General Discussion



    Im not saying im the best player on Earth, but my loss streaks get bad.... I play with people and they die once and ragequt. and every time I lose, the enemy riki, clinctz, drow, sniper ,spirit breaker, huskar say commend me noobs.


      stop being a scrub for starts

      Ples Mercy

        started and ended

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          don't smurf, 2. don't complain about solo queue.


            I think people who remake accounts and expect to win while playing pubstomping heroes and then complain when it doesn't work for them are among the worst the community has. This is not to say that you in yourself are a bad player it is just that your perception on what makes a good player is wrong.

            The game has been out long enough for people not to suck entirely at it and you will find people are now more resilient to heroes that were previously deemed as untouchable.

            Take for instance my free win hero Riki. When I was down I used to play the odd game of Riki cause it was just too easy to get that win and drag myself out but now I am finding myself unable to play him as people are becoming more aware of how to counter pick and play such heroes.

            The majority of the heroes you play or either escape heroes or solo pushers. The issue with that is that should you come across an organized group no matter how well you play you will constantly be out pushed due to, again, being a solo play style hero and player.


              no way only you can find friends thats the only way
              valve is shit system maching is fail
              LOL is so much ahead with this thing valve make only items to sell to win money


                Doesn't LoL make heroes to make money?

                Guess what? Games COMPANIES need to make money or they can't make games. Pay for hats or heroes? The choice is yours.


                  You have to stack.

                  But it is important for you to not try to stack with people too far past your level. Having 1-2 players better than you and some players at your level is probably best.

                  My best games are like that. Enough good players that "real" dota is played, but not a full on pro stack that results in you being the weakest link.

                  Find players that want to communicate a lot. Communication and unity can overcome skill without team work.

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                    How to play with better players

                    1. Meet better players
                    2. Invite them to play



                      on the surface. However if you go play with better players and you don't win, they may not wish to play with you again. Dota is a game about winning, and surrounding yourself with winners. I guess drink some mirana tiger blood before you play?


                        Get better. How do you smurf and get less than 90% winrate... I tried smurfing and went 46-0 in my first game


                          You don't have to stack, since you are under 50% winrate you are clearly not very good at this game at all. All you gotta do is learn from your mistakes and pick heroes that snowball hard in pubs.

                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!