General Discussion

General Discussionmicroing naga siren

microing naga siren in General Discussion

    I googled it and didn't find anything really useful
    My doubt is: how can I bind a different hotkey for each Naga illusion? I know Arteezy does it somehow
    For example: F1 for main Naga, F2 for illusion 1, F3 for illusion 2, F4 for illusion 3


      They reset every time you summon new illusions, unfortunately. I believe he a technique called cloning, see


        Yeah, exactly. F2 goes to dead illusion after I summon new one. It's impossible to do this kind of binding? Deselecting illusions every time I summon them is very annoying. I'm pretty sure Arteezy has some kind of hotkey for this situation




            I use ctrl + 2 on forge spirits whenever I summon them and also ctrl+ 2 on my Illusions on manta/Rune and also on familiars of Visage
            Every time I resummon or remanta I just tap 2 and they are already auto selected.

            I don't know if that works on Naga

            edit : Try ctrl + 2/3/4 for Naga's Illusions try if that works

            Bu yorum düzenlendi

              There's a starcraft 2 way of doing it that actually works in dota 2 as well Basically select all your units and shift left click the amount of illusions you want to go farm in an area and right click to move the rest away. Now if you're talking about microing in battle I would recommend creating specific hot-keys for each and every unit you wish to use (yes its hard).


                he set new group everytime he makes illusion
                those dota 2 players so sad..


                  well that's annoying


                    Best way = cloning.


                      just selects and re selects.
                      had to find a way to bind meepo for f1/f2/f3 as well. annoying interface.

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