General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Dota played the way it is played.

Why is Dota played the way it is played. in General Discussion

    I'm kind of just asking this out of curiosity. But why is dota played the way it is. Not meta wise and hero picks. But why are there carries and why do supports babysit the carry. I understand that carries cant survive early game and supports have good early game potential. But the pulling and stacking, the certain rotation, dual core or trilanes. Were quadlanes once a thing? Is this merely an outcome due to the community over the years? Ive only been into the dota scene for a couple years now and I'm kind of just asking why is it where it is now and what is the biggest dynamic change in dota. Like was Crystal maiden once a carry? Or were there no such thing as hyper carries and matches ended within 20 mins on average.?


      Yes it is.

      Have a cow

        Just because it is the most effective way of playing. But now a lot of good tactics are forgotten. Triple lane with farming leshrac or tidehunter etc. Double mid with support(like riki-wisp), etc.


          Well so many people hate and flame on uncommon tactics. but who is to judge? its aways changing and its hard to really forget what your teammates are saying and play on.


            Were quadlanes once a thing? -there was somesort of meta , few years ago ( around 07) when there was the thing that you sent you'r trilane vs solo. So it was strat, that you send someone who is fast jungler ( ds, fur ) to get few lvls, then tp to that lane, and do his job. It was awesome, until, the perma warding of jungle came out.

            Like was Crystal maiden once a carry? EVERY hero can be carry in certain lineup, it all depends on enemy heroes and you'r teammates.

            Or were there no such thing as hyper carries and matches ended within 20 mins on average.? Yea,. the era of fast pushing or stacking wrath/braces/talismans + boots and dager ganking the shit out of enemy with 5 heroes.

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              There are certain basic ways to try to win the game and certain basic ways to try to get the resources you need to do it.
              No matter what you do at some point you win the game by taking towers and rax. You can get to the point where you are take towers and rax by:

              [1] Pushing
              [2] Split pushing
              [3] Gank first then take undefended/poorly defended towers
              [4] Win a big teamfight then take undefended towers.

              To do any of those things you need certain items and levels and to get them safely and quickly you have to either kill creeps in a lane, kill creeps in the jungle, or kill heroes.

              This means there are really only 3 ways to play the early game and your team will always do some combination of those options.

              [1] kill creeps in a lane
              [2] kill creeps in the jungle
              [3] roam around killing heroes

              To get the gold and experience most efficiently you would want to distribute your heroes as widely as possible (3 solo lanes and 2 jungling). But that's not very safe so you will actually get less gold/xp lose the lanes. The safest option would be to put all 5 heroes on one lane, but then you get very little gold and experience in total. So instead each game you try to spread your heroes out as much as possible while still staying safe enough.

              I have seen every combination of possible lanes win pro games except 5 heroes in the jungle and none in lanes. But usually either dual or tri-lanes with some intermittent rotations/roaming is the best option. But if you want to do something unusual you can't expect it to work well in a pub with random people. Most people have practiced simple 2-1-2 lanes in nearly every game they have played. If you do something else you are likely to lose just because you have not practiced it and can't coordinate it right.

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              Have a cow

                Most people know only meta and unusual tactics for them - madness, just because they cant understand it

                Dire Wolf

                  The game is played the way it is because it's a team game that requires everyone to work together and to do this you all need to implement the same strategy at a basic level. As an example, a 5 man push strat can work, but in a pub there is not enough time to discuss this beforehand and pick the proper heroes to do it. So everyone assumes 212 lanes, a tri lane or a jungle with an offlane will work, depending on hero picks. It's basically a template that people can follow. There's nothing wrong with changing things up but you need to get a group to do so.

                  For example this game was played pretty differently than most I encounter.
                  Every player on the opposing team had a disable. They assumed (correctly) that we would tri lane safe lane with AM, disruptor, ES and countered with shadow demon, bane and luna. 3 ranged with 3 disables crapped all over our trilane. Then they rotated luna bottom for farm and centaur up top for kills (even more disable!), when AM rotated bottom into a 212 they adjusted and sent bane back bottom. Basically they had very fluid lanes, while luna was a carry they played like a 5 man ganking team, completely wrecked us cus we weren't prepared to handle it. If they had just gone 212, not as aggressive, we probably would've won having more late carry, but it never went late.

                  beast player

                    the way it's played it shte most efficient way, u don't want to have quad lanes cuz whos gnna farm there and they' dnever get experience

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      I can see what you're saying. Take Alchemist for example, 800+ gpm hero and he goes support role. Sure his stun is like 1000+ range but man having red boots and tangos 20-30 mintues in is just shameful. Considering pro players like Hao and Mushi can get 6 slottedy by 20 mintues in.

                      I'm not a big fan of tri-lanes and roaming supports. On paper they are good but will never beat a solid 3 core lineup. IMO tri-lane was jut a noob way for weaker opponents to have a hands up on stronger players, that's it. If they die 2-3 times in trilane it has failed so there's a big ristk/reward if they succeed or fail.

                      The 4 protect one is pretty stupid too. late game they can just 4v1 him and then wipe out the supports later. Or pick up 2-3 supports then kill the carry.


                        The reason quad-lanes aren't used is because though they could take out just about any enemy lane early on, each player would only be getting half the experience they would in a dual lane and 1/4 they would as a solo, so it takes them forever to level up, and you abandon both the jungle and a lane.


                          I mean I feel there might be other ways of doing things but I never see it or here it talked about.

                          What if they did like, a trilane 1 carry 2 disablers and mid as a disabler that is commonly in a trilane. The mid gets lvl 4-5 or 6 and then switches with a support in the trilane and then the mid is pulling for the trilane or harassing and they switch. Or maybe a support like IO and Es mid. They block the creeps and sent them to the ancients on the radiant side and thats their experience while mid farms. There are some weird things that could be done, it just seems weird when dota is kind of played the same way and then the expected happens. Oh you went to far mid and the top lane rotated mid and killed you and gave first blood, its okay go again.

                          Maybe seeing more stuff like Gyro,sniper, or Sb support. Or even doing a trilane aggro support lane, a jungler, and the hard carry like spectre or antimage mid. I dont see these things often but would they be stupid?

                          Dire Wolf

                            Well what qualifies a player as support? Do they buy wards? Cus sniper and gyro need items to be effective.

                            You can put whoever you want mid, they might not get farm but they should get levels. That's why a lot of heroes are sorta popular mid despite not seeming like good options like dragon knight, brew master. It's all about getting to lvl 6 for ult.

                            And stuff does happen. I had an axe keep cutting my safe lane the other day, not a tactic I'd seen before. We ended up having to hug our tower and dying when they dived us anyway.

                            The other thing to keep in mind though, first blood is a nice chunk of gold but after that killing a lvl 2 or 3 hero doesn't give you that much gold or xp, it's not worth missing a bunch of last hits to do so, and the enemy hero resurrects so quickly that low they can just tp back to lane and not be that far behind. That's why mids rarely gank before 6, it's just not worth leaving lane for a low lvl kill. So even though you could put 4 in a lane to get a first blood and then rotate into a 212 or similar it still might not be worth it.


                              Because after ~13 years of the game existing, it was figured that people with strong right clicks with items can carry their team with farm while people with spells dont need farm so they can support, making plans easier to produce and winning a more reachable goal. People who don't know what a carry and support is will lose to a team who know all roles.


                                Stat gain and steroid spells.


                                  @ HǣL

                                  I once played against anti-mage mid and it was quite effective, I was mid and thought I would screw him big time but he just came for last hits and teleport back. I don't remember which mid I had but I remember losing the games, he got lot of runes with his second spell; I didnt killed him and he didn't killed me but he got decent farm.

                                  And sometimes I play Sven mid, it's quite good vs others mid melee. I played Spirit Breaker mid too, quite effective against any others hero, you play it like pudge except you don't need bottle it's better to rush threads. Now it's not effective as before as SB has so bad attack speed early.

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                                  Oh Shit Waddup

                                    There was one game where i tried a 5 man pushing strat with a 5 stack. We picked KOTL of the light, enigma, venomancer, leshrac and prophet ofc. got the level 1 rosh with no dramas and 5 manned down all of their outer towers by 6-8 minutes not sure exactly anymore but it was recidulous. anyway long story short we nearly lost because we had no physical dps besides prophet vs a naix lone druid and a good pudge, but with our huge push and all 5 necro books ofc we ended up getting mega creeps and winning.

                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!