General Discussion

General DiscussionCountering Medusa and Necro

Countering Medusa and Necro in General Discussion

    Hey guys, i'm back again with a new problem (necro and medusa combo)
    Look at my last TA match, i already did everything well. When in mid game my team had a serious problem with necro and medusa combo
    while necro heal his teams, his teams pushing greatly. And when my team want to counter that medusa and necro combo (the other just as bait) ended my team.
    Anyone know how to counter this 2 weird combo? -_-


      nah this combo is not counterable, its like wow cant express how hardcore the combo is with words D:
      im not being sarcastic, at all, i'm not.


        if there are pros on this forum mb they'll help u tho, gl

        LL Poroksi

          Nobody is interested in your 2k MMR matches here, stop seeking attention. Reddit is better place for you


            shut the fuck up poruski.


              who seeking for attention? me or nova? btw are u know how to countering this combo?

              LL Poroksi

                Do you have reading disorde?

                Ples Mercy

                  burst + silence gg wp game is over in 15min


                    The way to counter medusa is not to let the game get to 50 minutes and her have loads of items. Also your late game carry went 3/15 and has the lowest farm on the team. Maybe protect him more next time, or maybe he just sucked so hard that is why you lost

                    Happy :)

                      I think a good place to start would be Lion. If you can drain Medusa's mana then she actually becomes very easy to kill quickly. The main problem when dealing with this combo is that it's very hard to have a drawn out fight because you are constantly losing health and medusa is taking little damage and constantly being healed by necro. Another good hero is Pugna. If a good Nether ward gets put down it can effectively stop necro from spamming heals as effectively and the mana degen is good in a lane vs medusa. Also Pugna lets you decrep necro or medusa once she's out of mana and then kill with magic nukes. Bristle Back could be good because he loves long drawn out engagements and will get tons of quill stacks. This would be even better with a Veng (for minus armor and swaps to pull necro out of position so you can focus him) or Dazzle (great for physical damage as well and can shallow grave someone that necro ults). Other than that heroes like clockwerk, SF, and anyone who can throw out nukes or catch one of the two out of position should work.


                        try play od mid..


                          i'm bad with OD :(
                          that's easy hero but my teams always pick a hero who don't syncro with OD


                            @Weasel wow, that's great advice. But how the other hero you explain (SF, clock) can beat that combo? Do you have any advice items to countering that 2 hero/ability?



                              1. Press R
                              2. Press e on nerco
                              3. Press q on both
                              4. Ez kills with your team


                              1. Buy blink
                              2. Blink in cast icewall
                              3. Emp them
                              4. Profit


                              1. Nightmare 1
                              2. Fiends grip the other
                              3. Ez

                              Bu yorum düzenlendi
                              Happy :)

                                @OUTRIGHT SF, especially once he has Shadow blade and desolator, can easily focus down the Necro by initiating with his ult and then right clicking him to finish. Even if his ult isn't up the -6 armor aura allows your team to right click down both heroes a lot faster. Clock is good because he can use cogs to keep necro out of healing range and can use hook to initiate if either hero gets out of position. Good item counters are Orchid (to silence Necro and stop him from casting then kill him quickly) Force staff (this combos main weakness is that it has no innate mobility or disable so if you just force staff away they usually can't kill anything and you can use it to imitate when they aren't expecting it) Mek is also a good pick up because it helps to sustain your team in long drawn out fights. Other items might be AC (make your team mates harder to kill and theirs easier) Rod of Atos (use this on necro or medusa and both will have to slow down in order to stay together. If they do separate they are easy prey) Medallion (again help you team to burst them down more quickly) and Veil, if you have magic nukes.

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                  1. Buy blink
                                  2. Blink in cast icewall
                                  3. Emp them
                                  4. Profit
                                  why not adding deaf blast and also meteor? for greater damage

                                  1. Nightmare 1
                                  2. Fiends grip the other
                                  3. Ez
                                  Bane ulti can easily interrupted by stunners.

                                  1. His ulti easily countered by BKB


                                    ^wrong, silencer ulti goes through bkb

                                    Also, nobody cares about how you lost one match to one shitty combo that is completely reliant on a necro spamming heals. Just burst the fucking necro and kill medushit and get off this forum.

                                    Low Expectations

                                      Skywrath mage is good vs this combo, overall I think Blunt gave the most appropriate answer. Just brust them down early/mid game. So any burst hero u want. And dont go on a farmfest war vs Dusa because if it goes late even 1 fight might cost you the game so go with a early peaking carry (Drow, Juggernaut etc)


                                        Keeper of the light.

                                        Quick maffs

                                          "i'm bad with OD :(
                                          that's easy hero but my teams always pick a hero who don't syncro with OD"

                                          All heroes syncro with OD

                                          every situation is a good OD situation.


                                            Don't let them get farmed. Both are very easily taken care of as long as they have no items. Pretty much any combo of X and Y hero can be uncounterable if they are farmed.

                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                              lion & AM is pretty good. You basically ult medusa in team push before 15 mintues in. If she is greedy she will max split arrow & that snake coil. So Lion comes in ults and stuns.. AM blinks in and mana burns. follow by hex from lion. Same thing with Necro. AM harass lion disables. If necro baits to medusa just back out. Medusa isn't really good til 40-50 minutes. So if they push as 5 early she will be behind in farm.

                                              Lina/Lion or Lion/Rhasta combo works too. For lina/lina.. double ult medusa, dragon flare and impale follow up by stun then hex. Just keep in mind u gotta nuke either necro or medusa right away. Rhasta a bit harder cuz you'll have to encricle one of the heroes in the ward.

                                              Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                Gank medusa early or if shes farming ancients just put a ward to block, if shes dewarding, go gank. Dusa is easy to kill early. You are on loe mmr, its even easier, prob no tp from her teammates.

                                                Quick maffs

                                                  Well insane burst damage fucks necro pretty bad, ursa is really good against him because he has no mobility or escape.


                                                    Pick cent, drop ur hp to below 50% and then join fights, do this if u r playing against necro.
                                                    Against Medusa, pick enigma, when she opens her ulti, blink and blackhole :D :D :D


                                                      phew how this thread so fat D; xD? watafaq


                                                        drag game over 50 min against medusa u lost 90% of the time


                                                          am's pretty good counter to that


                                                            Yes, it's mentioned by many people before u. But thanks for ur advice, +rep good commentator


                                                              What..I don't even

                                                              Ples Mercy

                                                                srsly there so many other combos where this is nothing. Tiny + cent, PL + KOTL, bane + mirana(or/and pudge), cm +ck + venge etc. If you already have trouble with that shitty ass scrubcombo, then you wont have a fun time in the 5k mmr brackets, seing that you are rather new it will take a rather long time but oh well.