General Discussion

General DiscussionIs there any way to tell Valve that the report someone sent against m...

Is there any way to tell Valve that the report someone sent against me should be ignored? in General Discussion

    So I just had a single draft game with horrible team mates (whoa, a shocker!) and this rubick...
    First of all, since it was a single draft game I only got to choose between 3 heroes which in this case were three bad options for me. It happens.

    Given that I didn't want to pick Earth Spirit because it's a new hero and I haven't really practiced playing with it much and my teammates had already picked Naga Siren, Dazzle, Rubick and Silencer I went for Broodmother to mix at least a bit of split pushing/semi-carry into the pot. I won't lie to you, I haven't really played Broodmother other than with bots either but at least I pretty much know how it works and what stuff.

    So anyway, Naga Siren went bot so I headed out to top to which Rubick objects demanding that he and dazzle get to duo top since they're friends (why pick two supports then?!). I was like "you wanna send two supports top and two carries bot? really??". Oh well, maybe they know what they're doing so I went along with it. But what did I expect? Obviously they weren't doing that great.

    Anywho, later in the game when things started going to the enemy teams favor this Rubick started blaming me for not participating in teamfights and telling me to stop "jungling" when I was actually split pushing (he obviously doesn't even know what jungling means). Then he started calling me a noob and threatening to report me. What a joke!
    I'll spare you further details, I'm sure you got the point if you even read this far.

    After the game ended I am absolutely sure that he in fact did report me, to which I was going to report him for blaming our loss on me while he is the one who made the stupid decisions and not even knowing the basics of the game, his hero (I forgot to mention that he showed really poor skills playing as Rubick. He stole random spells from enemies which didn't contribute to the teamfights at all and he used them at the wrong times anyway) and my hero and what I'm supposed to do in the team.

    To my surprise, however, while I was writing the report (I was going into details as well, though not as deep as here) I was suddenly thrown into the Dota main page unable to send in my report...

    Tl;dr: I had stupid noobs for teammates who reported me for their mistakes and ignorance. Can I somehow let Valve know that they shouldn't take action for the report that was sent against me?

    Thank you for your time and sorry, I just needed to get it off my chest.


      tldr ?


        I don't think so. And you shouldn't worry about reports. Worst thing that can happen is you get stuck in low priority for a few days, and that's not all that bad. As long as you bring some friends with you when you queue in low prio you won't get boned by having 4 retarded teammates - which isn't even a guarantee. Good players end up in low priority all the time - bs reports, queueing with friends who got reported, their internet cut out one too many times - so I wouldn't worry about it.


          I also added a tl;dr line to the end of my post.

          Anywho, it turns out that I could finish the report when I went into a new game so this issue is pretty much solved already.

          Edit: Thank you, Heathen, for your reply :)

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