year and dota 2 ( for 1 month, sigh. . . ). So lets get started :)

    It is my first officialy guide on Dotabuff ( not first one, i wrote few on Playdota , back in the days ), and i am sorry if you find some gramatical errors ( English isn't my native language, even do i know it very well, i suck with grammar )

    The reason behind writing this guide is usually this role in the games are vanished ( pub games specially ) , but in the high end games, suporting role is widely recognized as one of most important ( throught the whole game )


    * Picking a suport hero

    * Courier

    * Warding

    * The Big Brother

    * Sacrificing for the greater good

    * Items

    * How to play and what kind of play style you need

    * Choosing a lane

    * Special mentions and secret techniques :wink

    1: Picking a suport hero

    So what is supporting hero? According to dota2 wiki - "Supports are heroes whose purpose is to keep their allies alive and give them opportunities to earn more gold and experience. Supports are not dependent on items"

    As you can see, supporting role is to maintain his carry life high, while at the same time harrasing enemy carry in lanes.

    Supporting heroes can be divided into few categories :

    a. Healers.

    Supporting heroes that have skills which can heal their teammates and protect them from deaths. They can be :

    - Omninight [Img][/img]
    - Chen [Img][/img]
    - Dazzle [Img][/img]
    - Undying [Img][/img] and many more, but you get the point

    b. Disablers.

    Supporting heroes that have some sort of disable, which can stun, slow ( disable ) enemy heroes

    - Lion [Img][/img]
    - Shadow shaman [Img][/img]
    - CM [Img][/img]
    - VS [Img][/img]

    c. Pushers and junglers

    Heroes that can convert neutral creep or summon creeps to be able to push enemy towers

    - Furion [Img][/img]
    - Enchantress [Img][/img]
    - Chen [Img][/img]
    - Enigma [Img][/img]
    - Ezalor [Img][/img]
    - Veno [Img][/img]
    - Visage [Img][/img]
    - Pugna [Img][/img]

    d. Slowers

    Hero that can slow enemy heroes ( reducing their movemant speed )

    - Dazzle [Img][/img]
    - Treant [Img][/img]
    - WL [Img][/img]
    - CM [Img][/img]

    Note 1 : These heroes are usually supports and there are some other healers like juggernut or disablers like sven which don't belong to supporting heroes

    Note 2 : This isn't list all of supporting heroes

    2: Courier/chicken/the thing that transfer you items

    [u]Chicken[/u] is most important thing which you first buy with supporting hero Without of chicken, your carry or mid hero need to go back to base, to take his items, while losing exp and gold.


    NEVER forget to upgrade crow with your first gold at 3 min mark. I can't tell you how stresfull can be when you need you'r boots, bottle or drums and you need to wait for 2 minutes, while chicken comes to you.

    3: Wards

    Observer ward. It costs 200 gold, and you get 2 stacks with one purchase. The shop will start off with 2 in stock, and that is the max. If the shop has less than 2, it will take 6 minutes for it to gain another stock.

    Why do you get wards? So you can spent starting money, obviously. No really , why we got wards?

    - 1600 range vision around it to see IMPORTANT areas
    - To block neutral camps from spawning

    So where you put wards, you may ask? The next picture will answer your question.


    Legend : Red - Rune wards
    Yellow - Cliffs
    Pink - Lane/aggressive/defensive/ wards
    Green - Jungle wards
    Blue - Push wards ( so you can safely push lanes )
    White - Very situational
    Purple lines - Blocks the pointed neutral camp from spawning

    4: The big brother

    It is not a role for supports, everyone should look at enemies’ inventories but you need to pay attention far more then anyone else. If they have ward you should notice it, and track the hero (in minimap) to see where he use wards then you go and destroy it. If they got gem, dust any other important items mention it in the chat! ( like bkb, manta, hex , refresher, DAGER!!!, anything that can make or break team fight )

    5: Sacrificing for the greater good

    By suicide I don’t mean Pudge or Abbadon. That is just plain retarded, to let root kill you when you forget to turn it off. On the other hand we have sacrifice, it means that put yourself in danger to: get 2 or more kill, you help ally escape . The only exception is first blood, if you know that you will die but you or your ally will get first blood, Then do it! It worth it! Specially if your ally is your team carry. He will really enjoys near 500 gold. Special mention to VS. Swaping and then stunning and duying isn't noobish act. It is simply, using you'r hero to it's full potentional.

    6 : Items

    First thing you need to know. NO one can tell you what items you can make on heroes. CM with buttterfly will suck, but you can make it, no matter if cm is supporting hero. But it will destroy your team and probably make you lose. With supporting heroes you should stick to getting items that will rather help your team to win games. Wards ( sentry and observer ), smoke ( special mention to best item in dota 2 ), dust ( please, get dust before you gank that gondar, riki, clinkz, weaver ). Truying to farm with supporting hero will just be plain stupid and will most likely lose you game. Drums, pipe, mekansam , urn, medalion ( for the love of God, make this item mandatory in every game ).

    7: How to play and what kind of play style you need

    NEVER, EVER go solo. You do not need xp as much as your carries. Always buy wards,dust,gem,heals,mana or TP if necessary. Buy and upgrade chicken to courier. Buy ward again and if you have money and wards are ready buy them again. This is your most important role in game. Don't go alone in woods in 54 minute mark, if you don't see enemy heroes on minimap. Don't , just don't.

    Usually you are not the initiator, so wait others to start the fight, but as soon as fight starts be there. You should be second hero enter the fight. Protect your initiator by casting your spells, heal or disable what ever you have.
    Pay attention to your hero. As soon as you enter a fight in 90% of occasions they will focus on you so be ready to cast spells and use items as fast as you can. When casting all the spells pull back a bit, not run away. wait for your spells be ready, when they have 2-3 more seconds to be ready return to fight.

    This is the most important part in playing support hero, you should master it and know when to pull back when and cast spells on who, and when to block enemy path to save ally ( in risk of your life! ).

    Here is priority for disables:





    8 : Choosing a lane

    Go mid only if you want dual mid else let some else have mid. If you are range always be with melee ( carry preferably ). You do not need much money as your partner specially if he is carry, so instead focus your fire on denies and harassing enemy heroes. BUT hit few creeps at least 1 per wave. Tell him that on chat, explain him that you need to get few gold for crow, ward, tp, smoke ( to be able to gank mid )

    Special mentions and secret techniques

    GANK - go around and kill. You leave your lane, let that guy solo and go gank other lanes ( including mid ). Buy smoke, smoke far from runes ( they might have wards, so they will see you when you smoke up ). Wait till enemy hero ( on mid ) goes under ramp and gank him them. Tell in chat, that you will go to gank mid, so mid player gets ready for it.

    Best heroes to gank :

    Mirana ( my favorite, arrow with 3+ seconds stun is sure kill. Preferably wait night so they don't see arrow until it is really close )

    CM, VS, Alchemist ( remember , you can start stuning with smoke buff on you, so you can easily supprise enemy hero ), SD, Viper, Venomancer, Gyro, Chen ( taking troll from jungle is 90% kill ) ES ( altought haven't played with him, so i can't say with 100 % certainty.

    Conclusion : Thanks to you all who read guide to this point


    Do and dont's

    DO :

    1 -Buy Courier

    2 -Buy wards(both sentry and observer)

    3 -Dust or gem if any can hold

    4 -Deny as much as you can

    5 -Harass enemy heroes as much as you can but do not chase unless you want to kill them

    6 -Watch the minimap

    7 -Buy wards again!

    8-Always have TP


    1 -Last hit too often, your carry needs money not you.

    2 -Do not go for big items first, save your money for TP,Wards,Dust

    3 -Do not initiate. ( except few heroes )

    4 -Do not Kill steal, NEVER. even if you are going to kill somebody and carry is around let him do that

    5 -Never think this guide will teach you how to be a good support!

    Big thanks to PD, NS ( player ) and Jimaras for teaching while watching their games and oll of you. I will soon make the big warding guide, so stay tuned.


    Bu konu düzenlendi

      remove the dots :(((


        Ah, so that was the problem. Thanks bro for help :)

        Bu yorum düzenlendi
        King of Low Prio

          'slowers' and junglers section seem pointless in a support guide




              Hes going to teach you how to Suport which is different from support.


                Lol at the "Chicken" with donkey icon! :D

                I would still recommend this guide:


                  That is very good guide, but surely he used more then 2 hours to create it. And i don't know to make it so good like that.


                    Well, ask Melody for help:

                    But yeah, will take a while to make a solid guide. Good luck!

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      And one question more. How can i pm someone, to ask them? Via dotabuff or?

                      I have in plan for this weekend to make VS guide.

                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                        Observer ward costs 150g, not 200.

                        Nice copypasting skills anyway.

                        Worst guide.


                          are you not going to mention about how to spend reliable and unreliable gold as a support.
                          or buying those tp/wards/smokes at the last possible second from base so you dont eat into ur reliable gold
                          and how quelling blade can be legit on a solo melee support so you can deward rune wards

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                            Pugna is not a support...


                              Pugna is not a carry either...

                              Anthem Blue Cross

                                thanks for this guide, I know many in Dotabuff were already pro. so this guide will surely help some newbies on support roles.

                                King of Low Prio

                                  I did about 4 drafts for my guide and put in a about a solid day between me and Melody working in it(I am still adding to it). I would suggest being extremely thorough with your work because people will jump on even the smallest details.


                                    it's spelled support


                                      Valve needs to update roles of heroes sometimes.

                                      The Ice Truck Killer

                                        It's spelt "spelt".


                                          i give 3/10


                                            next guide = which roles every hero is suited for

                                            then we can tackle the who's carry who's not


                                              As i said, i am in dota 2 for a small amount of time, and i still cant't get used to new price of items ( i played wc3 2 years ago, so it is still those price that bothers me ). This guide was made in2 hours, simply to give a abetter understanding of supporting role, for players who just started dota 2. I am currently making plan and starting in word to make way better guide for one hero.

                                              And yea, there are grammar mistakes. Don't try to be grammar nazi on internet.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  "it's spelled support"

                                                  ZAPORT, pls


                                                    Ok, i am sorry for that mistake

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi



                                                        wp wp!

                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!