General Discussion

General Discussion"Does it not piss you off" thread

"Does it not piss you off" thread in General Discussion

    Does it not piss you off when you random and get a hero you don't even play then do better than the whole team but end up losing?

    Сука Spirit

      when someone picks a hero you're about to pick and sucks hairy donkey balls


        Does it not piss you off when you random a carry first, then the next four idiots pick carries, so you're forced to repick and support so that there's a glimmer of hope?

        Ples Mercy

          last pick ends up being a randomed Faceless void.

          Bu yorum düzenlendi

            When someone randoms a hero you can play, and asks if anyone wants it.. and you respond yes, and they tell you to random, and then they repick saying they cant play the hero you randomed ._.


              When most people's most played hero is pudge.

              one and half gun

                randoming should be disabled if 2 heroes have been picked in the team

                Dire Wolf

                  when last pick is an intentional nature's prophet when we need lane support and you end up offlaning a solo carry like anti mage or some terrible off laner.


                    When someone blames you for something outside of your control.

                    When someone expects you to die with them.

                    When someone uses the excuse "but they stunned me" - only that happened 8 seconds after being told to "back".

                    When people don't realize you can look at an ally hero's item and spell cooldowns (i.e. Why didn't you stun? - look for yourself retard)

                    When people don't call mia but expect mia calls.

                    When people whine about no mia calls but mia calls were already given, perhaps several times.

                    When people rage quit/throw/feed the game because of picks they don't like, or heroes they didn't get to play.

                    When people report/threaten to report, over every little thing.

                    When people suck at last hitting, fail own their own accord, and then cry when you decide that they've displayed they're not good enough to make good use of the potential farm. (i.e. you out cs them)

                    When you help people despite their rude and ungrateful attitude, yet they continue to blame the entirety of the loss on you with absolute refusal on any accountability AKA sore loser.

                    Oh, the list could go on.

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      picks TB.. get's rekd safelane top. Goes 1-7... carries game with rat dota taking 2 rax ends up 8-10.


                        When the enemy team picks Axe and sits behind my T1 safelane.


                          randoming heroes in ranked.. play ur best heroes, if ur hero pool is larger than 10 ur probably bad

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!