General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for SEA players to play pub games with

Looking for SEA players to play pub games with in General Discussion

    Hey guys, Im looking for SEA players that can party up with me to play some pub games. Although my winrate is really, really low here compare to most of u but I hope to learn more as i play more with u guys instead of random throwers which can be very annoying.

    I can play any role except offlaner, but im trying to focus on playing the carry role lately..

    Please do leave a message ^_^, I really hope to improve more!


      If you aim to improve, don't carry; it's the least skill-dependent role on the team.


        Yea i understand its all about farming and right clicking enemy hero after u get your late game items. But i still have to have some map awareness and also know when to get into the fight instead of rushing in and being the first 1 to die.. Im also interested in the mid lane role (ganker)


          nobody ?? :O

          Sup m8

            I think it would be fun to play with you but I'm not really sure how :/


              plz add me we can play 1700mrr + only


                What do u mean how :O, btw im in sea server..

                Saging of Death

                  Bro based on your stats you aren't really that much of a carry. Nor mid. I agree lots of sea throwers around that server. Try support, you gain skill by being one. Courier wards and smoke are all you need to protect and gank. Ima 4000+ mmr offlaner. I started from support also from a 39% win rate to about 52%. Good luck everyone starts out a noob anyway.

                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!