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New Blog Post is here! in General Discussion

    Today I will be discussing Pudge - the most popular hero in the world of Dota 2!

    So, here is the link: Pudge, the Butcher

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      Pudge is hero for retards!


        Childhood trauma indeed :D

        LL Poroksi

          Bloodseeker - viable melee mid options, and you will understand what I am talking about. These heroes tend to have a comparable, if not superior gank potential. Bloodseeker, viable, understand, superior gang. What is this?


            Even though I agree that playing BloodSeeker in a competitive environment as a mid hero is very suboptimal, in a 4.1k MMR and lower he does wonders. Moreover, I would still argue that it is much easier to mid BloodSeeker than to mid Pudge.

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              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                might wanna add a hyperlink on top tab or main page somewhere bro.


                  Yeah, we are working on it. While it is still in the works I have to use forum to promote it.


                    Dotabuff forum manager posts something for the first time. :O


                      Dude if I find u in a game, on my team, picking that 35% winrate Invoker of yours then i should start posting about how useless is that hero?!? I see from time to time people hating on X hero and crying about how OP is the Y hero ENOUGH ALREADY. If u see a pro player picking 10/10 games Pudge and owning u love it but when u play casual games and see pudge pick u rage and cry 1 min before game even starts! Same crap i see with Meepo and as i can see from your stats its not easy for u to play skill based heroes, thats not bad and im not trolling you, ex. cant play Chen and will never do BUT i cant say he is useless.
                      We are not pros here but casual players, with ur logic we should only pick 9-10 players that can rush towers cause thats the goal of the game correct? And any other hero should be considered unreliable right?..
                      Anyway just try one time to offlane pudge-omni with a friend and see if the enemy carry farms anything, u dont even need heal from omni, just repel and slow.
                      Bottom line is stop hating Heroes, players make them what they are