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Ples Mercy

    well this is the thing though, how can bad players get up to my rating? I mean eznogood is shit and is in his shitbracket, why cant those naps at 4,5k+ be in his shittier aswell?


      4.5k after 3k games isn't something to brag about.

      Ples Mercy

        Why are you talking shittier? Noone cares, u suck. Shut up.

        Everyone loves Chibi

          How can some brainless people play at 4.5k or even higher? I wonder that myself. Probably they had luck with teammates who carried them, i find no other explanation here. Or they are really bad with those particular heroes only. Or maybe mm (mmr) system is broken and it doesnt work like it should - which is sometimes the case for sure.

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          King of Low Prio

            the system has to balance out people who got overvalued BUT some of those people wont play more to get a real MM value.

            Everyone loves Chibi

              Well, that's not the case, at least not here by Blunt.

              King of Low Prio

                the player could be in the process of dropping down. If someone starts at 5500 (got high due to stacking) and their true MM is 3500 they have to lose alot of games before they are where they should be.


                  damn you guys.
                  Why play for MMR and WR? play for the lulz.
                  BTW im not even qualified for MMR lol.


                    Nice lose streak bro. It's seems ur the weak link in your games. I like that game
           good kda

                    Your just in higher bracket than your real skill is.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      ^^ Fuck this guy Eazynogoud. His grammar is terrible and painful to read. He also just seems like a trolling dbag.


                        Well English isn't my native tongue, so yeah my grammar isn't perfect but at least I can speak differents language unlike you.


                          Eh Blunt you complain too much just suck it up and play we all get bad people and bad matches to need to broadcast it to the rest of the world...

                          Low Expectations

                            Only thing I got from this thread was that Blunt is an asshole whos intellectual development got stuck at middle school.
                            I might not be a pro Dota player but I do recognize that there are diffrent ways of playing a hero. I dont doubt you are an excellent dota player which just make me sae. Always thought that once I pass a certain mmr I stop being teamed up with narcissistic douchbags who think they are the bestest playa awah. Oh well, life sucks and then you die.

                            Ples Mercy

                              congratz, you're an another retard. You suck at this game and u think you're smart, yet you're nothing but a stupid cunt who doesn't know shit. Kids these days