General Discussion

General Discussion[Guide Competition] For Selemayonnaise - A Luna Guide - by Satellizer

[Guide Competition] For Selemayonnaise - A Luna Guide - by Satellizer in General Discussion

    Luna is a ranged agility carry hero with a great early game presence due to her nuke Lucent beam and Lunar blessings aura.
    As the game goes on, she becomes even more formidable with her passive Moon Glaives and her ultimate Eclipse.
    Often used on the competitive scene, a fragile carry with no escape mechanism, requires good control and decision making, recommended for high-intermediate players.

    [color=#ee82ee]Special Qualities[/color]

    - Luna has the highest starting movement speed of the game (330). This makes her faster than Lane creeps (325), with this being said, it's close to impossible to mess up with creep blocking.

    - Her Lucent Beam ability has a 0.6 sec stun, while it might sound weak, it can be huge in some situations against heroes with great spells but long cast animations (QoP, Brewmaster, Weaver).

    - A fairly early Roshan can be done with a Luna in your team (By the time Luna reaches lvl 9, ~12 minutes).

    - Luna has FULL NIGHT VISION (1800/1800), she can dodge ganks or chase most of the heroes as they try to juke from her sexy butt.

    - Has a sexy Irish accent.

    [color=#ee82ee]Skill builds[/color]
    There are 2 skill builds I would like to cover, which are the most common in competitive/high level games:

    [color=#ffff00]SB 1 - Common[/color]
    This is the skill build used by most Luna players, which consists in: (I use legacy keys, but I'll cover with QWER, Lucent beam is always maxed first).
    Q - Lucent Beam
    W - Moon Glaives
    E - Lunar Blessing
    R - Ultimate

    E, Q, Q, E, Q, R, Q, W, W, W, R, W, E, E, ...

    We can say that this is a farming build, you have 2 lvls of aura for the laning phase, and the passive early on for jungle/stack farming.

    [color=#ffff00]SB 2 - Pushing[/color]
    This is a situational skill build, keep in mind that this is a viable skill build for a normal game, but for farming purposes, you'll rely on pure last hitting.

    E, Q, Q, E, Q, R, Q, E, E, W, R, W, W, W, ...

    In this build, you max your aura first. If your team consists in a pushing line-up, your aura will make a huge impact, +38 damage for you and your allies, watch as towers fall and Selemayonnaise laughs upon your enemies.

    [color=#ee82ee]Item Builds[/color]

    Your item builds consists in improving your AoE damage and being able to survive in the fight. So what do we have?

    [color=#ffa500]Power Treads[/color] is your boots of choice, the attack speed and DMG/HP bonus it provides is huge for Luna, with proper animation cancelling due to the low attack speed bonus, you can max your damage input in the early game. Later on, you upgrade your boots to [color=#ffa500]Boots of Travel[/color].

    [color=#ffa500]Drum of Endurance[/color] - This item gives a sweet stats boost for Luna and a movement speed bonus, a great item in a cost x benefits analysis.

    [color=#ffa500]Helm of the Dominator/Satanic[/color] - HotD is a great item, providing you the dominate ability plus the lifesteal and armor. Later on, it upgrades to Satanic, which will be your surviving tool in the late game.

    [color=#ffa500]Black King Bar[/color] - Must have in most of the games, provides a good hp/dmg boost and magic immunity.

    [color=#ffa500]Manta Style[/color] - A huge pickup, this item increases your DPS by a great amount since Illusions do benefit from Moon glaives.

    [color=#ffa500]Butterfly[/color] - Combined with Manta style, this item is the best pick-up for Luna, gives evasion, attack speed, agility, damage, why wouldn't you buy it?

    This is your core, I'll cover about situational/special items below.

    [color=#ee82ee]Unconventional Builds[/color]

    [color=#ffa500]Jungle Luna[/color]

    This is a questionable build, but useful if all the hope is lost and you don't have a lane to go. (You know, these moments when you pick your lovely Luna and your team picks Anti-Mage and tells you to fuck off the safe lane)

    Here's a video by LockifiedDota where he explains how to Luna jungle, all credits goes to him!

    [color=#ffa500]Solo mid/Offlane Lunas[/color]

    I have tried in a lot of lobbies to Solo mid as Luna, it does work against meele heroes like DK and Magnus, however, in the middle lane, Luna is too exposed for ganks, and since she has no escape mechanism, it is not a recommended build.

    As for Offlane Luna, I have tried it once on the Radiant side. I didn't farm, however, I was able to leech a bit of exp and pull the dire high camp. Not a recommended build, Luna without farm is a sad Luna.

    [color=#ee82ee]Special items discussion - Moon Glaives Interaction[/color]

    [color=#008000]Bird poop[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You are in need of a little stats boost during the laning phase. (BUY IT!!! gives 18 damage)

    [color=#008000]To the cliff I go![/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Maybe
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: No
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: I've seen some people building it and it is one of the recommended items in the default build. It has the purpose of providing Luna an escape mechanism and a bit of mana pool. You might consider building it when facing heroes like Clockwork or Pudge.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Counter-argument[/color]: The Cost x Benefit in special for Luna is not worth it. Even through it gives her the pushing ability, it costs 1 precious slot.

    [color=#008000]Medallion of Courage, the Cowardly Doge[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You're planning to do an early Roshan and nobody on your team has it yet or you're fighting a lot and you need to increase your right click damage.

    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: Phase boots gives a great damage boost in the early game and an insane movement speed boost, however, one must compensate for the lack of attack speed and HP bonus from the treads. Consider building it along with drums or if you're facing heroes with too many summons (Nature's Prophet, Shadow Shaman, Broodmother).

    [color=#008000]Snowball fight![/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: If the enemy team has enough burst and lockdown that you can't even use your Satanic, build this to increase your survivability.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Moon Glaives Interaction[/color]: The slow is applied on the first target only, the bounces do not benefit from the orb.

    [color=#008000]Luna already has two linken's spheres[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You are facing heroes with important spells or items that go through BKB (Doom's Doom, Rexxar's Primal Roar, Bane's Fiends Grip, Shadow Demon's Demonic Purge and Abyssal Blade).

    [color=#008000]Ever get the feeling you're being watched?[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: No
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: If you're so far ahead that your enemies can't even afford dusts, go for it.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Counter-argument[/color]: This item is a bad pick-up for Luna, it provides ok damage and invisibility, but nothing else. In high-level games, people will often buy dusts and sentries and rape your butt.

    [color=#008000]Holla Holla get Dolla[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: No
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: If you can build it between 5~6 minutes of the game, go for it. Else, DON'T.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Counter-argument[/color]: A late Midas is not a good pick-up for Luna, being squishy as she is, you won't be able to contribute in team fights because you went Midas.

    [color=#008000]*wink wink*[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Maybe
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You can abuse the fact that it costs no mana anymore, blinking and slamming the jungle like an Anti-mage, and positioning yourself for good Eclipses or kill secures.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Counter-argument[/color]: This item has the potential to increase Luna's farming rate, however, for 2150 and 1 inventory slot, I would rather buy a Yasha or a HotD.

    [color=#008000]Shotgun butt.[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You're facing pure physical damage carries (Phantom ASS assin, Funstealer, Anti-fun) or you're so far ahead that you can shotgun people with E-Blade + Lucent beam. Special mention to Juggernaut's Omnislash ability, consider buying a fast Ghost Scepter to counter it.

    [color=#008000]RNGods pls, help me.[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You're lacking damage and you're so lucky that your most played hero is Ogre Magi and your second is Lone Druid.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Moon Glaives Interaction[/color]: The critical hit is applied on the first target only, the bounces do not benefit from the crit.

    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You're facing enemies with some sort of evasion, with this sweet Bar, they can't hide from your butt.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Moon Glaives Interaction[/color]: The mini-bash is applied on the first target only, the bounces do not benefit from the mini-bash.

    [color=#008000]EG ods, watch over me![/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: This is the best damage item for Luna (actually, the best damage item for most of the carries). Use it as your last resort or if you're balling out of control.

    [color=#008000]Black bar, king size.[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: If the game goes late enough, you may have to buy another bkb, 4 seconds is not enough during the late game.

    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You're facing important spells that can be purged (Omniknight's Repel, Warlock's Infernal, Dark Seer's Surge, Bounty Hunter's Track, etc) and nobody on your team has built it.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Moon Glaives Interaction[/color]: The feedback is applied on the first target only, the bounces do not benefit from the orb.

    [color=#008000]zip zap[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: No
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You're against a lot of Illusion heroes, or split pushers.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Counter-argument[/color]: Your passive is more than enough to clear waves.

    [color=#008000]FEAR THE REAPER[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You need to take towers and roshan really fast.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Moon Glaives Interaction[/color]: The debuff is applied on the first target only, the bounces do not benefit from the orb.

    [color=#008000]This doesn't fit on my butt.[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: If nobody on your team has it, you might consider buying one along with Desolator.

    [color=#008000]Lets race.[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Maybe
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: No
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: It might be a pick-up if the enemy team has no disables or bursts at all. The MS/AS boost is HUGE.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Counter-argument[/color]: The extra damage taken.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Moon Glaives Interaction[/color]: The lifesteal is applied on the first target only, the bounces do not benefit from the lifesteal.

    [color=#008000]Selemayonnaise's SCEPTER[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Maybe
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: No
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: Increases your ult damage by removing the beam hit cap, not a bad item overall, but it simply doesn't fit Luna's build. You can still build it along with E-blade and Refresher orb.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Counter-argument[/color]: The cost x benefit is not worth it.

    [color=#008000]HOW DO I USE THIS THING[/color]
    [color=#7f7f7f]Viable[/color]: Yes
    [color=#7f7f7f]Recommended[/color]: No
    [color=#7f7f7f]When to build it[/color]: You want more movement speed and a slow for chasing.
    [color=#7f7f7f]Counter-argument[/color]: Manta increases your dps way more than Sange and Yasha, there is no point in building S&Y over Manta.

    [color=#ee82ee]Your roles in the game[/color]

    [color=#ff0000]Last Hitting at its finest - The Early Game[/color]

    In this stage of the game, you'll (hopefully) farm. Your starting items should be 3 branches, 1 set of tangoes, 1 salve and a Ring of protection. (Upgrade your ring to Ring of Basilius and your branches to Magic Wand).

    Watch out for rotations from the other lanes and keep your cool, nuke and go for a kill whenver possible. ALWAYS carry a TP, you have a decent nuke and a fairly high damage, pay attention to kill opportunities.

    [color=#ff0000]I would like to farm more, but I have to fight - The Mid Game[/color]

    You are starting your luxury core items, people are not farming that much anymore, fights are constantly going on, what should I do?
    Keep farming, kill your stacks, always participate in team battles, get in position for good eclipses, nothing special.

    [color=#ff0000]It's time, EG is going to be proud of me - The Late Game[/color]

    The game has reached this stage, you now have your 6 slots, the enemies has theirs, your eclipse is not doing that much damage anymore, you have to rely on moon glaives and positioning, this is where your decision making matters the most.
    Always save for a buyback, build items accordingly to counter your enemies build.

    [color=#ee82ee]Neutral Creeps[/color]

    [color=#ffff00]The Seven Tools of the Lunar Bandit - Helm of the Dominator usefulness[/color]

    HotD gives you the ability to dominate creeps, while most of the players use this for stacking purposes only, the jungle has interesting creeps to aid you in battle:

    [color=#ffa500]Kobold Taskmaster[/color]
    Kobold's Speed aura is amazing for Luna, the 12% movement speed bonus really comes in hand in chase situations.

    [color=#ffa500]Centaur Conqueror[/color]
    Centaur has a high movement speed, a 2s stun and an aura that gives 15 attack speed, simply amazing creep.

    [color=#ffa500]Alpha Wolf[/color]
    Packleader's Aura is HUGE, 30% damage bonus to Luna and her allies? YES!

    [color=#ffa500]Satyr Banisher[/color]
    This creep gives you a free diffusal blade, however, he dies to a Crystal Maiden right click. Use this creep wisely!

    [color=#ffa500]Ogre Frostmage[/color]
    The Ice Armor ability, a buff that gives 8 armor and slow enemies on attack, you couldn't ask for more, this creep is your pick-up for every game along with Alpha Wolf.

    [color=#ffa500]Dark Troll Summoner[/color]
    A disable that goes through Magic Immunity. You might consider taking this creep if you're facing early BKBs or Lifestealer. Also, Raise Dead helps on pushing.

    [color=#ffa500]Satyr Tormenter[/color]
    The Satyr is really useful for pushing with his Shockwave ability and HP regen aura. On a special note, this creep is the best creep for stacking, since he doesn't die due to his high HP regen.

    [color=#ffff00]Get off my lawn - Creep Stacking[/color]

    Creep Stacking is the act of drawing Neutral Creeps away from their camp just before they would respawn (The game checks the area where the creeps respawn to see if there is any unit, if no unit is found, the game automatically respawns another creep camp)

    You can stack by simply luring the creep camp by walking close to them or attacking them. The suggested time to stack is between xx:52 to xx:54, but there are a few exceptions:

    - The Centaur Camp can be stacked up to xx:55, the creeps are fast enough to leave the camp in that time.
    - You mustn't attack the Hill Troll Camp, if you attack, the Hill Troll Priest will start healing and will not leave the camp.
    - Some camps are harder to stack due to their "Area of detection". In some camps you might need to cut a few trees to be able to stack.

    Assuming you stacked camps 4 times:

    The average gold/exp rate for Small Creeps is 324 gold/532 exp.
    The average gold/exp rate for Medium Creeps is 408 gold/808 exp.
    The average gold/exp rate for Large Creeps is 496 gold/880 exp.
    The average gold/exp rate for Ancient Creeps is 1056 gold/1420 exp.

    Keep in mind that most of the camps can be stacked up to 4~5 times and the Ancient Camp can be stacked up to 8 times.

    [color=#ee82ee]Allies and Enemies[/color]

    [color=#ffff00] Heroes that may help you achieve the Gold - Good Allies[/color]

    [color=#008cd5]Ranged support heroes with disables/slows[/color]
    Your aura gives a lot damage to your allies, watch as your supports harass your enemies with up to 70 base damage during the early game.

    [color=#008cd5]Pushing heroes[/color]
    Once again, your aura gives a lot of damage, contributing a lot to a pushing line-up.

    [color=#ffff00] Heroes to be afraid of - They are coming for your butt - Notable Enemies[/color]

    [color=#008cd5]Snowballing heroes[/color]
    Heroes with a really strong early game presence in general, watch closely for their rotation to not get cut.

    [color=#008cd5]Mass disables/bursts and mass slows[/color]
    Heroes that can burst you really fast or disable/kite you for a long time.

    [color=#008cd5]Excessive physical damage with fast starts[/color]
    Your hero is really squishy, heavy physical damage will break you down just like magic bursts.

    [color=#ee82ee]Suggested gameplays[/color]

    I won't post replays here because Luna is a common pick in the competitive scene, any game that you watch has Luna banned or picked on it.
    As for players, I highly recommend watching Navi's XBOCT and Fnatic's Era.
    Watch Era for a more farming oriented Luna gameplay style, and XBOCT for constant early game agression.

    [color=#ee82ee]Last Thoughts[/color]

    I hope you guys like this guide and understand, English is not my first language (I am BRhuehue).
    I played Luna a lot in Dota1, and I have been playing her in dota2 since her release, hope my SA high level experience pays off in this guide.
    Credits goes to Dota2 gamepedia for icons and Melody for the signature.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Sharing guides on dotobof new trend


        ^KawaiiSocks started a competition for guide makers


          I was trying to add a stacking section, but it somehow messed up everything, so I just rolledback ;_;


            u forgot to talk about those guys that max E+stats and afk jungle without taking q, its a new trend


              nice guide. Quality and detailed.

              My only "criticism" after scanning it is that I think kawaii said he wanted them to be shorter. While i personally like the situational item section, it does take up the most amount of space.

              amigo pool

                "Shotgun butt"

                laughed more than I should have


                nice guide

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                Ples Mercy

                  I came for her ass, yet i see no luna ass, incomplete guide.


                    Yes concede, it is taking too much space.

                    As a matter of fact, I can't add anything anymore, I think it reached the max dotabuff space ;_;

                    dookie daddy

                      GJ Satellizer, defo a good guide for (imo) the best carry in game.


                        " with proper animation cancelling due to the attack speed bonus"


                        Shouldn't it be the other way, that you gain more from animation cancelling the lower your attack speed is, since there is more to cancel.

                        CirnoBaka - Naoseijogar

                          five butts out of five


                            Gotta fix that, the low attack speed bonus.

                            the attack speed bonus from treads +30 is not enough to right click your way to victory yet
                            If I'm not mistaken, animation cancelling with a bit of attack speed is still better than simply right clicking, considering Luna's attack range (330)

                            Gole de telecoteldo テルド

                              naw i can be gud at sellin mayonese tank u


                                Dat ass...i!


                                  Entertaining guide, liked it.


                                    Nice guide, thought i never play luna :(

                                    Dios Muron

                                      Tryhard guide but it works perfectly. 5 stars for the guide, 2 stars for being gay.


                                        Yeah as long as you're hitting any slower than once per second it is worth it to animation cancel when chasing. Usually talking about attack speed is more of a for Phase Boots and against Treads though, since good cancelling slightly lessens the advantage of attack speed.


                                          I can't add this in the guide, its messing up everything.
                                          So I'll add this here:

                                          Interesting ancient stack trick by Navi, all credits goes to them.

                                          Jay Ashborne

                                            THANKS ADDED also the reason why you cant add is because they have a restriction on having only one youtube featured video per post.

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              nice video sat
                                              just know that 8 stacks, i barely only can 4 stack atm.

                                              But i never see more than 5 stacks in competitive tournament.

                                              Quick maffs

                                                Nice guide thx now i am profesional luna player


                                                <font face="wide latin">N...

                                                  nice luna stats.... what is ur rank in top 50 luna?


                                                    Thanks, last time I checked I was 45th


                                                      nice guide. and you're at 43th now :)

                                                      will post a screenshot here later if u want to.

                                                      Jay Ashborne


                                                          :D Thanks Melody and tuna


                                                            7157 as 43rd. You need quite a lot of points to be on that list so it's pretty impressive.

                                                            amigo pool

                                                              guide was useful, but how do I win points???

                                                              also, link ur guide to LoH. He went midas and lost my 4 keys

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                betting keys on feedofheaven
                                                                why would you do that

                                                                amigo pool

                                                                  LoH doesn't have a team atm. He was standing for PR


                                                                    to win points you have to accept Luna as your waifu


                                                                      betting on a player who play mindless farming MMORPG and competitive dota at the same time, seems legit

                                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                      Jay Ashborne

                                                                        I'd throw doge coins at that.


                                                                          Added a few things


                                                                            Unless you nab the first rune and it happens to be an invisibility one (and try for First Blood), I'd take Lunar Blessing at level 1 every day of the week and twice on Sunday. It's so unfair for enemies to try and out last hit you. So, E, Q, Q, E, Q, R, etc.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                              oops, made a really bad mistake about that
                                                                              thanks stinkoman


                                                                                remember this conversation?

                                                                                Chester: why do u play on SA server?
                                                                                Chester: don't u lag a lot?
                                                                                Me: too many tards
                                                                                Me: on US servers
                                                                                Me: my ping isn't that bad, it's around 220 on SA
                                                                                Chester: there are tards on SA server too
                                                                                Me: i'm 99% sure they're on every server

                                                                                blink dagger is seriously underrated, if you have space to farm for 10 minutes you'll get like 3-4x back the investment at 800 GPM assuming no deaths


                                                                                  Lol yea, I remember.

                                                                                  dagger really pays off if you have enough time to farm.


                                                                                    such guide
                                                                                    very wow
                                                                                    doge love luna butt
                                                                                    you gave me no luna butt
                                                                                    no wow

                                                                                    btw, EBlade + Dagger is just plain stronk for a mid luna. Thank you for the guide!

                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                      Added a few things more, reduced significantly the guide size.

                                                                                      special thanks to Melody.


                                                                                        U forgot aghs + refresher if you are beyond dominating and the game is about to end. You want that for the fountain because you're not going to get 6 slotted before the 25 min mark.... usually.


                                                                                          Added medallion, hero qualities and neutral creeps.

                                                                                          Sorry if I made the guide longer KawaiiSocks D:

                                                                                          And, pls tell me if there are any errors or typos, I finished this by 3am.

                                                                                          waku waku

                                                                                            you should add cute pictures of luna to the guide

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              I copied the guide and I didnt work



                                                                                                I guess you got carried by LD, it happens.

                                                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                                                  Luna's one of the easiest heroes to build imo, her core build of treads, bkb, dominator, manta- you can follow that 90% of the time and it's the best choice for the game.

                                                                                                  Question about stacking ancients, how far do you want them stacked before killing and how strong do you need to be to kill a 4,5,6 etc stack? My last luna game my teammates 4 stacked our ancients and I was about level 11, farming ok with aquilla, poor man's shield, treads and dominator and half a bkb and I couldn't kill them. Even with centaur warrior tanking them we couldn't kill them all without leaving to regen. So do you want to continue to stack to 8 and then kill them all with team help or get manta and kill them or what?


                                                                                                    It's really hard to do 8 stacks in games.

                                                                                                    I suggest killing stacks when you're almost done with an item (like 1000g left for a bkb) or if the lanes are pushed too far.

                                                                                                    Lvl 2 moon glaives is good enough for killing the stacks (Assuming you're lvl 9 with treads + hotd + drums or aquila)

                                                                                                    do NOT tank the creeps, pull the creeps instead and attack them. (hit'n'run)

                                                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi