General Discussion

General Discussion5.8k MMR vs 2.8k MMR

5.8k MMR vs 2.8k MMR in General Discussion

    im 4.4k mmr and i had a 2.1k mmr in my team the other day..... (he added me afterwards)

    Woof Woof

      cant say i am surprised Valve employees being valve employees ^ match id please

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        Just had a game with 25% winrate invoker ( after 50 games ) that went mid - he had 2700 rating while I have 3900.

        Guess the outcome.

        Thank you valve, this matchmaking is fucking amazing :)


          Yes. given enough time valve will take a very low MMR player to offset the difference to the very high MMR player. In theory the combined MMR for both teams is relatively equal.

          This is easily avoided by restarting the queue timer, however for very high ranked MMR players, this isn't always an option.

          I personal thing players should be able to set their own range of acceptable MMR. A player could set their search to not include players under X MMR, or above X MMR. It is then the players own fault if he sits in Queue forever.

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            This is a team matchmaking match. The statistics do not count toward or against the lifetime statistics of the players involved.


              nice try relentless you are still a shit tier player

              Woof Woof

                2 be fair when i was 422x i got matched with 43%wr player that had 80wins and it was ranked game on eu west will look for mid later also important part here is - I always refresh game search if timer goes over 4;15/20 #ap only

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                  when i was qing for solo CM and CD id get matched all the time with and vs a player or 2 with +5k mmr and with/against some1 in the lows 3k, all that while having a 4k mmr


                    I guess my case isn't as extreme but I ended in the same game as ee-sama yesterday

                    I'm 4.4k mmr and he's 5.9k, what's up with that


                      I don't get why everyone rips on relentless. He posts good stuff on here.

                      Yes resetting the timer is a good way I've found too after 3:00 min on solo AP for a better solution.

                      I agree that there should be a hard filter on everyones account to "match me with people above/below 100 pts" and have it stagger to 1000 points tops.


                        just had a game in which my storm was like 5.5k rating. fkin lowbie



                          there is a much higher range for high MM players than for midrange MM players

                          low amount of players on the top
                          low amount of players on the bottom

                          5k+ players HAVE to dip down into the 4k range to form matches or they will end up waiting in que for over a hour. If EE only got matched with people at his same mm AND same region he would fight 1v1 with rtz over and over. Now flip the coin with the people at the bottom of the MM pool and think about how long they will continue to play the game if they have to wait in que for a hour to fight the exact same people over and over again.



                            Team is around 3.5 on average
                            Im 4.4
                            They treated me like a god
                            5 min late night drunk doto cm q ez

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                              If Valve allowed people to set limits the wait for quality matches would be much shorter. At a given time of day there will be 3,000 to 6,000 people playing dota who are over 4k MMR. There will be 100 to 200 players above 5k MMR.

                              If 5k MMR players were allowed to select to wait for a game with only +/- 500 MMR players then they would accumulate in the que and it would be more like a 10 to 15 min wait instead of a 1 hr wait.

                              It's not just a problem for the very top and very bottom MMRs. A 3k player will be quickly stuffed into games with 2k and 4k players on a regular basis to achieve a 2 min que time instead of waiting 6 minutes for a game where all 10 players are 3k +/- 300 MMR. It's rare for gigantic 3k MMR ranges to occur as in my example game, but it does happen. 1k MMR ranges are very common. I think nearly all games have MMR ranges greater than 500 points. But 500 points is such a large difference that in team matching you get zero points for defeating a team over 500 points below you. In this sense nearly ALL of valves matches are bad.

                              Some are extremely bad like this example making the problem so obvious everyone can see it.

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                                激おこぷんぷん丸榛名たん: there are not that many high rated players that play on US West so it is not that surprising


                                  there is a much greater difference between 5.7k and 6.1k than there is between 3k and 4.5k

                                  relentless you also have to take into account region, language, time, party que and much more.


                                    and nobody is arguing that the TMM thing is broken as fuck because nobody uses it and I dont think valve even cares enough to delete it


                                      Jussi please keep in mind that you have claimed here that 5.8k vs 2.8k is "not that surprising" the next time you try to get me to believe Valve does not put large MMR ranges in games.


                                        No, I never said that Relentless... Do you think 激おこぷんぷん丸榛名たん plays TMM with EE-sama?


                                          TMM never worked


                                            Oh, my mistake. So 1.5k MMR range is not surprising but 3k MMR range is surprising... well not as dramatic a statement but still I'll take it.

                                            I think it is important to recognize that Valve really does still have a lot of room for improvement in their matching scheme. If people do not keep up the pressure on them they will never fix it.

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                                            Dire Wolf

                                              " A 3k player will be quickly stuffed into games with 2k and 4k players on a regular basis to achieve a 2 min que time instead of waiting 6 minutes for a game where all 10 players are 3k +/- 300 MMR"

                                              Really? I don't think this has ever happened to me. Of course I've been in lopsided games, asked everyone what their mmr is, they are always +- 200 points of me. So even though they play like crap or play way better than me our mmr is similar. I'm a 3400 player. This is solo queue. Obviously group queue is different, I queue with people 800 pts higher than me as well as 800 pts lower sometimes in the same group, so that's almost 2k difference on our team, I'd imagine other team might have similar difference.


                                                Yes Relentless. Perhaps you should try to read the comments before throwing out your opinion. That would make everyone's life easier. :)


                                                  So many of you know large MMR ranges happen because you do it yourself. Yet when you have those anonymous players who seem to be way off your MMR you suddenly go into "valve must know more than me" mode.

                                                  The issue is Solo que and Party que are the same que. Did you put a 1k MMR range in your party? The other team will get hit with that same range in their solo que players. Check your end game screens you will see, party vs solo ques and with solo ques all the time.

                                                  Then there is the "I asked ppl what their MMR is and they said... really you think they told you what their real MMR is when they hide stats? You will say "it has never happened to me..." but its more likely you have a huge MMR range put on you every 5th solo que game if not more often.

                                                  If you do cancel ques you will realize that good matches often don't exist in a 2 min window. If they did exist you would get matches all the time without having to cancel it.

                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                    they absolutely need to make it public.
                                                    so that i don't have Russian sf mid that after 200 games on hero with 40% win rate doesn't realize he shouldn't ever fucking again pick the hero or go mid.

                                                    this "perhaps it's related to color, or perhaps with que time, or none of the above, but could be in 500 +/- range, but not necessarily" mmr system valve has absofuckinglutely needs a rework.


                                                      WHY WOULD YOU WHINE ABOUT MM? BUY THE FUCKING HATS AND DEAL WITH THAT


                                                        Team MM is always like that... my team is 28-0 lol (that includes championship matches with dotatv ticket)
                                                        edit: actually 29-0

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                          Team matching merely exaggerates the systematic problems that all 3 of the matching ques have because there are fewer people using it.

                                                          All of them have no option to control what opponents and allies you will accept. The best you can do is guess at how large the search range might be and cancel the search at some arbitrary point. There could be so much more useful information to allow people to search for more appropriate games. It could tell you things like "current ppl in the que with your settings" so that you would know to expand the range before sitting there forever getting nothing.

                                                          It would be very useful to know if you put in US east, AP, English, MMR 3.5k to 4k and then got something like "400 people currently in que, estimated match time 3 min". Or maybe you tried to be too restrictive and went for US east, Portuguese, CD MMR 3.5 to 3.7k... 5 people currently in que estimated match time 1 hour. And you would know to change it.

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                                                          nuvole bianche

                                                            I like the Dire's draft.

                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!