General Discussion

General DiscussionHow exactly is this called RANKED matchmaking?

How exactly is this called RANKED matchmaking? in General Discussion

    MatchID: 447431979

    So I'm on this crazy losing spree, since like a month. I've always had about 20-30 wins > losses and now I'm 10 behind. I'm pretty sad, about it all. Ranked came, was quite happy. Started at 4k party rating, dropped to 3850 and did some solo. Solo was horrible. But in ALL these games, at least there was some teamplay - tactics - a captain etc. You know right? Just being outplayed, you keep going.

    So now my friend accidently queued allpick, and went AFK for the entire game because his food arrived (you cannot described how fucking pissed I was.)

    Just look at this game. Both team are extremely retarded and for some reason I didn't give up and kinda won it. So it's not about the win, it's about retarded people in ranked on 4K MMR

    /rant :( You'll probably just tell me i'm bad etc, and I should go and fuck my sister or something. But hey, first post, letting go of the rage I had this entire game.

    The replay is actually quite funny I believe..

    King of Low Prio

      you have some odd sister fetish.......


        Hell no, ur sister !!
        U won the game, wut is ur point here?
        Players tend to try much much harder in ranked MM, because it is ranked, want to have fun only, and u r not that competitive in nature?
        Go regular MM, it is less filled with tryhards, and u might also feel less tense while playing, if I want to have fun, I go regular MM and try to feed as much as possible, failing everytime, I even played a support kunkka because some clockwerk went as a "support" with me, and took 2 creeps out of the first wave, and ruined 2 in the second wave.

        Play regular MM if u think ranked is too much, or too tense.


          Hello Mapzor,

          Was my explanation bad? Did you watch the game? I'm the tryhard here, matched with some amazing players that didn't communicate, bought refreshers and agha's, no warding for 40 minutes etc. It's not because I was tryharding and won the game that I was happy with it. I was saying I like my losing streak more than getting matched like this.

          King of Low Prio

            it is ranked matches not try hard matches. I could care less about ranked but since more people play it I play it

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