General Discussion

General DiscussionSup with Legion Commander midas?!

Sup with Legion Commander midas?! in General Discussion

    Cmon ppl why d fuck 90% ppl even at 5k mmr where I play still buy fucking useless midas on Legion Commander is most shity useless item you can get on that hero,holy fucking crap............. when will ppl learn that phase/treads and dagger is better than be useless whole game with fucking midas.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      cause every hero that jungles must go midas, right?


        Yap ofc lifestealer and enchentres even more worse

        Everyone loves Chibi

          Well, depends of what you want. If you want to fight more mid/late game, then you go Midas, else you go quick combat items like treads/armlet/dagger or SB.


            Thats why you have 47% win rate cos your decision making for commander is still midas.


              Legion Commander is early hero which don`t need to farm. He need to fight whole game and win duels from early game to late all the time.If you farm with legion and don`t use your duels at start is such a waste and fail.


                Welll before using your Duel you actually need some farm ( not in jungle tho i'm personally against LC in jungle on pubs ) .. otherwise you are useless as shit and a good source for amassing bonus dmg.


                  enchantress having early levels is really good

                  lc doesnt really scale much with levels he needs to win duels and items


                    Man I just played with one of those last night.

                    3.3k HD in a 40 minute game. Pretty much won 4v5.


                      gotta agree with boganodota, midas on legion makes the whole hero pointless.

                      min10 u have either sb first item and start dueling frm that or dagger even sooner and snowball.
                      buying midas makes the hero useless when he have to rape ppl very fast, lc is not bad its just ppl that dunno how to play with


                        And yea, just need to snowball early with LC. Just need to think of every won duel is 2 punch daggers or half a claymore (~800 gold/duel) is way more than afk jungling.


                          My item build is Phase/drums/dagger/blaidmail/Ac etc. whatever next, most usually I build that, I don`t anymore go shadow blade dagger is much better in last 7 games I won 5 with that build. Its much better than treads shadowblade or whatever , shadowblade is ez to counter with wards and dusts and dagger you rly can`t counter like that and also is faster to buy.

                          Everyone loves Chibi

                            "Thats why you have 47% win rate cos your decision making for commander is still midas." - said by a Brood and Slark abuser :) You would probably have 47.5% winrate too, if you didnt play those 2.

                            Anyway - you probably have a point on getting that early moment with LC and snowball from there. It's way better to get a Blink instead of Midas of course. But if game goes late game, why not.

                            jess the goat

                              The good thing about shadowblade is that you get 30 dmg and attack speed, which is crucial early game if u only have treads blink you dont do much damage.


                                Blink over shadow blade for sure. Don't even consider midas. As I mentioned earlier, you want to get ahead via duels and not items. Get your blink asap, and impact the game quickly as possible. Obviously LC won't have the damage to do it by herself, so make sure you got 1-2 friends to help guarantee the kill.


                                  its fine if u can get midas under 5 mins, otherwise no point on lc

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    nope midas is awful on LC because you delay your blink dagger/shadow blade and you delay your duel dmg and you slow down his snowball


                                      the whole "midas in 5 minutes" is almost impossible now without hero kills or specific heroes due to the increase in the cost of the recipe.

                                      Ples Mercy

                                        LC is a ganking hero which only needs to stack ult, she needs to get items like blink / threads etc. otherwise its like building midas on bh.

                                        anyone else who thinks that midas on LC is a good idea, pls uninstall this game.

                                        Sōu ka

                                          why do people think heroes dont need farm
                                          thats so dumb
                                          if you can run around the map and get kills of duel cd then your gonna win the game with lc
                                          there are games where you cant just do that
                                          and if you cant get kills you farm
                                          theres actually great value in being off the map with lc


                                            Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion
                                            Ofc need to farm but also to kill and fight,its fucking pub and 6.79 version and is not chinese dota cm mode where all ppl farm till min 30 or 40. its like 5% pub games where is not much kills till min 20 or so.

                                            HSziN ✪

                                              Midas is not good for LC. End of story.


                                                ^ + 1

                                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                  Faster shadowblade & deadalus


                                                    @HsziN ;) [#holyshit] Midas is not good for LC (outside of trench tier). End of story. [FIXED]


                                                      i like lc alot one of my favs right now, pitty she is not in cm.
                                                      Midas - like many of you said totaly useless. theres no point in getting the item just doesnt flow with this hero.
                                                      Jungling - never. althou i never tryed but when autopickers take her dindt see her win in jungle.
                                                      Duelists - those that go to jungle tend to duel on every cooldow and the best is that they duel when 3 againts 1 and they think that duel will magicaly save them...

                                                      My build - i have a small variation but i like to go mid with it or offlane becuse i can heal and hard carry should go safe. first item i get i the blade its just so much easier to get last hits, ofcourse if yur god of last hits you can skip it :) then i go phase asap and armlet and by that time you should have won a duel already i think then just roam tp and duel loners. then ofcourse blink dagger its in many ways superior to shadow blade just if you play againts decent team shadow blade wont do a thing for you. but blink is another thing :) i tend to skip armlet ir enemy has aglity carys and squishy support then the armlet is a waste imho. and after that it goes stadart i think for all right clickers: hyperstone, crystalis, basher, upgr to AC or the thunder hammer which you prefer, upgr crystlis, upgr basher.
                                                      Thats just my build and i have quite a succes i think 69% win rate with her.



                                                        I honestly don't see midas a a good pick up on any hero at this point. Well, Invoker really needs it, but apart from him, it is a waste of 2k gold for an item that pretty much gives nothing. Too sad a lot of people don't realise it..


                                                          @kawaisock Broodmother midas pretty strong ;)

                                                          Rush Dagger, No Boots => Get a kill on one of the solo heroes once or twice and GG.
                                                          I don't play LC but daggerrush is the way to go. A Fast dagger and gank on my lane has rescued me so many games.

                                                          Generally speaking Treads, Drums, Blademail, BKB, Blink, AC are cores on her but blink first is the way to go, since you need to have impact due to the heroes buildup and duel

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            Why do you build blademail on LC? For magic nukes you get BKB, for physical nukes (Eg crits) most likely the enemy already has bkb, so your blademail does nothing.


                                                              midas is imba u guys r nubs


                                                                Also - crits/evade/some bashes don't work during the duel. Blademail is very situational


                                                                  Hand of Midas is mostly build if you need to catch up with XP or Gold. Its also a good option if the enemies got your rax before 30 min. ( its worth a try, but the game is mostly over at this point )

                                                                  But Midas on LC is shit in high ranked games. If you really need the Xp, just go on lane..

                                                                  Treads -> (Drums, HotD ) -> Blink -> Blade Mail -> AC -> Heart -> Satanic

                                                                  is the way to go ( Theoretically you just have to go for HP/Armor/Regen/Resistance on her )


                                                                    I generally agree with the Items suggested here. I havent played her alot and must admit i failed the most time. But i want to play her more often now and agree that u dont need Midas, i have often LCs in my team that go Midas first and are useless for the first 20min. The games end up most with the LC having a 0:11 Score and we lost pretty much 5v4.

                                                                    i also think Blink is > sb by far but i dont really understand the Boots choice.

                                                                    i thought till now, threads are > phase on her, but i also see many ppl going phase. Whats the point here? i thought some stats as well as the ias from threads work great with duel and the flat dmg from phase gets negated pretty much after some won duels as u will get enough flat dmg by winning them.

                                                                    so whats the point here?


                                                                      If you can't initiate/participate in kills early as LC, there is one option and it is not picking LC. It's like building BKB on Phantom lancer or sniper, if you have to do that you would rather pick other heroes.


                                                                        @V4nQz .. no point in the long term, you answered yourself your own question, the bonus dmg you get from phase disapears the moment you get bonus damage ( or as you enter mid game ) , threads are the way to go, more attack speed, the toggle possibility in between agi / str, LC is a threads hero simply put.

                                                                        There's alot of people rushing shadow blade on her, another mistake, get a freaking armlet first, its one of the best items you can get her, Press the attack , overwhelming odds > armlet on > Profit... most teamfights as soon as your oponents see that you have a shadow blade and half a brain they will just place sentry's / carry dust and prepare to be raped because most people use the damn duels in combo with sb exactly at the worst times possible, i'd say blink dagger is the better option in relation to sb ... for more attack speed you can just farm the odd hyperstone and benefit from it because in the end you can always be a bro and bless your team with the aura of an AC.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          MIDAS IS NOT A FARMING ITEM. It's an xp gain item. Midas decreases your early gpm and that has potential to decrease your overall farm. People think because I'm playing a farm dependent hero I should go midas when the opposite is true. Midas is for level dependent heroes.

                                                                          How does midas decrease your early gpm? Well obvious it costs a lot so just to recoup that cost by using midas takes time. But what people can't seem to get through their heads is it delays all your other important items which has the side effect of directly reducing your farm. If you go midas on lifestealer it delays armlet or whatever you build second which means less time farming with those items and more time trying to farm with zero items. Going midas and battlefury on AM is beyond stupid, AM farm takes off exponentially after battlefury so why would you ever delay that? You not only have to recoup the midas farm you have to recoup the gold lost delaying your next item.


                                                                            naw midas on lifesteal is core bro


                                                                              Midas is a waste on lifestealer. Get some decent items instead and get a kill. You'll get way more XP and gold from a kill than sitting in the nerfed jungle with a nerfed midas. 2000 gold for +30 attack speed. You can get a hyperstone for that and build into something useful.