General Discussion

General DiscussionThe rage

The rage in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    why do I get insane rage when I pick sniper yet most people seem to not mind when you pick other shit tier heroes........


      Some people get mad when they lose I guess.

      King of Low Prio

        no this is like before the matches even start. Nobody says a word is someone picks pudge or omniknight but when I play sniper they make it sound like sniper = a creep


          sniper is the number one noob hero to play. there are a set of heros i just don't pick. they make my stomach hurt when i see them and rage when team mates pick them. i do not argue a sniper can rape, it's just such a shit-tier hero it's annoying not fun. riki, sniper, drow, lich, to name a few.

          King of Low Prio

            well pudge is on the same level but he seems to dodge the hate.


              pudge is so ugly that no one rage on him because of that


                pudge is the most game impacting hero you can pick. with no farm, you can still get decent kills and win team fights if you do things correctly. these others heros do not come close to what pudge can do. however, if the pudge can't land hooks, that same rage is coming back


                  yuyuke Oh stfu plz. Pudge is so weak at 6.79 you don`t have even have idea how much. Pudge works just vs noobs at some 4k- tier. Pick pudge at my mmr 4.9k and you are just crushed,cos ppl know how to play and don`t eat hooks.

                  King of Low Prio

                    naw pudge is always a shit tier hero


                      you don't get what im saying. a pudge with no farm can still get his team kills. that was my response as to why there is no hate for when pudge gets picked vs other 'noob' heros. oh, and i have over 1000 more games than you and a 15% higher winrate with pudge.


                        also riki. I can not think a third one. maybe pl.


                          wait, did someone actually list LICH as a shit tier hero? ROFL


                            Nah, somebody just said that Lich is boring and not fun. Which I don't agree with, but can understand.


                              Because sniper is a hard carry with no escape, a luck reliant passive, low health, armor, and mana, a nearly worthless Q unless maxed early which makes his core passive abilities weaker, no mobility, low starting damage, no reliable stun, and he calls people wankers.

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                lich can be fun. i like blink on him. he just is often easy to win with and not as much fun.


                                  If you leave before picking a hero it doesn't count on DB nor do I get put in LP.
                                  Teammate picked Sniper? I Alt-F4 everytime with no shame.

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    Because it's as durable as a support.
                                    I love to play it aswell, but it's still a single-target hero who dies easily if he's the primary target.


                                      "pudge is the most game impacting hero you can pick."


                                        make that 66 wat

                                        Low Expectations

                                          Most shit tier hero will always and forever bloodseeker. About sniper, he is slow no escale mekanism he needs insane amount of farm to be useful otherwise he just feeds. I agree that pudge is the most impactful hero is game.
                                          Dont really understand the rage towards Drow ranger, she is the fastest peaking carry if played right can wreck games at lvl 11 with MoM and crystalis (if she has her team backing her up)


                                            Drow comes online faster than Sniper but she has all the same weaknesses. She's as squishy as a support. Easy to punish that pick.


                                              Drow brings more to the table for her TEAM in her aura, And Her AoE silence WHICH I LOVE when people dont get even a single point in by level 7


                                                i picked sniper a few days ago and my team was all like "gg finish fast please" or "report sniper", lol.

                                                the funniest part was that it turned out they were complete garbage and lost the game in 15 minutes

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Are you kidding? Drow has like 10x the utility sniper does. She has aoe silence, dmg buff aura, a devastating slow orb effect and can do insane tower dmg without gobs of farm due to her ultimate. Anyone good with sniper would be even better with drow. My last drow game, farmed shadowblade, other team was pushing mid with death prophet and void but hadnt initiated yet. I shadow blade in and aoe silencer both void and dp, we wipe them cus they can't get either ult off.

                                                  Sniper isn't totally worthless. If your team doesn't gank middle (or whatever lane he is in) and he positions defensively his shortcomings aren't exploited as badly. Early with that headshot proc he can kind of hold his own vs some mids. But there are much better options.


                                                    sniper doesn't bring as much to the table as drow.accepted.
                                                    sniper is a douchebag.accepted.


                                                    sniper carries harder than drow.Period


                                                      I don't blame them, most Sniper pickers suck. Just like Drow, playing Sniper requires excellent map awareness. Absent-mindedly farming in lane will undoubtedly get you killed as anyone with half a brain would keep ganking you for an easy kill. You've got a 61% WR and +4 KDA on him (which is good), but don't expect pubs to look up your stats before judging you.


                                                        I found Drow useful if someone competent plays her and less useless as Sniper in any game... But in my low-tier games (especially when i solo, so even lower MMR), I only see snipers, almost in every game. Yet to see a Drow (picked by anyone but one friend who plays her sometimes.) Can anyone tell me why? Drow aura is useful, silence is useful, peeks early, rly good if played as semi-carry or something. But I can only see snipers. With proper support and noob enemy, you can still win with that hero, but still... Drow even looks better, why pick Sniper? Only reason I can see is in low low low tier, when Drow is already picked...

                                                        Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                          He's not bad hero. Just thing is 90% of the sniper pickers never do cover fire. Or they run away the instant ganks are coming with FULL HP when they can get 2-3 hits in. Also the ones who never spam ULT and standing around with full MANA while one enemy is at 1/2 HP.

                                                          Then there's the ones that make MoM and like have no BKB/Linken vs. a stun/magic heavy team.

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            ........but I like MoM :D

                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              How does sniper carry harder than drow? Cus of headshot procs? His agi stat growth is much better but drow has precision aura. I see them pretty equal.


                                                                Headshot procs are actually underestimated in some lineups. Bara, Enigma, Lesh to name a few. You can stop Bara charging you with a lucky shot, you can stop Enigma channeling Black hole in BkB and with Lesh it just makes it impossible for him to land a stun)

                                                                I remember about 5-6 years ago Sniper was a popular competitive pick) He can still be somewhat good (counters OD mid, if sniper has HG ward and some skill). Can be a nuisance against blink initiation - shrapnel lasts for 9 seconds and has a good AOE + gives vision.

                                                                I remember having a game against [A]dmiralBulldog in pub - he showed some excellent Mid sniper - playing very safe and farming as much as he could, to later destroy our team with some very nice damage.


                                                                  Sniper is potentially far stronger late game and more useful than drow. But mid game drow is clearly more useful and gets higher dps... post level 16, Sniper catches up and passes Drow in carry power. Drow merely has dmg, headshots mini-stun becomes devastating once you get that attack speed up. Against Drow its simple to get bkb, close on her and kill her... her dmg even goes away when you get close. Once bkbs are up Drow has no teamfight contribution but right click. Sniper can still prevent major teamfight spells from being cast correctly despite bkbs.

                                                                  Headshot is extremely powerful late game when sniper has huge range and can attack extremely fast. He can lock down an enemy bkbed carry easily when he reaches maybe 20k networth, something very few other carries can do until they are 6 sloted with an abyssal blade, and something other range carries just can't do.

                                                                  Most sniper players feed because they are bad, not because the hero is weak. Drow is pretty much only good for mid-game push strats in higher level play/competitive play. Sniper is good in a lot more situations. Sniper is also harder to kill than drow.

                                                                  If it comes to a late game right click war sniper vs drow, sniper will win it very easily because drow will be doing so few attacks, getting constantly stunned.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                    Yeah, people really tend to understimate Headshot, despite it having a friggin 40% chance to proc. That's almost half your attacks, get some AS and you can deal a good amount of damage and be hated by whoever he focuses, plus he has his own KS (Kill Secure) tool, something which a lot of carries lack.

                                                                    I'm not sure why he's called such a noob hero...sure, he's easy to use and good to learn the game and the carry role when you are beggining, but he has pretty crappy EHP, kind of low starting damage, needs farm, is slow, has no escape mechanism and is a prime target for ganks to boot...not a hero I would give to a noob.

                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      "He can lock down an enemy bkbed carry easily when he reaches maybe 20k networth"

                                                                      Headshot mini-bash doesnt go through bkb


                                                                        Drow is quite good but you need to play as an asshole, either you will split push and back door, either in team fights you come behind ur team do ur damage and go back as soon as possible.


                                                                          ------- failed double post -----------

                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                            Ah, you are right Dorkly. I failed to remember that change correctly... playing supports to much.

                                                                            "March 14, 2013 Patch
                                                                            - Fixed Headshot's physical damage bonus being blocked by Magic Immunity."

                                                                            I was thinking this made the bash work also. But it doesn't.

                                                                            You still could go MKB, Bfly, Abysal and get plenty of permabash with some going through magic immunity.

                                                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              In my opinion it should go through bkb, dota doesnt make sense sometimes.


                                                                                Sniper is the worst hero in the game. If you won't listen to everyone else at least read that interview with S4 where he said a team can build a draft around any hero and make it work (thus they are all viable)...except Sniper.


                                                                                  Drow and Sniper are VERY DIFFERENT HEROES!

                                                                                  Drow: Semicarry
                                                                                  - Amazing slow
                                                                                  - Long AOE silence
                                                                                  - High damage early on
                                                                                  - Good damage + armor from agi in early + mid game
                                                                                  - Damage aura for team works globally
                                                                                  - Comes online at level 6
                                                                                  - Falls off VERY fast
                                                                                  - Abilities don't go through and are purged by BKB
                                                                                  - Extremely squishy
                                                                                  - Damage, attack speed, and armor mitigated dramatically if an enemy is close to her

                                                                                  Sniper: Hard carry
                                                                                  - Longest range auto attack in dota 2, can outrange towers
                                                                                  - 40% bashrate passively which goes through BKB
                                                                                  - Shrapnel deals damage to buildings
                                                                                  - Has an AOE slow that does some DOT and goes through BKB
                                                                                  - Very long range high damage nuke with extremely small cooldown
                                                                                  - Versatile item build
                                                                                  - Comes online with 1 or 2 damage items
                                                                                  - Squishy
                                                                                  - Low starting damage
                                                                                  - Needs farm