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General DiscussionRecruiting > Players for Team (Able to speak English) - EU West/East ...

Recruiting > Players for Team (Able to speak English) - EU West/East Server in General Discussion
Biggest Brother Bear

    Hi, I'm looking to start up a team that would possibly play together one game a day. This is not for professional gaming, rather its for more experience in team games(explains the low commitment of 1 game a day). Regardless if you are comfortable playing roles 1,2,3,4 or 5, do reply here and put down your preferred role(1,2,3,4,5 etc), i'll contact you if interested. Thanks.

    What I'm looking for :
    - Able to speak English
    - Reasonably skilled player
    - Have some knowledge in drafting (not necessary)
    - Work well with team
    - Plays in EU West/East server

    Ples Mercy

      but you suck... So why even bother?

      Biggest Brother Bear

        I dont think you are in a position to say so.


          i need a team but i suck so im not gonna bother :(

          Biggest Brother Bear

            Blunt Fnatic you have 32.1% games in normal, 65.1% games in high and 2.8% in very high bracket. Average of 114.2 cs/game? Not sure who sucks more. Look at the mirror before you talk bro and don't come hating at my post for nothing. I did state "reasonably skilled player" not "skilled player" or "pro"

            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

              add me I don't mind. Except My expectations are HIGHER.


                im just going to mention these:
                -brackets are no longer calculated in pubstats. the information is EXTREMELY outdated
                -if you dont check the solo q option when you solo q your games will not be bracketed since 3 months ago(my games never show up on recent games unless im playing with a friend)
                -cs indicates nothing because people have different number of games played as carries
                -blunt is a troll and post this in every thread

                Bu yorum düzenlendi

                  what did you use to determine blunts games gay bear?

                  Edit: nvm

                  Bu yorum düzenlendi
                  Me mid

                    Gay Bear
                    Im Interested. Add me Or Pm

                    Biggest Brother Bear


                      Captain Pugwash

                        id play

                        Ples Mercy

                          @ Darkness:
                          You're one of the very few people with brain, congratz! (no troll, im srs)

                          @ Gay bear:
                          Acually i am in the position to tell you, that you suck. Suck it.

                          Also ->
                          I play heroes who dont need that much CS to be effective. Also supports dont lasthit bro. Try to use your tiny brain for once.

                          Bu yorum düzenlendi
                          Biggest Brother Bear

                            No you're not in the position. Accept the harsh truth of life that you suck in dota.