General Discussion

General DiscussionA good free mmorpg to play?

A good free mmorpg to play? in General Discussion
Sugar Show

    A quit dota for a while and Im looking for a multiplayer online rpg.

    King of Low Prio

      go play world of warcraft and become a wizard and slay dragons in the dungeons of mordor


        rf online


          star ward old republic, lord of the ring online or dc universe online


            Path of Exile. (Kinda boring after awhile unless you are into grinding RPGS)
            Lord of the Rings Online. (Actually a really good online RPG to play with friends)
            Ranorok. (Haven't played it in ages but it was the game that made my childhood)
            Elder Scrolls Online (currently in open beta and signup invite)

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              SMITE! Archblade, Terra Rising or LoL.


                I would recommend buying GW2
                Its only about 50$ or 30$ if you want the regular edition and has no monthly fees and is better than WoW or PoE in my opinion

                If you dicide Buy it, choose blackgate as server and ask me for help if you need :)

                WoW private serversare BS dont try them so WoW is not free
                PoE is worse than WoW because everyone look like eachother
                also most free ones are Pay2win so i would not recommend them at all

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  try Aion


                    just wait until they release en ver of blade and soul

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                    Bone Chilling

                      Final Fantasy XIV RRB anyone?:D It has actually became one of the best mmo's I've ever played (and I've probalby played 50+ of those lol)


                        Why is this on a dota forum?

                        Anywhore, Tera is probably the best option, especially now that its free and most of its issues from last year are fixed. Vindictus is also good, but pay to win (nexon game, dont be surprized). If youre casual though, guild wars 2 is absolutely amazing, honestly if it were more suited for hardcore players i might have never quit it for dota


                          Anywhore lol


                            You know it


                              If you are into Collectible Card Games (something like Magic: The Gathering) you could always try Might & Magic: Duel of Champions.

                              It is absolutely free to play, has a nice community and the game itself is really good - complex with a high variability. The artwork on cards is also amazing.

                              I have used it for more than 3 months now as a frustration vent from Dota 2.

                              Woof Woof

                                ^ this duel of champions rly nice game but dont play at night (srs0_)

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  - Path of Exile - if you are looking for hack & slash
                                  - Star Wars The Old Republic - if you are looking for a game with good story

                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                    hm u shud try rusty hearts, not rly a mmorpg like every others, its cooler, less uselses quests aka find 2000 boars and kill em.

                                    i hate every mmorpg but this game was gut

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                    Dire Wolf

                                      guild wars 2 has no subscriptions just buy the base game. Path of exile is like diablo mmorpg, not that fun.


                                        avoid swtor aka tortanic


                                          if anyone interested i sell gw2 key, i dont play it anymore


                                            Oh actually yah, the FF game was quite good.

                                            I will not vouch for Path of Exile or Star Wars cause I played both of those to death and I only lasted cause I enjoy those types of games but even they were iffy.

                                            If you go into your steam games and go to the MMORPG or free to play section you have a lot of great selection there. I would not condone spending money on a game you will probably get really into for 2-3 months then put down forever.

                                            Some of the higher rated games to play are

                                            >DC Online
                                            >LOTR Online
                                            >Final Fantasy Online

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              secret world has no subscription fees and is on sale today on steam. I have heard some good things.

                                              Polkadot Piranha

                                                I'm quite enjoying Warframe right now.

                                                jess the goat

                                                  I stopped playing warframe when it was a grind-fest


                                                    Path of Exile its so fucking good man


                                                      every MMORPG is grind-fest dude.. lol

                                                      jess the goat

                                                        well I mean it just you grinded and the reward just wasnt good, just was not fun anymore, although I have not played it in months, so I know that there is a ton of new stuff in it.

                                                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                          [color=#a918d6]I like this thread. Also, diablo 2.[/color]

                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                            I wouldn't call Diablo 2 a free MMORPG though

                                                            Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                              [color=#a918d6]Who is old enough to use the internet and doesn't have a copy of D2 laying around. X.x[/color]

                                                              Sugar Show

                                                                I've already played long time ago Poe, terra ,rift and DC online this one was the most fun to play but was very short.
                                                                Better still wait for a new RPG from 2014 with good stufs and tits.


                                                                  Runescape LOL

                                                                  The good ol' days


                                                                    EA > Fuzzy Wuzzy "rf online"
                                                                    was fun but dead game. no updates from CCR.
                                                                    well, what i liked about this game was unlike some of what i tried, maps aren't really just split to lowbies and highbies like when you reach certain level, you leave that area and never come back because no reason to.
                                                                    You just try to progress upwards and upwards following a certain path until you reach max lvl. kinda boring way, repetitive monster killing, you just grind to grind more. get better gear to get better gear. well you could pvp but, i feel like it's only for show like epeen stuff.

                                                                    In rf online, your ONLY goal is to pvp, means, you level up, and get better gear, so you can win battles and take advantages. like gaining control of a part of a map where your race could level up, other races wouldn't have access to that part unless they overwhelm you in combat. therefere grinding feels justified, and if you don't feel like grinding, then you can pvp anytime. you have 2/3 of playerbase as enemy(assuming split is equal).

                                                                    Even you're a highbie you could hang out with the lowbies to protect them from pvp.
                                                                    by doing so you could get pvp points depending on the level of the enemy player so it's not just simply for lowbies benefit.
                                                                    enemy players raiding your maps could vary from 1-unlimited depending on how active the server or the players are.
                                                                    There are also cases that enemy players does not target lowbies but the defenders. in which case the enemy player usually has a higher level than that area's defendants.

                                                                    btw, chip war which is race versus race versus race 3 times a day in 1 map. it could mean all you can kill pvp buffet which could last 1-2 hours or undefended lowbies for you to kill.
                                                                    although the chip war was the only source of upgrading materials and was the reason to win the chip war, it kinda lost it's meaning in the ph and in private servers when you can just get them in item shop bundles in ph and monster drops in private servers.

                                                                    well, right now just chilling with Aura Kingdom for a small break from dota 2.
                                                                    I feel sorry for Aura Kingdom's devs coz honestly, I rarely read the quests' dialogue. RF online had little quests, and it only served as a guide to where you should be leveling up.
                                                                    oh btw, in RF online, you could see who the big shots are because of the huge aura the race leader and his council has. though other big shots don't have them but you can see the top ten guilds in guild manager.
                                                                    You could also get to know highbies that protect an area from time to time.

                                                                    tbh rf online was the only mmorpg i didn't drop halfway or 2/3 to max lvl.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                      Go play LoL. doesn't require teamplay like dota. after 20 mintues, just follow around as 5 and stomp.


                                                                        @darkness bitch pls gw2 is worse 60euros spent in my life and i bought alot of useless shit

                                                                        if ur looking for something pvp oriented wow should be ur #1 choice but it gets booring after quite some time atleast 4 me

                                                                        lineage 2 is f2p and pretty good but needs a shit tons of grind before actual pvp fun comes

                                                                        some ppl like aion or tera i personaly thing those 2 are fucking terrible

                                                                        runescape is pretty decent browser based mmo kinda grindy but awesome as it was my first mmo game that i started 11 years ago and its still having pretty big player base

                                                                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                          RF Online was cool, but that resolution 1024x768 is discouraging.


                                                                            Try Dragon Nest, available on steam.

                                                                            We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!