General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat heros can be secondary support?

What heros can be secondary support? in General Discussion

    Title says it all im joining another team soon with irl friends and im playing secondary support so im looking for a list of heros who can play secondary support


      by secondary support do you mean a second support in a 2 dual lane, a third support for a tri-lane, or a roaming support? Simply put any item independent support/ganker/stunner or jungler can fill this role.


        I generally divide supports into two categories - support, and hard support. The difference is that the hard support is the less item dependent hero among the two supports in the lineup.

        For example, in a lineup with both CM and ES, CM is less item dependent, and functions as the hard support.
        CM: Observers, sentries, dust
        ES: Couriers, smokes
        This frees up ES to go for his arcane/dagger a lot earlier.


          Ok yeah so can i have a list by chance?


            Blink supports and junglers like enchant/chen (mek)


     has to be jungler srry es confusing for me and dumb question but would Silencer be a good position 4 hero?


                Yes silencer would, Most mek or blink heroes, the hero doesn't have to be a jungler and it depends on the draft.
                Also Visage Rubick Shadowshaman


                  Nice thank u mr.blackbearman just by chance any other examples of heros u can give me


                    Honestly I rarely play support that's about it for my knowledge gl with ur team
                    Oh I guess Elder titan and Earth spirit

                    Bu yorum düzenlendi

                      K thanks anyone else want to add?

                        Yorum silindi
                        Penis Monkey

                          If you're joining a team you probably should already know what heroes can play what roles.

                          But I'll let you in on a little secret, you can play any hero the way you want. Alchemist support for example is not unheard of.


                            Think of it this way, does your hero need items to be effective.

                            >Crystal Maiden, Dazzle, Shadow Shaman, Lich, Lion, Keeper of the Light etc. all do well with tranquils', wand and wards/smoke.

                            >Others like Sand King, Chen, Enigma, Earthshaker, Tidehunter are more effective with items. e.g Chen with Mek, ES with blink.

                            The thing is, along the lines of what was said above you can play almost any hero as a support, carry, ganker or whatever. The lines between the whole position 1-5 are blurred because of the changing meta e.g. what some pro team has done.

                            Not the best example but Doom support but still shows what you can do with just about any hero.

                            Take for example the new god fucking awful midas gaming meta currently, just watch some of the Dreamhack and MLG games to see some good examples of supporting duo's and roaming nukers.

                            Try running a Visage/Crystal or Venomancer/Undying.

                            Bu yorum düzenlendi

                              Alright there is just a few heros im not sure of
                              Can the following heros secondary support or no?
                              And sd
                              Also shaman because 1 person said he was secondary and 1 person said he was hard


                                Omniknight - More of a lane support
                                IO - Not a support per say, more of a carry support e.g. tied to a carry (Gyro, Chaos, Ursa, Tiny)
                                Vengeful - Good in trilanes for minus armor (Wave of Terror/Medallion), better utilized as a secondary.
                                Windranger - Utility support but not so effective in a lane with a carry, better offlane where you can get some farm.
                                Zeus - Hard Nuker, shouldn't be played as a support if you want to be effective though it is possible.
                                Lina - Very versatile supportive hero can play her as you will.
                                Disruptor - Super good in a trilane scenario with the right hero combination.
                                Skywrath - Haven't played loads but kind of needs the mid to get the levels and I feel supporting with him might not be best.
                                Witch Doctor - Combo him with Void, get sceptre = GG can be played as the hard support or utility (Sceptre, Drums, BKB, SB)
                                Necro* - Can carry, Mid, Support, Utility. A really good hero but with no lockdown (apart from ult) tends to be avoided as a pick
                                Warlock - Can decently support/harass with heal and link and does good with farm. No lockdown till 6 so better with levels/farm.
                                Pugna - Effective in teamfights due to ward, can push, harass, and support decently. Would do well as a mid.
                                Leshrac - Good with another stunner and can push lanes, being weak early means some items on him do him well.
                                AA - Hard support, doesn't need items as much as others. Once you are level 6 you don't even need to be around a fight.
                                Shadow Demon - Hard/trilane support. This hero is great but is rarely seen in CM games which is sad. Doesn't need farm to be effective.

                                Shadow Shaman: Versatile so can play whatever you choose.

                                Can trilane with hex/shackle being so useful in locking down heroes.
                                Can be a menace if put Mid and can get farm.
                                Can Aghanims/Refresher to push like no one else can.

                                This is based on my play experience but there is no best method though some are more tried and proven than others.



                                  King of Low Prio

                                    the game meta changes after each tournament learn to play everything if you want to improve


                                      ^ Best advice given in this thread so far.

                                      There's no point in having a support "list", as many heroes are versatile enough to play multiple roles. A good example is how Naga got converted from a hard carry to a support in the current meta.


                                        Actually not so much the case.

                                        What the pro's are able to do doesn't mean that pub gamers can successfully replicate and do as well. I can't play mid heroes for dick but that does not render me ineffective as a player in a game. Sadly most people try and mirror what is successful in a tournament and it usually effects the game for better or worse, that does not mean that long standing ways that heroes are played are rendered useless.

                                        Take for example naga... simply because she can be played as a "lane support" does not render her ineffective as a carry but simply opens up the options for the heroes playstyle.

                                        I do not sincerely believe that you have to play everything to improve. If you are interested in actually putting together a team some people simply do not need to play as a mid or carry if they are supporting or otherwise. An understanding of the heroes is useful but the ability to effectively play any given hero, again does not dictate whether a person can play the game or requires improvement.

                                        There are many examples of people who play only a handful of heroes across a single role but that is all that is needed in team as to do anything else would render the team lackluster without grounded roles or significant exp. in the one.


                                          Mirana still best support all others are lowtrash zapports, specially visage is trash


                                            I see you're trying your hand at Visage :)

                                            Nothing wrong with a little OP

                                            Saudi Prince

                                              I like viper as a secondary support,(But hes not optimal in this role i dont think)

                                              He can hold a mek just fine and then go for an ulti scepter or a linkens to increase surviability and just use him as a counter carry ult the carry and orb him down and hes an exceptional harasser in the lane and can zone out most any enemy hero and is not super Farm dependant if not trying to carry the game

                                              King of Low Prio


                                                playing heroes =/ mastering them

                                                putting yourself into a limited hero pool limits your experience in playing against that hero. Even if you are not a mid player you should know the basics of each mid hero and how they are played and the best and easiest way to learn that is from trying it out. You might not agree with that but if you look at the top players they play lots of heroes in pubs because they understand that while they might not be the best X role adding extra experience can never hurt you as a player only improve it


                                                  >I know more than the basics on every hero but some people were simply not cut out for certain roles.
                                                  >Example from own experience, all my mid heroes suck shit stat wise I tried to muscle through with pudge and invoker but the result was 25% & 43% constantly playing mid won't improve me as some people have a knack for mid and some people don't.
                                                  >I have yet to see a support that impresses me as most go through the motions but are just buying items and doing stuff but aren't really cut out to support properly.

                                                  I do see your point and I do agree completely that, where you can why not get some exp playing other heroes. I just feel imo that it is not always needed to have such an in-depth knowledge or even exp. with all the heroes in DotA2 as it can take attentions away from really focusing on a single roll and perfecting it.

                                                  Jack of all trades master of none.

                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                    I dont mean play every hero and try and master them all I mean to be flexible with your roles and to learn them from experience. I think it is extremely unwise to say I am the 2nd support role and will stay that role forever. People seem to forget that the top players while they have picked a role they like and do well with they have thousands of games playing other roles. For example if you play the #1 role most of the time you can not be watching everything the mid player is doing/understanding where his farm should be etc. A good understanding of what each role is capable of comes from experience and while you can gain some playing against it you will gain more learning for yourself.


                                                      I could never limit myself to one role only.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Pick good lanes. Don't worry about fitting into a specific meta or 12345. Example, you asked about silencer. Very good in lane vs heroes with long cooldowns or mana expensive spells, but he has not stuns and is squishy. He can support or carry. Good pick but it depends on the rest of your team.


                                                          I Like playing Treant as a secondary support. Put him on the hard lane if your playing duel lanes because he is godlike at denying


                                                            Very good anwsers thank u. 1. Yes Visage is a beast ladt match i had 75% physical damage reduction and he nukes.2 im not learning everhero u know how long that would take? 3. Ik doing secobdary because thats kinda wat we need plus i thibk im kinda good with it. Because i cant hard carry for shit, i do alright with mid(im a master with tinker thats the only thing i dont like about playing secondary is that i cant play tinker :( and offlane is meh so yeah

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              you will not get good overnight just play the game and results will come. Limit yourself and you will limit the results.

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Just practice good support heroes in general then, don't worry about pigeonholing into "secondary support." That doesn't really mean anything, just pick what your team needs. Do you need disables? Go crystal maiden. Do you need lane support/fighting right clickers? Try omni. Do you need a nuker with some push? Try shadow shaman. Team fight? Warlock, tide, earthshaker all good.


                                                                  Ok fpr the final 2 heros Bane and veno can ethier of them secondary support?


                                                                    Short answer. Bane no, Veno yes.

                                                                    We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!