General Discussion

General DiscussionAnd matchmaking keeps sucking even worse

And matchmaking keeps sucking even worse in General Discussion


      -hg- Cpt. Caveman, so you wanna tell me that if I have friends they have to be good dota players, so the fact I solo queue sometimes prove that I dont have them?

      Wtf, why admins let monkies on this forum...

      PS And ofc this guy is 2 kda trashcan lycan picker.

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        ^^^^^ Your tears are yummy keep it up slurp.


          ^ stacks and cant mantain a 50% winrate after mroe than 1k games :DDDDDDDDDDD

          right now im happy with mm as im getting loads of free wins, lets see a few days from nwo




            So yummy!

            Bu yorum düzenlendi


                Why doesn't my image come up i did it just like melody san said to. Darn.


                  take out the "." in the []

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi

                    Oh hell yeah thanks zenoth you da man! :D


                      Mad kiddos :p

                      "stacks and cant mantain a 50% winrate after mroe than 1k games :DDDDDDDDDDD"


                      I do love to see how you insects are trying to say something here. But no way this means something for me.


                      Bu yorum düzenlendi


                        Not mad I just hate this thread:

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                            i wonder how many pages this thread will last lol


                              relentless i just got a game with like 30 second queue time and it was a lopsided stomp

                     (i played on my other acct)

                              all players in this game are rated 4.5k-5.5k

                              a perfect 5 composite score on the 1-5 scale we discussed in the other thread...rofl. not even 4.6 or 4.8

                              our team somehow just decided to work together from minute 0. it's true longer queue times = higher % of stomps, but low queue time doesn't mean u won't get stomps

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                Yes... the attitude of your teammates and the picks tend to show whether you will win the game or not, regardless of the mmr spread.


                                I had two teammates volunteering for support right after I picked TB, one bought wards+courier and the other bought sentries+smoke. They help secure First Blood on bottom before rotating mid to help get kills and I get an early exp advantage which lets me easily out-lane Bat Rider. The subsequent farm and level advantage lets me get a solo triple kill against a 4-man gank by baiting out Duel on my illusion and I easily snowball to victory.


                                Told my last guy to pick a strong laning support to help the offlane Drow or to roam and help other lanes, but he insisted that "Drow was getting fucked anyway", laughed at my suggestions of Lich or Earthshaker and decided to pick Legion to jungle with. Sure enough, I go 2-0 on a solo safe lane TB but the enemies win their safe and rotate two supports bottom to shut me down, their safe lane Ember easily solo kills Drow with his level and farm advantage, while Puck mid loses to Pudge and blame me for my item choices.

                                The attitude of your teammates at the start makes a big difference. People who behave like assholes, refuse to cooperate, flame/blame their teammates, or head into the jungle to farm once things go south and avoid fights will come out with nice KDAs but lose more games.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  ^ Well, talking about me, I always cared and I do now about the team picks, moves, etc. Did it help me to win anything more than was forced? Not really.


                                    zenoth i'm pretty sure in the second game, you lost cuz ur orange player went mid and drow is just a shitty hero (even worse in offlane). it wasn't just the jungling lc (though that mattered as well)

                                    dear god, PLEASE don't go mid/carry if u suspect ur the lowest rated.

                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                      Vesperia, and how can I know? Idiots from Valve dont allow to check profiles.


                                        Vesperia/Ara Memoraie/etc, what would a game like this be on your scale? It can just take one person that is less experienced with his role/hero for the other team to snowball like crazy.


                                          ^ Lol, Volvo's machine already giving forced to best world players. Gaben is strong.


                                            well that would be a 5 for you. the scale isn't some objective measure, and frankly i don't even know it's 100% legit (seems to work in most cases, with Relentless' typical theorycrafting) but it gives you a rough idea. people who drag the team down should play support or some hero with a low skill cap. i've had some games where i've been matched up with a north american pro, and the orange/brown player takes a carry/mid and fails. it's honestly mind-blowing how dumb some people can be and not realize their own skill levels relative to others. that is the players' fault and not something MM can fix

                                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                              ^ But you shouldn't always get a streak of forced losses after you win, that wouldnt be possible? But here this shit happens constantly.

                                              You won 2-3 times? Expect at least 1 retard.

                                              You won like 5-10 times? 4 0-10 teammates will show you what a forced loss is.

                                              That's it, kiddos.


                                                So ofc to prove my theory.


                                                2 russian idiots afk farming top lane, not even trying to kill leoric, not doing any pulls or ganks. Ofc while enemies are destroying us with constant roaming. These 2 guys from toplane have no clue what they have to do, how the hell they're in the same bracket as we are - 4-5k mmr?

                                                PS You guess kiddos - after a winstreak.

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  such doge, very wauw



                                                    Thrown into 3 garbage players, 3 of them pick carries and ofc cant carry shit. Had to support as qop still newbs die one by one. Ez forced.

                                                    PS I so like these fair games - 60k is our farm, 100k is theirs. Like almost double. Everyone protecting this mm has to be mentally ill.

                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                      who da fuq cares???? QQ???


                                                        ^ Gtfo, retard.


                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                              That's it, kiddos, everyone gtfo
                                                              - inb4 another 11 pages of bullshit and doge

                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                Just had a streak of 5 losses whereby my team really does literally nothing really, people can't even get a 5 man push together


                                                                  Fuck, if I was a butthurted kiddo like you I would have already reported you to the dotabuff admins. But actually watching idiots is pretty
                                                                  funny. :p


                                                                  Another retarded game with vanguard pudge, zero mid, trash potm etc. Volvo knows what 'fair' is.

                                                                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                    I just want to say I'm not the best player in the world nor do I think I am completely noob but need improvements but it does feel like I receive force lose.

                                                           My last few matches today

                                                           (last 3 guys were in a party; sky, sniper, and cent)

                                                                    and my recent match, I guess they were foreigners but they had the last 3 picks. Cent and sniper fed bot throughout the game so I had to give up

                                                                    I'm only at 3.4k mmr but I know I am better than half the people that play. This is my first MOBA and I climb from elo hell (I think I started at 2.2k mmr or 2.4kmmr). I know I still need improvement (I suck ass at last hits unless I mid for some reason lol) but it starts to feel like I receive force lose, most often when I pick a carry that isn't a mid :(.

                                                                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                      ^ Dunno what about 3k mmr, but in 4-5k you're almost always doomed by Volvo idiots to lose if you dont pick support - as idiots dont know what should be done earlygame, dont know what roam is, dont know what map awareness is. But Volvo is generous on giving high raitings to retards - maybe they will buy more hats.


                                                                        Matchmaking is totally fine, I totally haven't lost 14 out of my past 17 or so matches. Very good system.



                                                                          A prertty good fair game where our enemies had like 1% chance to win, I guess.

                                                                          Like the most imbalanced game ever.

                                                                          Hex Sigma

                                                                            whats the deal with doge? i dont get it someone pls explain this to meh
                                                                            on topic

                                                                            source : my post from how to not rage at my team

                                                                            First and foremost stop playing AP. Try CM instead because ap is full of shit(personal experience). IF you want to win and therefore increase your mmr focus on imptoving yourself. Yes it is true that dota is a team game BUT your game impact often matters a lot. Stop following item guides and focus more on the situation. The enemy team got a right click carry? buy eul and/or halberd. I cant stress enough how op is halberd of heaven(4.5 sec disarm) especially coupled with eul and hex. Second of all stop blaming the team. Focus on your mistakes and on your playstyle. Try to ignore their mistakes. Third : learn to play all heroes(or most of em) and all roles. Many times you wont be able to play the role that you play best. Also learning all heroes will benefit you because you will learn their weak points and therefore exploit them. Improve your map awarness. Try to look at the minimap every 5 seconds. Dont expect your team to type ss or mia just be prepared anytime. If the match seems hopeless dont just give up. Try to split push and backdoor. Sometimes i won a match from a late game teamfight. Also dont just pick a good hero and try to stomp with him everygame because you will go up in mmr up to a point(also it is not funny to play the same hero again and again). Try to play your best with every role(15 mins mek with offlaner or 5cs/second with carry or warding and roaming with the support etc.). If you are mad dont insta queu because most of the time you will lose. Try to learn advanced mechanics like stacking pulling dewarding. Dont rambo your way into fights especially if youre the hard carry. Know when to fight and when to farm. ALWAYS CARRY A TP SCROLL PERIOD. 135 g can mean a saved tower or failed gank for the enemy team. Always always always buy detection even though your are the carry. Block te creepwave if you are mid. Initiate when they are retreating but dont go in alone. Dont get cocky if you won dont rage if you lost.


                                                                              I think -ap is fine. Some heroes are really strong but if you play and pick intelligently (don't pick mappo after xin, etc.) it shouldn't be a big problem. Learn how to adapt.

                                                                              Also most terrorblades are trash even though that hero is pretty OP. Same with phoenix. I'm not going to pretend I'm a good TB player but so many people don't know how to utilize that hero to his full potential by spamming image while afking in jungle and last hitting with those images, or clicking towers with meta on when you see the enemy team "5 manning" another lane.

                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                                                Some idiot may even think its a fair game, but carry wr, afk pusher invoker and zero enigma prove the opposite.

                                                                                PS Ofc neither invoker nor wr got hex. Why do we need it. Fucking 3k mmr retards again.

                                                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                                                  Quick maffs

                                                                                    "reported worst slark ru"



                                                                                      ^ Funny to hear it from carry wr, aint it?

                                                                                      Quick maffs

                                                                                        Actually that was invoker



                                                                                          Ty for worthless retard qop mid and viper picker that cant carry shit, matchmaking.

                                                                                          Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                                                                              ^ Go outside kiddo, walk with other kiddos, dont post trash here.

                                                                                              Btw already reported.

                                                                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                                                                                              Sup m8

                                                                                       disruptor on my team 0 25, wasn't even intentional feeding, and called us noob. Funny



                                                                                                    whats wrong with me?
                                                                                                    gonna cry



                                                                                                      Worthless braindead even worse than Zano goes mid and solo loses the game.

                                                                                                      Wp Vulva.