General Discussion

General DiscussionHero roles you just can't play.

Hero roles you just can't play. in General Discussion

    Does anyone else have the problem they cannot play certain roles? i've been trying to play alch and lifestealer but i just cannot farm enough on them, although the last 5 alch games i've had terrible laning partners (solo safe lane) as a legion and pudge duoed mid and argued all game, or the game with me and meepo in the same lane wtf?

    but yeah i've come to the conclusion i cannot play these 2 hero's which are carry roles, i get support roles need to ward and help me in lane but it seem's none do whatsoever, yes i knew i'm bad with these 2 hero's but does any-one else have the problem i do?

    inb4 bra sex you suck, yes i do but i'm a casual gamer looking for advice, troll's welcome as i dont really give the attention you will want.

    Edit: it seem's i cannot play many carries, i prefer the genking playstyle or tanking.

    Bu konu düzenlendi

      Absolutely. There are just some heroes that I cannot properly grasp how to effectively play them. Vengeful Spirit and Phantom Assassin are two of them. I get absolutely WRECKED by them. But cannot do anything with them to save my life. HOWEVER, that could also be that I was playing them early in Dota and had no clue how to do a lot of things in the game itself.

      Timbersaw is another I've only played once and blew donkey chunks with.

      Bu yorum düzenlendi

        Yes, i struggle with veng too, but i keep trying my luck with these hero's to grasp them, it doesn't help when you're team feed before you and you cannot see if you are truly improving with them.


          i prefer not to mid. I don't fit the role well. I dont think i'm terrible at it, but i find that most side lanes dont communicate well with me or prepare a lane for a gank. Thats ussually the case, and i do better with communication.

          I rather play a suicide solo lane than mid.


            I think some heroes are just "easier" by design, as well. Like KOTL. Loves me some KOTL. Super easy in regards to his playstyle. I pretty much sit there refill mana and harass the majority of the time.


              I am garbage at hard carrying. I feel the need to join fights way too early and don't have the discipline to just sit there and farm.


                i can play meepo, invoker, pudge, and chen. yet i cant play tiny or wraith king... but my carrying skills are decent with every other carry -.-

                i am cursed

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  My advice would be to just pick a few heroes, in the different roles, you feel comfy with and play them. No one says you have to be a master with all the heroes, don't feel bad about it.

                  Generally I don't really feel comfy with mid lane. I have a few heroes that I think(!!) I am kinda doing okay with (TA, Storm Spirit, Mirana) but I don't farm very well. I don't like hard carrying a lot since it really gets me nervous if the game goes late where making decisions as a carry could be crucial like in these two games that totally left me tired of Dota:


                  I mostly prefer offlaning and supporting since I find it much more entertaining.


                    I'd rather be soloing off-lane vs 3 heroes than mid since I find it easier to know what they'lll do or where they'll come from.

                    As for roles, My most favorite role would be role 4 support, Least would be playing mid or carry. I never really liked pudge,storm,QOP & Invoker & they didn't like me back.

                    Another thing I prefer being the bait since my friends never liked doing it.

                    As for heroes, I like Visage a lot(contrary to being the bait but hey, he was tanky pre-79 patch). Probably the hero I'm most comfortable with. It's like playing 2 heroes in 1 game(50% Visage, 50% familiar). Even if he's dead, familiars are still a threat. Plus it's always fulfilling when you hit x3 chain stun over 4-5 heroes.

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      Yes, i somewhat agree that it's best sticking to a small pool, i just like to try reach out and learn more heros, i prefer tanky hero's such as timber/doom. and i can lane mid quite well with pudge/timber, but i lack the constant farming gain as pudge mid, i try to get out and gank as much as possible but when they play super defensive it's such a xp/gpm waste.

                      At One With The Jack

                        I cannot at all play, witch doctor or shadow shaman yet I can play other squishy supports fine like crystal maiden. I also could never play the really pub stompy heroes very well such as riki, SB, huskar and drow etc.
                        I don't know why.

                        Sexy Vicious

                          Huskar, Bloodseeker, Juggernaut. Queen of pain. Gosh I also suck at jungling, unless im wraith king.


                            I can not play pudge.
                            never understand why hes the most played hero in the game.


                              ^because dondo


                                ^ what is dondo


                                  i can't play many mid heroes well, i either tend to ignore farm and fight all day or passively farm till i get strong and wreck teams, mid requires an equilibrium of both i feel to be effective. and i just can't find that medium


                                    @whoji; would you like to buy a vowel?

                                    Penis Monkey

                                      I'm a fairly poor support, my only decent support is CM and even then I'm below average WR with her (my Lina stats are a lie, I don't play her as a support). Plus, my MMR is quite high (4620 atm) and most of my friends that play with me are a lot worse (3500 range) and so if I'm not carrying or mid it tends to go very badly if I'm playing with them. Solo games I don't trust other people much and I'm NORMALLY let down when I support, although I do in theory know what to do.


                                        I can`t play fucking meepo.


                                          Hard support
                                          Idk i am an aggressive player and being outleveled just doesnt work for me.
                                          I even manage to win the game as supports when i get some farm/levels


                                            I can't pay hard support. Having no items is awful and I play to aggressive to support anyways


                                              ^ that's another thing with me, some people love been hard support, but truth is, i can't wait for the game to finish win or lose if im hard support...

                                              announce tierney



                                                  No one has to be a "hard support" if the team communicates well tho. Especially in a dual support game.

                                                  Let the other support get a crucial item(ex. mek, force staff) while covering for the ward expense then ask him to take over after getting his item so you can get what you need.

                                                  Might be something rare in pubs, but I guess I was lucky it happens to me a lot(maybe because I shoulder everything first?:D).


                                                    ^ yea pretty much this. u dont really need wards too much in pubs at low levels especially for first 10 mins so just pick cm camp jungle get a midas and then u can play full support pretty much.

                                                    and if u like playing aggressive just play soft supports like WR super fun


                                                      Personally if there is only 1 support in my team, i will normally go mec on doom, as it's pretty legit all i ask in return from then is wards in my jungle :3