General Discussion

General DiscussionUpdate 6.80

Update 6.80 in General Discussion

    ^ you might have to actually acknoledge the harrass now instead of being all like 'oh is the support attacking me? I didnt notice'


      Terrorblade is new worst hero in the game?

      Jorges Sanz

        ooo hahaha new mode ability draft will be fucking sexciting. time for rape


          Poor Brood, the only nerf she needed was being slowed instead of getting extra MS when phasing trees and terrain.

          And they keep making cute little CM dumber and dumber, what's up with that?


            finally less dumber death prophet player

            Quick maffs

              Ok so we are never going to see brood on pubs again, oh well.


                yayy !! ;D that hero was never meant to be played anyway.

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                Victor Wembenyama - Ede

                  not gonna miss her


                    xan up
                    arka down


                      hahaha :D
                      I feel some rivalry! love it

                      I can just imagine broodplayers escaping the in the woods and enemy suddenly gets vision and you are being stuck and your just like fuck.jpg
                      I agree with not completely remove it but to slow her down or lose the perks of the net while being in unpassable terrain... oh well


                        Even more range for Sniper? What's the point if he's going to feed 10 times before maxing it? Come on, the only thing Sniper needs right now is making Headshot's ministun proc against BKB.

                        amigo pool

                          Cool, now I'll be flamed for picking Tinker

                          amigo pool

                            That aghs upgrade was my suggestion btw, but of course with more acceptable values


                              some nice changes overall, too many buffs as usual tho.

                              but w/e, as long as mah meepo gets love icefraud gets away with it.

                              Ples Mercy

                                Oh meepo got some love =D


                                  WOOOOW that patch awesome !


                                    1000 movement speed while in chrono D:

                                    Sup m8

                                      Tinker aghs kinda disappointing. I think a good aghs upgrade would be reduce rearm cost, but oh well. 4 rockets is still cool :D

                                      game is bad

                                        As an ES picker, I welcome the change.

                                        Only reason why I pick ES is because I don't want some other faggot choosing it.


                                          Sunder is no longer partially blocked by Magic Immunity

                                          gonna using this hero forever lolz


                                            New core items for brood: blink or Fstaff

                                            Jorges Sanz

                                              Don't think blink/fstaff is absolutely core since pathing nerf for bm only applies if you have actual vision. Assuming pathing toggle is instant, it is still easy to just juke around trees to get the free pathing back...

                                              Nerf just gave more hero counters outside of the usual

                                              1. Heroes with flying vision
                                              2. Spectre?
                                              3. Static link (with truesight)
                                              4. Static Remnant
                                              5. Any Projectile Spell that provides vision (with truesight)


                                                The best update will be still that you can share wards.


                                                  The Void buff is overrated. He's still shit without 30 mins of farm. He still needs a defensive trilane which isn't all that efficient in this patch.


                                                    Crystal Mayden got nerfed... lol.

                                                    Anyone tried the Lion Ulti? It hits units in AOE now? 0_o


                                                      ^ All it will mean is less ward & courier buying from pub Lions.

                                                      Bone Chilling

                                                        magnus+am+lion ults = insta gg xD

                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                          @Lord Gaben How didn't you possibly mention Track? That shit is brutal vs Brood now.

                                                          Jorges Sanz

                                                            I did say hero counters outside of the usual... which is why I didn't include track or amp dmg. Anyway point taken, brood is easier to lockdown now with truesight and vision.

                                                            Retard Security Detail

                                                              Bottle usable on allies. ( nice, dont have to worry about getting it back in pubs)

                                                              Shadow Amulet usable on allies.( dunno about this one)

                                                              But the Wraith Knight death got alot more useful, 75% slow for 5 secs. Mix that with a sustained aoe like Witch Doctor ward and shit gets ugly.

                                                              Necronomicon got nerfed, lower armor, higher cd, higher bounty. Guess they noticed the 5 man necro strat people been using.

                                                              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                Fuck... RYLAI.... This is why we cant have nice things.


                                                                  @RM LORDY yep.. unfortunately i can already feel the flow of players rushing Aggas to get this AOE and screwing the game for their teams... :(

                                                                  Terrorblade looks interesting tho.. those ilusions and sunder ability.. i'm kinda curious how he'd work out with an armlet at mid game and late game with a manta... or a Skadi

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                    Any good tinker player can tell me if aghs is going to be good ? everytime i think about it i just think that hex or shivas or even dagon is better.


                                                                      for defending base? sure is good.

                                                                      and at the poster above, manta is a great item on tb as it allows you to clone your range form.
                                                                      tb is gonna be a great safe lane carry.


                                                                        I can't wait to play the new Mortred! :D


                                                                          Yes, Dorkly, it's going to be good.


                                                                            I'm not quite sure I understand the Nyx buff.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              What about drow's new knockback?


                                                                                what about it?


                                                                                  sven now starts with 5 armor
                                                                                  warcry gives +16 armor
                                                                                  literally taking no damage
                                                                                  no damage
                                                                                  no damage

                                                                                  Bone Chilling

                                                                                    ^ max warcry by lvl 9 and get medalion :D


                                                                                      Earth spirit just got ruined. For the non earth spirit players I'll break it down.

                                                                                      The reason earth spirit is so effective, is because of his initiation combo.

                                                                                      1.Drop stone
                                                                                      2.Pull stone, stun target
                                                                                      3.Roll into target while stone is coming to you
                                                                                      4. Either kick back target to group, or drop stone and kick it while in group to silence multiple targets after ulting.

                                                                                      Now the pull silences, and the stone kick stuns. Thus, breaking his combo.

                                                                                      You could maybe stun the target with a well placed stone kick, then roll into the target, but then what lol, or you could roll into the target without the stun to try to kick him, but you won't have control over where you kick him because he will be moving the entire time.

                                                                                      They made the skill cap for combo's WAY higher, and the effects of the combo's for initiating next to worthless. I'll definitely be transitioning to a new hero lol.

                                                                                      I think earth spirit needed a nerf for pro competitive play, but this is a nerf batting to near death lol, only time you will see earth spirit now is maybe the occasional random, if they don't repick :P


                                                                                        RIP earth spirit, you were a fun hero while it lasted lol.

                                                                                        Maaaaybe if they give him better scaling, or make him a viable carry he might be mediocre eventually, but as it stands now, he is squishy as f00k, his whole playstyle revolved around getting in, setting up team mates for the win, and getting out hopefully without dying.

                                                                                        Now he can only get in, not really do anything, and die.... lol.


                                                                                          Earth spirit nerf, in the simplest comparison is basically....

                                                                                          They made pudge's hook silence, instead of pull. That's basically the effect this nerf will have on the hero.

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            I mean what do people think about drow's knockback? Gimmick that wont' change anything or cool ability? I think the silence was fine, but mini knockback plus frosty arrows might lead to some big ganks.

                                                                                            one and half gun

                                                                                              drow needed the kn ockback to cancel tps and shit, why can sniper do mini bashes but drow cant

                                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                                Idk can't you kick a stone into someone to stun, then roll into them? Won't that have the same exact effect as before? I think it's just much easier to dodge now.

                                                                                                The replay ability looks really cool.


                                                                                                  "Idk can't you kick a stone into someone to stun, then roll into them? Won't that have the same exact effect as before? "

                                                                                                  No it won't, because your kick will be on cool down after you roll into them, leaving you beside them. What made earth spirit so OP was his ability to kick enemies into his team mates, who actually do damage.

                                                                                                  Earth spirit is squishy, and doesn't do much DPS once mid game rolls around. They literally nerf batted him into picked as often as beastmaster and IO territory, maybe even past that haha.


                                                                                                    I mean there will still be things you can do, like get a blink dagger to blink in behind people and kick them into your team kind of like magnus, but then you will need a force staff as well to be able to get away from the enemy team. He'll still be able to do stuff in the game, he just isn't really a viable pick anymore. Puck, magnus, batrider are definitely back on top as initiators again.

                                                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!