General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp me

Help me in General Discussion

    Hi all, im really mad about this one match and would like to know WTF i could have done differently. I tried to help my team early but pa was just too much, especially since OD got a scepter instead of a hex.( I'm mad because i wait a while to pick my antimage only because i dont want to get bloodseeker'd or somethin. he insta picks pa after i get my antimage; thus im qqing very hard.)

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    Ples Mercy

      mkb on am LoL, you should have went for butterfly.
      As am you dont want to get hit by pa at all.

      also why did you go for abyssal? Kinda needed to stunluck someone like pa...

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        items i see missing : abbysal bash and bkb, pa is useless since u have mkb, all u need to do is blink in, bkb manta, abbyasl bash, gg pa dead u win game

        Ples Mercy

          i do not think u understand pa lategame.

          King of Low Prio

            why would you not get bfury on AM...........


              pushing wasnt our problem, and the reason why antimage sucks is because of people getting battle fury when they could help alot more with other items. basically I was the only one who could kill PA so I kind of had to get a mkb* (OD scepter instead of hex) and i needed heart or else 1 crit would take me down to 1 nuke to kill me. I had to save for buyback plenty of times so that was the reason I couldnt finish certain items. I do agree I needed butterfly but I needed the other items first to be honest if I wanted to help my team in fights vs PA.

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                @blunt because no one else did any damage to her when she had bkb. the insane physical damage resistance she had would have probably given me 0 chance instead a decent chance to kill her.
                @sampson we didnt need to push at all we needed to win a teamfight first as i was the only one who could push anyway and thats dangerous, however i needed the perseverance for the mana regen and health regen for a while.

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                King of Low Prio

                  fast bfury = faster secondary items and the match was almost a hour long.

                  King of Low Prio

                    and no killing heroes is not the objective in dota killing building is, so yes you did need to push.


                      ^ you dont understand why antimage has 40 percent winrate as everyone here has that anyway..I'm looking for a reasonable person. I'm not downplaying anyone but when you think you know everything with average rate its really irritating. maybe watch the match first as they had control of the map not us


                        Fully agree with Sampson.

                        AM is a better push hero than team fight hero. With pretty much Treads/Bfury/Manta/Vlads you can most likely outpush the enemy team. Just push a different lane than the other team is occupying. If one guy comes, you can probably kill him. If multiple people come, blink to trees and tp home.

                        Make the other team decide if they want to base race (which you can probably out push and tp back in time to defend), or tp back to defend, and then try team fight the stragglers.


                          you guys obviously have higher mmr than me, ill try that but it was really dangerous because i didnt have buyback most of the time and they always had tps. Also they had blink tide which I couldnt usually see as we had no control over the map. I kind of felt like i needed to fight pa though because she raped my whole team and i couldnt base race their whole team. Wouldn't hex have been way good here instead of scepter?

                          King of Low Prio

                            Where did I say I know everything? I stated that killing building is the goal of dota. Just because they COULD gank you COULD tp back does not mean you should play like a complete pussy.

                            also please dont turn this into winrate/MM because it has nothing to do with pretty basic AM stuff.(and you would lose in it)


                              Well you have to do something. You say you have no control over the map which sucks. And yeah, if they're 5 barreling down mid lane while top and bot are at your t3's you're kinda screwed. That's when you have to make sure it doesn't get to that point. As AM, you can predict when the 5 man is coming, and preemptively get your creep momentum going in other lanes. Before that, make sure your supports (may or may not be under your control) are warding/counter warding before. A lot of this game is making (group) decisions which will put you in a better position and (hopefully) win.

                              But what are you going to do? Turtle/group as 5, while they get bigger and bigger. At some point you have to take risks to win back the game, or you might as well fountain sit.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                ye the lanes were actually pushed except mid, when 2 of my teammates died by being out of position *no wards* i just have to try harder haha.

                                jess the goat

                                  as am you need early bf, then farm up quick manta and stuff, always keep pushing the lanes and if the enemy team is pushing you fight, other than that just push and they will have to retreat


                                    i mean watch the game, I did everything I(Thought I) [could] do.


                                      1. No Bfury
                                      2. No Bfly
                                      3. No Abyssal
                                      4. No BKB
                                      5. Vengeful Spirit holy shit

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        you are wrong if you think you did everything you could do. Nobody on this website plays perfect games