General Discussion

General Discussionwhy is my solo rating so bad?

why is my solo rating so bad? in General Discussion
Dark Night

    i just played the ten matches and had won them all. my solo rating is a 1663 any suggestions or comments. what is your solo rating?


      i was going to laugh and shit but then i felt bad about doing it.


        the 10 games mean very little ur MMR is allrdy decided in the time it takes u to get to level 13 in unranked games the reason your MMR is so bad is most likely because you are so bad..... sorry


          ahhahahahha OMG!


            i jsut couldnt resist i literally laughed over here xD its so fucking sad u just have to laugh


              oh well this is awkward


                I'm still laughing ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                King of Low Prio

                  I wish I had time to watch his games :(

                  Quick maffs

                    well .... i dont really know what to say


                      ill do it for you sampson


                        why u all act like ur better than him?_?


                          nova why u act so ballsy? getting outplayed over and over again on dotalicious. stay quiet


                            your mmr is bad because basically you're bad. so there's nothing wrong. wait.. what? when did i become so mean >.<


                              1663? Is that .. is that even possible... ? do u autohit ? go sange yasha to all heroes? or smthing like that.. ?

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Lacks basic knowledge, 0 map awareness, cant last hit, picks drow to counter PA (lol)

                       1500 until I deleted him for thinking he is good

                                Generally shit, thinks he is good but sucks hard, doesnt know how to deny or last hit, 0 brain power
                                1 of my 3 games with him:
                                weaver is his trash friend

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  Who was that guy who deliberately lost so much his MMR ended up as 1?


                                    win 10 game and get 1k MMR, i lose 7 game and abandon 1, I get 4K MMR, you reallly laugh my shit off.





                                        I had a similar question until many of the nicer people of the dotabuff community actually helped me understand. Your MMR is likely low due to your low winrate (45%) as well as your relatively low KDA's with many of your heroes. The fact you've only played ~300 games will also be a factor, and it's clear you're not smurfing. I haven't watched any of your games but you seem to lack hero variation. Your MMR is also calculated based on the relative difficulty of your games (play against people of similar MMR to you = not much change).

                                        Tips to improve: Play more games, and win them (different winning factors are generic but usually include map awareness, buying support items as support etc)
                                        Try to improve your KDA's, if you're playing as a carry hero a decent KDA to have ~4 or over.
                                        You'll probably get other information based on this, but after being told similar things to this it helped me improve


                                          @Knight Of End my Winrate was 45% at one point im 4.8k mmr my KDA = balls (as i mainly play support) and its on new account..... so yer everything u said = potato

                                          Ur tip for him is to win more game s and get good kda??? well no fucking shit lol ........ please lose games and feed hard this will give u good mmr.......... LOL


                                            I hate when people played for KDA, DotA is team game, sacrifice when needed, do not purposely kill steal from a carry etc.
                                            You play to win(Break the throne), not playing for KDA, then your MMR will be higher.

                                            This is my experience even though I played 70 games, I have 4000 MMR.


                                              He has 300 games so time to improve. Btw i bet there is more bad players with low mmr than what some says on this forum. Most people are teenager here that like to lie about there mmr.


                                                Have you...have you tried playing the game? And not like...afking in fountain?


                                                  I got 5k by default even on an account that was made for playing trolling based games. No clue how can you fuck up so much.


                                                    so much douchebags. It's probably his first moba and he's new to the game. Just because we've spent thousands of hours @ dota doesnt mean new players should be laughed @ cause they've not spent nor gained the same amount of experience as you/we have.



                                                      @Dizzy having a lower winrate when having less games isn't as bad as having a low winrate when having lots of games, because the difference is smaller. Also you say your KDA's are crap, whereas on your top 7 most played heroes all your KDA's are above 2.50, regardless of what role you're playing. Romster has sub 2.5 KDA on all but one of his most played heroes, a majority of which are played as carries.Ttherefore KDA is clearly having an impact. And as for that last point, is it not obvious?

                                                      @IU_Uaena playing for a good KDA isn't a bad way to look at it, obviously as a support know your role and don't intentionally kill steal. but KDA is calculated using Kills+assists / deaths, so as a good support you look to maximise your assists and minimise needless deaths

                                                      @dangdangdang nice people with over 2,500 games are the minority, many are elitist douchebags

                                                      Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                        @Knight Of End
                                                        If your MMR calculated depending on your role, then how system can tell which role you played in a given match? By your position on a map? Is that how you think it works?

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          Knight assumes im not on a smurf account HueHueHue >.>


                                                            ok romster i've just watched the first 15 minutes of your broodmother game which you lost, here are a few things:

                                                            >First picking broodmother is a bad move, easily countered
                                                            >Your team has no real support, which isn't your fault, but you leave fountain with 235 gold after buying your starting items and you don't buy the courier, leaving your team without a courier for 5 and a half minutes.
                                                            >Clinkz and Broodmother is just expecting for sentry wards to kill you both
                                                            >you attempt to right click harass sand king, allowing terrorblade and sand king to just autoattack your health away
                                                            >giving up a kill at top because you think you'll be able to win one of these right click fights with 2 heroes, despite the fact broodmother needs farm and time to even be able to consider 1 v 1 somebody (even thats not the best way to play her)
                                                            >you need to learn how to deny your own creeps to help clinkz farm by shifting the lane equilibrium (a+left click is default to deny, do this to attack your own creeps when they're under half hp)
                                                            >not backing away from tower when an incoming TP occurs (as a result nearly getting killed by witch doctor)
                                                            >change tower aggro by a+leftclicking your own creeps if the tower starts to attack you
                                                            >despite your love of rightclicking the enemy heroes for no real reason, you dont level your ulti at 6 (edit: you get it after maxing q and w, everybody has their own skill build, i'm not going to question this one)
                                                            >you counterwarded them once, which is good, but you didn't keep counterwarding. if you play lots of broodmother expect to need to counterward more than once.
                                                            > you never left top to push other lanes. broodmother is excellent at splitpushing other lanes, so take advantage of this when all of the enemy are in one lane, force them to either trade towers or retreat to defend

                                                            at this point the gold and XP lead of the other team is enormous. it's unfair to blame your teams loss on you, as there are many things your team as a whole could have done better, but the points above are what i picked up only watching you, and i tried to be fair, so try to work on those

                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                              @dizzy i knew you were on a smurf account, name me one person who gets to 4.8 MMR with less than 200 games ever in dota 2 :P

                                                              @soultrap i never said KDA is determined by role, i was just saying playing a support doesnt mean your KDA is automatically bad

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                Me. 70 games 4K MMR


                                                                  KDA has no effect on MMR, if you win you get about +25 MMR and -25 MMR if you lose.


                                                                    What 1.6k? how is that even possible? I think your solo mmr is bad becase you really are bad. Winning 10 games in shiet tier aint going to fix your lifetime record. If you want better mmr you have to win 100 more straight games.


                                                                      @soultrap I think you've confused my intent, or maybe I didn't make it clear enough. I was trying to suggest ways to improve so he would win more, thus get his MMR up more. Improving KDA usually leads to winning more games, thus improving mmr. Sorry for any confusion


                                                                        This shouldnt be a question.. its the answer


                                                                          Kish acha izh.

                                                                          one and half gun

                                                                            because you suck and you refuse to acknowledge your mistake


                                                                              1. Your 10 calibration matches start off with your original MMR
                                                                              2. If your original MMR was 1000 and you do your calibration, your ranked MMR will not be very different
                                                                              3. You REALLY SUCK
                                                                              4. Play more, you have so few games played


                                                                                reality is harsh.


                                                                                  That's an exploit! You got to level 13 by grinding "no stats recorded" modes (bots / diretide). I think your MMR should vary allot from game to game at this moment.

                                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                    If you want suggestions or comments, here is some:

                                                                                    You are a trash tier, cancerous, subhuman race
                                                                                    Please uninstall dota 2 so you don't ruin other people's games
                                                                                    You're not only trash tier but you're stupid. Has a 44% win rate and wonders why he is only 1663
                                                                                    You're stupidity is also the cause of your mmr, it shows in your dota gaming.
                                                                                    I bet your mmr is also very low in real life.


                                                                                      ^ well said man well said muahahahaha

                                                                                      Oh Shit Waddup

                                                                                        i honestly dont get why you guys are such cunts over the internet to people you dont even know asking for an answer. he wasnt saying omg im stuck in elo-fucking-hell, he was asking for advice to get better and get out of that shit hole. instead of being a toxic community why dont you try to help people nicely


                                                                                          You can use use the "Report player/Abusive comments on Dotabuff" option. With some people there's no point to argue.


                                                                                            @benaeo nova why u act so ballsy? getting outplayed over and over again on dotalicious. stay quiet


                                                                                            so u think u just have to say stuff and it transforms into reality just cuz u said so or smtg like that ?
                                                                                            give me proof or smtg, even tho its gonna be hard since i didnt play on dotalicious, but anyway try just for fun.

                                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                              ^What language is that?


                                                                                                Well, if you keep winning like your 10 match, climbing up MMR shouldn't be a problem, right?


                                                                                                  its french


                                                                                                    I can't believe it! Can you give a screenshot pls?


                                                                                                      Not really, I played at least 10 games MMR now, all -25 and +25, and keep around 4000


                                                                                                        maybe he had a typo and meant 6163

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!