General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the point of playing in Ranked?

What's the point of playing in Ranked? in General Discussion

    There is no ladder or whatever, whats the fucking point? if you have above 4.5k in rating, why would you play Ranked and risk losing it?

    Saudi Prince

      allegedly you get higher quality play. ALLEGEDLY O.O


        You mean pick Earth Spirit and/or Brood and "win"? ok xdxdXDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDxd


          Still playing with best players in region, some normal dota without retards.. Prolly u are so miserable that u even wont post here with ur original acc.



            Least Played
            Slark 45.45%

            who are you calling miserable? u made a smurf and u failed to get decent winrate, go make a new one


              yeap ofc, i suck with my 55xx rrating, u can check top live games sometimes, or see all those games are always against some navi and other famous players. die in hell wannabe

              Woof Woof

                more ranked players = more people need new mouses, keyboards and monitors regularly they should add survey for ranked games after 50played asking how many keyboards and mouses did you buy lately

                Bu yorum düzenlendi
                EZ MID 9k mmr

                  I don't get it, something to do with rage?


                    are you bragging about your rating on a smurf account with 200 matches where you played half of it on least played?

                    nice main acc bro, is it 3k rating ?

                    you've lost almost every game in ranked which means you dont deserve that "5500" rating, go back to playing on ur main acc fucking smurf.

                    edit: i just realized on ur main acc, u lost almost every ranked match so i guess 3000 is too much for you LOL

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      yea on that is only 4900, where last 50 games are 45 lost, still hide from world


                        "if you have above 4.5k in rating, why would you play Ranked and risk losing it?"
                        If all you care is e-peen, then that's a problem
                        If you can't survive in 4,5k tier, then you're not worthy to be on that tier

                        Woof Woof

                          ^ there are no brackets bro theres no 4.5k tier go check boogis post in mmr thread when he mentions his last ranked game


                            viviviv, i always figured the point of playing dota was to play a video game for fun. I play ranked for the same reason with the added benefit that matches are more serious, less "random", more logical, more harmonious in team play, and hence overall more fun. There is the added benefit of being able to chart my progress.


                              Not to mention the added benefit that there is a decent filter against smurfs (150 games required).


                                to me, you stop being a smurf when u reach 500 matches or somewhere around it, as you can see, a retard like gottaloveya can abuse least played and end up with 5k rating with only 150 matches played

                                Bu yorum düzenlendi


                                  Well, nothing in life is perfect when it deals with uncertainties. The point wasn't that there are not smurf problems but that there are way fewer smurf problems.

                                  As for your observation about gottaloveya:
                                  1.) There is no way to know if that is his smurf. Maybe he just was late to the DotA2 party.
                                  2.) We also don't even know whether he is telling the truth about his rating.
                                  3.) If he truly has that rating, it doesn't mean there is a problem. If he can perform at that level over the last 150 games, he is probably deserving of it. Matchmaking has probably sent him plenty of curve balls (i.e. putting him in lower-skilled matches), and he probably vanquished the opposition effortlessly. Where else but on high would you place him, given that knowledge?


                                    no thats his main account and where would you put someone who abused least played to inflate matchmaking rating? he's winning 40% of his games in ranked


                                      vivivi, it won't be a problem even if he is a lower-skilled player than his rating makes him out to be. His uncertainty is probably high, and he is probably slicing off a solid 60 to 100 points every time he loses badly. But really, this whole discussion is a bit out of place (though I admit I did push the topic). All in all, there is definitely more protections against smurfing in ranked than otherwise - the # of match minimum + the lack of goofy game modes. And that addresses your original question of why. Do you really not agree with the answer?


                                        u mirin? gj vandal u are trying to explain some new stuff to tards :)


                                          Ranked should introduce a ladder and raise the stakes a bit, it should be 500 matches minimum so retards like this fucking filth who abuses least played to lose 70% of his games in Ranked can't fuck up the game for people who actually wanna play solo and win


                                            ranked mode=better players
                                            not so hard to get


                                              Rank definitely has better games.


                                                vivivi my dear fan, here is last game : Hope ur mind is clear now, after i won dendi funnik alone

                                                keep talking about me, i love getting feedback from fans :)
                                                Or i still suck at 56xx rating?

                                                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                                                  Better games. You don't have to be a pro to appreciate a serious game.

                                                  P.S. The word tryhard gets thrown around a lot, but that's just a term invented to mock people who play the game the way its meant to be played.


                                                    Cartographer, the inferior will always take it upon themselves to insult the superior. It's a defense mechanism. If you make good grades, you're a nerd. If you make a lot of money, your priorities are not straight and you must be miserable. If you play a game well, you are a try hard. Rinse and repeat.


                                                      i can't even play ranked :D


                                                        @Vandal You hit the nail on the head mate.


                                                          legion commander shits on brood mother. Just saying.


                                                            sure it does lmao


                                                              You just summarized all the dotabuff threads in here, well said

                                                              I will never understand why ppl need to cheat in a game, where's the fun? Lpq, least played, whats next? god mode ON etc? lol
                                                              I've always found it much more fun to lose a competitive match than to win a stomping one without effort

                                                              also, rating. that's something is very variable and the game itself depends not only on 1 man but on the entire team as when ppl here think themselves as the sole saviors on a match


                                                                The point of playing ranked is to have "more serious" game and when you play unranked game you can relax a bit more.


                                                                  I didn't even read the thread.. I just saw "vivivi" as the OP, and I knew this thread is going to have so many arguments.


                                                                    Inb4 op is a fag

                                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                      Honestly I play ranked cuz that would eliminate 'pot' heads and the casuals from joining. What we would dream as 'club' or 'veteran' dota players. Also will eliminate noobs who 'get offended', cuz "oh new hero" or "never beat AI games yet".


                                                                        Det är ju bättre games, speciellt om du 5 stackar så möter du ofta legit stacks )

                                                                        Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                          It gives you some motivation to improve your skill :)


                                                                            i just my 1st ranked match. cus friends asked me to go and play dat shit. im not really intersted about it at all. so..we went ofc enemy started with random ta mid...(started with bottle (ofc regen for her) and stat items...huge advantage)...but yea. enemy: pugna-ta-tony-cm-venge...
                                                                            my team: i picked invoker mid than friends picked disrupt and slark..sudenly the 2 randoms (russians) picked pudge and ember and fed tony with 5-6kills in 1st 10min...

                                                                            srsly: normal mm is much better... since i know dats my potato bracket and i dont see fuckin idiots there ;s

                                                                            Woof Woof

                                                                              ^ thats because u didnt play enough games mm cant rank you properly until you reach 7000th game

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                       nice Invoker as well bro. Next level.


                                                                                  it doesn't matter what kind of matchmaking you play because you will get these kind of team anyway

                                                                                  Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                    Don't get me wrong I have 3-4 bad matches too. But solely keeping the casuals and noobs out is a plus tho.